We don't all go..........


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Registered Shopper
Apr 27, 2009
on bloody beach holidays, or cruises !!!! If I hear one more time that a Summer fashion item can be worn over a sodding swim suit, and can be worn from beach to bar, or as a slip over to go to lunch, I'll throw something at the tele !!! Now over a certain age, the only thing I would wear over a swimsuit from beach to bar is trench coat, not having a 20 year old figure to wear all the stuff QVC would have you wear.

And all these layered looks - aka Marla Wynn, look all very well in the studio, but can be very hot to wear - especially the long chiffon 'pieces'. Join have a double layer top, which I bought last year, and have since ditched as its far too warm to wear except in minus 20 deg !!!!
Too true! It's always been the same with 'holiday fashion'.

What I need are wellies, a good waterproof, walking boots and plenty of 'poo bags' (for the hound!)

We are lucky enough to have a holiday lodge which we can use for a few weeks in the year and it has a hot tub. However robes and slippers are provided so all that's needed is a swimming cossie, my current one is BHS so I might just splash out on a new one....
I remember Old Charlie doing Diamonique always going on about wearing it to the cruise and the captain's table or that special event for years.

Now, it's the clothes and the races, cruising etc etc etc. QVC has some really strange ideas about who their real customers are, not the fantasy ones and their fabulous lives of cruising etc.
They don't like the thought of their customers wearing Diamonbleek on package holidays and campsites. They like to think people buy their cut glass to replace their diamonds of similar size so they don't have to risk taking the real thing on holiday were they could be lost or stolen where the truth is, they'll be more likely to be buying it because they can't afford the real thing and pushing their trolley round Asda with their children in tow........and there's nothing wrong with that.
Many a time when I see a lacy polyester number from the likes of Michelle Hope I can see it @ ‘the Captain’s Table’.I know I shouldn’t say that as I not a ‘cruiser’ so what would I know? Apologies to those of you that are each to his/her own but I don’t want to add my presence to the ruining of many a beauty spot’ island or city by offloading far too many people from an oversized cruise ship.Yes I know these places gain from the money they make but I have seen the effect for myself & if I was visiting certain places I would check to see if there were any cruise ship/s likely to be offloading & keep well away.Sorry rant over now back to the clothes!!
You're not wrong Silver Fox. And having been on several cruises over the years, I can testify to what you say. I would say though, that when sailing around the W.Indies, the cruise ships tend to weigh anchor in the less beautiful parts of the islands - thus making tourists pay to go on the tours. Its was noticeable that the island ladies were trying to earn a crust on the quayside with their wares, while the men were propping up the bars !!!

As for 'captains table', on Cunard the 'plebs' in the cheap seats only get to shake the captain's hand; its those in the executive suits who are deigned with the presence of captain and officers - and if you can afford those prices you are hardly likely to be a customer of 'eek on QVC !!!
Wearing special bling for the captain's table? I can't believe you pay all that much for a cruise and you're expected to eat with the crew! :p

(Thanks Onslow!)
I really cannot be bothered taking a full wardrobe of clothes for every occasion when I go on holiday. I take a "capsule wardrobe" of a few tops, a few bottoms, cossie & sarong, undies, flip flops and heels for a posh dinner. I certainly don't buy loads of new clothes for the occasion. Miserable old bag !
I really cannot be bothered taking a full wardrobe of clothes for every occasion when I go on holiday. I take a "capsule wardrobe" of a few tops, a few bottoms, cossie & sarong, undies, flip flops and heels for a posh dinner. I certainly don't buy loads of new clothes for the occasion. Miserable old bag !

Eric’s Mum I have read about people like who can go from beach to exotic dinner with just a tweek of an accessory.Sadly I am not in this league although I have improved over the years.Planning and early packing is a must for me now, no longer sitting on the case to close it hours before the plane.Having the right things with me makes the trip enjoyable, just not as good on the toiletries & cosmetics front!
Eric’s Mum I have read about people like who can go from beach to exotic dinner with just a tweek of an accessory.Sadly I am not in this league although I have improved over the years.Planning and early packing is a must for me now, no longer sitting on the case to close it hours before the plane.Having the right things with me makes the trip enjoyable, just not as good on the toiletries & cosmetics front!

Yes, I have tried to do the versatile minimal packing and ended up feeling grungy and bored!!

I do try to streamline, but still take too many clothes. I just can't predict which items will fall into the top many category until I'm at my destination! I still struggle with toiletries and cosmetics, too.
I`m shocking for over packing. Every year I vow to be more disciplined but every year I fail miserably. Mr Vienna is the opposite and if I didn`t pack his case for him he`d forget to pack even the essentials. Before we married we didn`t live together and I remember our first holiday together so I arrived at his house the day before we were due to fly and asked him had he weighed his case ? He said no and so I decided to check that it wasn`t overweight. I needn`t have bothered, it was as light as a feather and all he`d put in there was about 3 T shirts, 3 pairs of shorts and his sandals. No undies, no smart clothes, no shoes, nothing. We were going to Mauritius for 2 weeks. I had to do a late dash into town to buy him more shorts and T shirts, he`d packed all he had and raid his wardrobe for some smart trousers and shirts for evening plus some undies. To this day I often wonder how he`d have managed if I hadn`t checked his suitcase and as you can imagine his late first wife must have also done his packing for him too.
Many of the QVC clothes are no good for hot holidays as they make you sweat and then stick to you, which is mightily uncomfortable and you end up picking the fabric away from your body. QVC used to do far more cotton clothes but now it's all the stretchy stuff. I always try not to over pack, especially shoes that never get worn, and Mr CC doesn't pack at all. One time we got to our destination and the next morning there he was questioning why he had no clean pants or socks and where was his shaving gear? Men.

I'm a compulsive writer of lists & can't go away for a night without having to do a list & ticking everything off. I've finally got my balance over the amount to take away - much easier as there's just the two of us but I still have to oversee the other half's selection of clothes. I dread losing luggage so split pack rather than have a case for me & one for him; when the girls were little I even put our outfits together in different cases so that we'd co-ordinate, wearing clothes made from curtains from 'Sound of Music'comes to mind!
Many of the QVC clothes are no good for hot holidays as they make you sweat and then stick to you, which is mightily uncomfortable and you end up picking the fabric away from your body. QVC used to do far more cotton clothes but now it's all the stretchy stuff. I always try not to over pack, especially shoes that never get worn, and Mr CC doesn't pack at all. One time we got to our destination and the next morning there he was questioning why he had no clean pants or socks and where was his shaving gear? Men.


Couldnl't agree with you more CC about the 'stretchy' Q clothes, - chiffon and polyester are not the tropics best friend. I stick to cheesecloth and cotton, even linen I find too heavy for some climates. (have recently found Sakka on Amazon who do great summer tops/dresses in cool fabrics)

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