Look Fantastic Day 15 - Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse 10ml!!
Oh! Why so small? :wink: I suppose there are bound to be occasional overlaps.
You won't regret it, it's lovely! :happy:
I do like Rituals. I had kind of forgotten about the brand.
Look Fantastic Day 15 - Nuxe Huile Prodigieuse 10ml!!
Oh! Why so small? :wink: I suppose there are bound to be occasional overlaps.
You won't regret it, it's lovely! :happy:
I've only just opened today's box, I'm so excited to get this. So many people love it. I'm going to try it a couple of weeks before my next hair apt. I've had the same hairdresser for going on 14 years. He knows how my health has been from my hair, he Can tell when I've changed my shampoo too. It will be a good test to hear his opinion on my hair after I've used it a few timesM&S Day 16 is a 40ml tube of Philip Kingsley Elasticizer. £9.50 on the PK website. I've never tried any of his things but I will definitely give this one a go as I think some swear by it. The only thing I'm not keen on is its pre-shampoo application. I have a pot of an Ojon pre-shampoo conditioner and it's been by the bath for donkeys' years because I'm always in a hurry or just forget when I would have time.
M&S Day 16 is a 40ml tube of Philip Kingsley Elasticizer. £9.50 on the PK website. I've never tried any of his things but I will definitely give this one a go as I think some swear by it. The only thing I'm not keen on is its pre-shampoo application. I have a pot of an Ojon pre-shampoo conditioner and it's been by the bath for donkeys' years because I'm always in a hurry or just forget when I would have time.
Look Fantastic Day 16 - Purminerals Impact + Mascara
I've got the Geranium and Neroli Elasticizer, which is gorgeous, but don't use it as often as I might for that very reason. Sometimes I'll do it at the beginning of my bath, and just leave it in for 10-15mins, or else I'll wet my hair down and leave it on for a good hour before washing my hair. I've got a tube of the normal Elasticizer that I got in a beauty box to use, too, so I don't think I'll be needing to buy any more any time soon! Have just started using Kerastase, which is a brand I've been wanting to try for ages. I got the Nutritive Shampoo and Conditioner. The hairdresser could have sold me a gift set, but she was very sweet (unlike most sales assistants, who swiftly smell blood when they start chatting to me and dazzling me with products!) and was honest enough to say she didn't think I really needed the mask. Hair is nice and soft and shiny. Only thing is, she said it works best if you use it continuously, but I normally intersperse whatever I'm using with Body Shop Ginger Anti-Dandruff shampoo, as I can get a bit of an itchy scalp, so will probably need to chop and change as normal.
That's what I shall have to try and remember to do. I'm quite keen to try it so I will make an effort.
A friend of mine (sorry to sound like Jill Franks) swears by Kerastase. We both used to go to a hairdresser that insisted on trying to flog products at the end of every appointment and she gave in more than I did but she's been using the Kerastase ever since so about 20 years! I like to think it does your hair good to keep changing products because I must have used hundreds of different ones in that time!
M&S Day 17 is a 15ml tube of REN Evercalm Global Protection Day Cream. Worth about £9 as the 20ml is £12 in shops.
I think I've tried this before as I got it free with a magazine a couple of years ago? I can't remember if it's any good but REN has a decent reputation, does it not?
I love trying different stuff. I'm not very good at being brand loyal, well not exclusively anyway! Another shampoo and conditioner I tried recently and really loved were the Nexxus Nutritive ones that I got in the QVC "Tili"dull
beauty box. Smelt gorgeous (better than the Kerastase) and left my hair very soft and shiny. I put them on my Christmas list.
M&S Day 19 is a 30ml tube of Pearcy & Reed Wonder Balm, worth £7.20 based on the price of the 75ml tube.
Look Fantastic Day 19 - Balance Me Wonder Eye Cream. Intend to crack straight on with this one, as I don't think my Caudalie Premier Cru eye cream's up to much. I'm ok for wrinkles and can cover any dark circles effectively with makeup, but have a bit of puffiness under my eyes because of health issues, and it's so hard to mask!
It won't surprise you to learn that I also have some of this to try! Haven't done so yet, but have used quite a few of their products, and always liked them.
Mum, Minx is copying me!
I like some of the Balance Me stuff but don't think I've tried the eye cream. Unfortunately some of the creams smell unpleasant to me - I am probably unduly influenced by smells though and may be missing out on some of the best products in the world. I do like their cleansing balm and it smells beautiful!
Look Fantastic Day 20 - Redken One United Multi Benefit hair treatment.
Oh, I'm totally influenced by smells, too. I think it's an important part of the joy of beauty products. I can't use something if I don't like the smell. That sickly, heady Elemis Frangipani had to go back! I like Balance Me's Super Toning Body Polish, the Geranium in it smells lovely.
Eurgh! Elemis Frangipani - agree with you there. I don't like the smell of a few Elemis products actually. Similarly, I have never liked Liz Earle Skin Repair.
Now I love the heady scent.
Looking forward to trying the primer and seeing how it compares to Laura Geller