'not that you have much weight'


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JR's Ego

Registered Shopper
May 19, 2011
Said Marjolein Brugman to Jill Franks on the Pilaties hour

Now Im not one to split hairs, maybe you think I am, but I truly found this comment said by Marjolein Brugman to Jill Franks offensive.
I am slim myself, and more often than not, people, as Jill Franks also experiences, don't give a second thought regarding commenting on ones slimness, yet, if Ms Brugman had referred to lets say, a larger presenters size 'you have a lot of that, anyway' it would not have been acceptable.

So, my question - what the heck is the difference?

Some people say to me in humour 'oh I just want to be a skinny b*tch like you!' And some would say this is a compliment - but personally, I feel quite hurt. Truth is Im very fit and toned and have written many journals for IJSNEM. <-- why did I have to justify my figure here??? :mysmilie_17:

Bottom line is I feel, this was a little bit of a dig at Jill Franks on Brugmans part...and was totally uncalled for
My philosophy is love yourself, love others and accept no matter what the size. Life is about being the best you can be .. and enjoying your life's journey. Happy 2016 everybody

Note to producer - crotch angles during pilaties hours are not good!
note to Brugmann - thin tight lycra becomes see-through when stretched!
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Said Marjolein Brugman to Jill Franks on the Pilaties hour

Now Im not one to split hairs, maybe you think I am, but I truly found this comment said by Marjolein Brugman to Jill Franks offensive.
I am slim myself, and more often than not, people, as Jill Franks also experiences, don't give a second thought regarding commenting on ones slimness, yet, if Ms Brugman had referred to lets say, a larger presenters size 'you have a lot of that, anyway' it would not have been acceptable.

So, my question - what the heck is the difference?

Some people say to me in humour 'oh I just want to be a skinny b*tch like you!' And some would say this is a compliment - but personally, I feel quite hurt. Truth is Im very fit and toned and have written many journals for IJSNEM. <-- why did I have to justify my figure here??? :mysmilie_17:

Bottom line is I feel, this was a little bit of a dig at Jill Franks on Brugmans part...and was totally uncalled for
My philosophy is love yourself, love others and accept no matter what the size. Life is about being the best you can be .. and enjoying your life's journey. Happy 2016 everybody

Why do you even need to ask that question? Of course if Franks was obese MB wouldn't have said: "And you have plenty of weight." But to refer to Franks's light, slender frame in such a way was hardly a dig.
I would give anything to hear those words "you haven't much weight" I really would, I'm not slim or skinny, but I can honestly say I wouldn't take offence at what she said if it were said to me, but we're all different and I would never say that someone shouldn't feel offended by a comment made, that's not my place it's just in this case, I wouldn't be.
Is it just me or is it a bloody odd thing to say regardless. Not that you have any weight to lose. Or not that you have much weight to lose. Both make sense but not that you have much weight doesn't actually make sense unless I'm missing the context.

No one would say any variation of the above to me in a million years but hey ho.
If I were Marjolein I'd have slugged "Honestly" Jill Franks several times through that hour. Everytime Marjolein got going on giving expert information on her product the awful Ms Franks muscled in and talked over the top of her. Usually it was completely unrelated to the story being told making clear, again, that she never listens to anyone but herself. Franks is an absolutely dreadful presenter.
If I were Marjolein I'd have slugged "Honestly" Jill Franks several times through that hour. Everytime Marjolein got going on giving expert information on her product the awful Ms Franks muscled in and talked over the top of her. Usually it was completely unrelated to the story being told making clear, again, that she never listens to anyone but herself. Franks is an absolutely dreadful presenter.

I hate when they talk over each other but JF (and other presenters) probably get prompted in their ear to do so. But why do they have to interrupt really, just to fill the air with noise?
. As someone who is overweight myself l do think there are lots of double standards regarding weight. If someone made comments about a presenter being overweight in the same way that comments have been made about Jill being underweight there would be outrage. I don't quite know what Marjolein was getting at though, she is very slim herself and is a very similar shape to Jill really. I really need to do something about my weight this year, it is getting really bad now but it is hard. Sometimes l would like to go for a power walk but feel like people in cars will drive past and make fun of me. I really have to do something though. I know how much better l feel when l am a few sizes smaller and l also know that eating healthily does make my mind become more positive. Sorry if this is a bit of a rant but l guess l just needed to get a few things off my chest and get my head in the right place.
I found nothing offensive about this comment whatsoever. She was just explaining that, what she meant was, her body weight, not her excessive weight. Okay, perhaps she didn't have to say it but actually doing so, does not reflect badly upon her, and I am sure Jill didn't find it insulting. It is a shopping channel, a light hearted way, for some folks, to pass one's time. The spiteful comments regarding presenters' appearances, personalities, etc., is far more offensive, and unnecessary. But this is a forum and, as such, we are entitled to voice our opinions.
Should JF returned with "at least the (where ever) police don't have mug shots of me Missy

Being on the chunkier side myself I wouldn't be too pleased if someone commented on my size,

Not a fan of JF but even less of Margarine Burgervan
. As someone who is overweight myself l do think there are lots of double standards regarding weight. If someone made comments about a presenter being overweight in the same way that comments have been made about Jill being underweight there would be outrage. I don't quite know what Marjolein was getting at though, she is very slim herself and is a very similar shape to Jill really. I really need to do something about my weight this year, it is getting really bad now but it is hard. Sometimes l would like to go for a power walk but feel like people in cars will drive past and make fun of me. I really have to do something though. I know how much better l feel when l am a few sizes smaller and l also know that eating healthily does make my mind become more positive. Sorry if this is a bit of a rant but l guess l just needed to get a few things off my chest and get my head in the right place.

Don't ever worry about some person driving past in a car that means nothing to you, who'll never impact on your life and you'll never see again. It is hard to lose weight, I'm a size 16 and although that's not huge, I would love to be a size ten. I'm doing excersise at home and changed my diet, I heard once that you don't gain weight over night so don't expect to lose it overnight and that's true, so we've got a long road ahead, so we'll start with one step and eventually we'll get there. I hope it works out for you this year, good luck and take no notice of anyone but yourself.
Don't ever worry about some person driving past in a car that means nothing to you, who'll never impact on your life and you'll never see again. It is hard to lose weight, I'm a size 16 and although that's not huge, I would love to be a size ten. I'm doing excersise at home and changed my diet, I heard once that you don't gain weight over night so don't expect to lose it overnight and that's true, so we've got a long road ahead, so we'll start with one step and eventually we'll get there. I hope it works out for you this year, good luck and take no notice of anyone but yourself.

Thank you so much for this, your kind words mean more than you know! Good luck with your personal goals too Shopaholic and indeed to everyone else on this forum who feels they need to make changes this year!
. As someone who is overweight myself l do think there are lots of double standards regarding weight. If someone made comments about a presenter being overweight in the same way that comments have been made about Jill being underweight there would be outrage. I don't quite know what Marjolein was getting at though, she is very slim herself and is a very similar shape to Jill really. I really need to do something about my weight this year, it is getting really bad now but it is hard. Sometimes l would like to go for a power walk but feel like people in cars will drive past and make fun of me. I really have to do something though. I know how much better l feel when l am a few sizes smaller and l also know that eating healthily does make my mind become more positive. Sorry if this is a bit of a rant but l guess l just needed to get a few things off my chest and get my head in the right place.

Don't let your weight stop you doing anything you want to Whitesnake and least of all losing weight. Go power walking and if anyone laughs, let them laugh. There's nothin funny about wanting to improve your life and your health so they've nothing to criticise you for.

I'm a chubby bird myself. Always have been. Up until a couple of years ago I was very fit but a bad knee injury has scuppered that and my figure hasn't improved for the lack of exercise. I was getting back on track when a bout of illness laid me low again but I'm almost over that now. Not quite enough to hit the gym three times a week as I used to but I'll get there.

Do your best, be the best you can. You deserve nothing less.
Australians can be a bit blunt, and that's all it was really, a bit of bluntness - but these days we are getting so hung up on what's offensive or unacceptable, I wonder if most folk now are so precious and wrapped in cotton wool as a protection against the world ! I have friends who are slender, and get a bit picky when I offer them lunch, as they are 'counting the calories', so I tell them I've seen more fat on a cold chip and that brings them back to reality. When I'm told I'm getting a bit porky, dear Lord I don't get huffy and take offence, I AGREE, but then at 5'8 I left school a size 16, and I'm only a size 20 now at age 67 - so I consider going up 2 dress sizes in 50 years aint that bad.
I plan to drop another dress size this year, and the Bodyblade will be a large part of that, as well as eating healthily, so here goes. I don't know if you've got one, whitesnake, but it does work and I second what tinkerbelle said.

Both Marjolein and Jill Franks look too thin, whereas others are too fat and need to lose weight and would look much better for losing a few pounds. But then again, as Eamonn Holmes said, there are no wrinkles on a balloon, so I guess you pays yer money and takes yer pick, as do we all.

Before the nicer members here pounce on me yet again, if you're on selly telly where you're presenting to the world, expect people to comment on not only what you're presenting, but also the way you present and the way you appear, all of which can influence your sales figures. Was Marjolein right to comment on Jill Franks? No, I don't think it was relevant to her presentation so a bit unprofessional.
I'm sure Jill would be delighted in hearing someone say she didn't have much weight. How is that offensive to Jill. It's true she doesn't have much weight. Presenters have to fill the time spouting all sorts of rubbish we could pick up on and invariably do but in this instance I don't see the problem with that particular comment.
All this stuff about "looks too thin" is just about vanity and appearance, not health. All the evidence points to those who want a relatively disease-free and long healthy life need to be lean and active. I don't just mean averagely slim - the average Briton or American these days is way over their true healthy weight and BMI scores have been adjusted to fit the fat reality. The science is there and has been for ages. Obviously you trade your looks (in a conventional sense) for being super lean and efficient - that's no doubt why Marjolein's face looks aged - but I bet her scores on all disease and life expectancy indicators are a darn sight better than one of the models. It's just a matter of what's important to people.

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