Jilly Halliday - totally out of proportion


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She doesn't have her ears pierced.
She doesn't seem to wear nail polish.
She does nothing with that lank hair of her's.
I mean, come on, if she's selling us products, why doesn't she glam up?
Sorry, but I have to agree with original poster 100%.
She did have her ears pierced in October 15th 2009, when she had them done live on air.
At the start of that month, QVC announced a special three-hour "Be Aware Show You Care" show in support of Breast Cancer Care that would air on October 15th, and asked viewers to suggest challenges for the various QVC presenters.
When a number of viewers all suggested that Jilly should finally have her ears pierced, she accepted the challenge, and had her ears pierced live on the show.
As mentioned in http://celebrity.wikia.com/

Don't know what happened since.
It's funny how people defend outright bitchiness with expressions like "I'm entitled to speak my mind" or "if you don't like other people's opinions, don't join a public forum".

How bloody rude to say Jilly has "let herself go". What do you know of her medical or personal circumstances?

I would dearly love to see photos of the members who agreed with the OP and see what stunners you are.
It's funny how people defend outright bitchiness with expressions like "I'm entitled to speak my mind" or "if you don't like other people's opinions, don't join a public forum".

How bloody rude to say Jilly has "let herself go". What do you know of her medical or personal circumstances?

I would dearly love to see photos of the members who agreed with the OP and see what stunners you are.

You took the words out of my mouth Roseanne. Very easy to hide behind a post. Would the OP actually say this to Jilly's face? I think not Maybe she would like to put a photo up of herself & then we can make our comments on that !
This is a strange thing. There is 'chubby' there is 'pear shaped' and then there is a 'Jilly Halliday' shape

Today especially (maybe because the Ronnie TSV dress added 20lbs to virtually everyone who wore it) Jilly literally looks photo shopped. It is as if there are two pictures blended together. Do you remember that game where you would spin three blocks that had decals of a person and match the parts to complete, and in some cases the head wasn't a match to the body? (probably a Victorian game!) Thats Jilly now. She has such a beautiful pretty face, that seems to have held its youth and slenderness, yet, as your eyes work down, her silhouette gets wider - and wider. This is such a shame. When JH first joined QVC she virtually could say she was the prettiest presenter on air. Dancers figure, and stunning face. But now, it really is as if someone has photo shopped her head onto an obese body. It seems to pool around her hips and legs like a severe edema.

Wondering what might cause such targeted odd fatty areas without adding facial weight
Collegue says 'she has a case of San Francisco A***'

You are crass. Probably a bully even worse case man.
She doesn't have her ears pierced.
She doesn't seem to wear nail polish.
She does nothing with that lank hair of her's.
I mean, come on, if she's selling us products, why doesn't she glam up?
Sorry, but I have to agree with original poster 100%.

Charlie, Dale, etc don't have their ears pierced but happily present earrings on shows so why should Jilly have to? I don't have them pierced, shall I stick my head in the oven now or later?

She doesn't wear nail varnish - IMO better than that awful one JF always wears - again I don't wear it shall I ..........

Lank hair - I don't think so, long yes, perhaps a bit plain in style but no way lanky.

None I of the presenters are particularly high on glamour, personally all I ask is that the are clean and neat and for gods sake to shut up and stop shouting.

If Jilly would stop saying "in this hour " "ok" and ending sentences with an upwards inflection, she would be equal to Julia in watch ability.

Normally I don't care what people say about presenters but I did think this was unfair.
She doesn't have her ears pierced.
She doesn't seem to wear nail polish.
She does nothing with that lank hair of her's.
I mean, come on, if she's selling us products, why doesn't she glam up?
Sorry, but I have to agree with original poster 100%.

Steady on !
Are you not considered glam if you don't have pierced ears ???? I've managed to survive into my 60's without them and am now blessed with lobes that aren't stretched, or have close up piercing scars. Strange that I've still managed to wear earrings.

I don't wear nail varnish on a daily basis, - I did have gels over a period of time, and now have thin nails as a result. I prefer her clean looking hands to those of one presenter who continually 'claws' her talon hands up.

Lank hair ? I don't think so, and lank compared to whose ? If anyone has to glam up its Jill Franks with the state of HER hair !
I've always liked Jilly. She's a beautiful woman who is comfortable in her own skin. She doesn't carry on like she's some sort of celebrity and as far as I'm aware she doesn't bang on about her exercise regime, weight gain or loss, trips to the sun or snow, guest bathrooms or anything else we love to hate. She's does her job without fuss. My only teeny gripe is the surprised ok she overuses when working with a guest, which means the guest has to keep talking and she doesn't actually have to ask any questions! I can forgive her that though and wish she did more hours because I don't even need one hand anymore to count the presenters I can watch for more than 30 seconds.
Oh, dear!! I don't know if I should say anything, or if I should mind my own business and keep quiet :confused: but I hate people falling out:sad:
I don't think JR's Ego meant to say what it sounded like, sometimes in forums what we write may look entirely different to what we actually mean to say(if that makes any sense:sweat: )
Like now, I am not sure if I have explained what I mean to say.
I hope nobody falls out with me for intefearing :whew:

Remeber, there are no real friends on social media unless they're your friends off social media, don't let it worry you if people fall out with you for voicing your opinion because if they do, they're not worth knowing anyway, especially if you have to agree all the time. I actually agree with what you say.
The way I see it, Jilly is being paid a lot of money to present on tv. Personally, I think she needs to make more of an effort and glam up a bit. Shape/size aside, she looks like a mum on the school run (I hate that phrase!) All the other women dress up and I think she should too. This is not a bitchy comment, it's an observation and an opinion. It's all subjective. We all have different tolerances. She is a lovely woman with a very pretty face. If she was on something like This Morning or Loose Women, wouldn't you expect her to be more presentable? Why should the number 1 shopping channel be any different? Even the men make an effort!

And no-one should be afraid to voice their opinion. I do think, however, that we should try not to be too personal and hurtful. There are ways of speaking your mind without being bitchy. Afterall, stop and think how you would feel if you read this about yourself? Constructive criticism - yes, nastiness - no.
I'm amazed that there is so much opinion on Jilly's attire as we rarely see it, she sits behind a desk (as do they all) or sits on a stool, or in the kitchen is behind the pretend work tops!

I think I could count on my one hand the times I've seen her full length and they were Q fashions, so god love her, have some pity on the poor woman!
Personally I'll take Jilly anyday over Chloe, who's never heard of the word glam, and I'm stuck for ever remember seeing her 'dressed' up since she's been in the job ! Glam is not a word I'd use for Debbie Flint in her well worn white sling backs, and if anyone looks more mumsy than Kathy Taylor then I've yet to meet her !!!!

I'll start on the men now, - Simon's chest hair needs to be put away, Charlie needs to ditch the zip up Grandad cardy, and Craig just annoys me !
Personally I'll take Jilly anyday over Chloe, who's never heard of the word glam, and I'm stuck for ever remember seeing her 'dressed' up since she's been in the job ! Glam is not a word I'd use for Debbie Flint in her well worn white sling backs, and if anyone looks more mumsy than Kathy Taylor then I've yet to meet her !!!!

I'll start on the men now, - Simon's chest hair needs to be put away, Charlie needs to ditch the zip up Grandad cardy, and Craig just annoys me !

It should be in cheesy Simon Biagis contract that he must wear polo necks at all times...........all times!

Long time reader of these forums, but just felt the need to add an opinion.

I think another poster has already alluded to this, but if you are fronting a shopping channel that prides itself on its fashion range then surely you have to make an effort occasionally?

And if it is a case of being very uncomfortable appearing on TV unless wearing a ridiculously baggy pair of black Charlie Chaplin like trousers, flat ballet pumps and a sparkly long tunic, then maybe you've made the wrong career choice.

And actually it also reflects very badly on Q, as they make a big deal on their fashions flattering all body shapes, yet Jilly obviously wouldn't touch any of them with a barge pole.
I rather admire Jilly-she seems normal and quite comfortable in her own skin.I prefer her look to a couple of the others whose hair and make up borders on drag queen!!
You are crass. Probably a bully even worse case man.

Not exactly sure how you can judge someone else for criticising a presenter when you've posted threads criticising Julia, Alison Young and Catherine in the last few weeks. Pot Kettle springs to mind.

I like Jilly and good for her for dressing exactly how she wants :)
I think eveyone that read the original comment by JRs Ego (and thats a big ego) will see it was an observation and wasn't being bitchy or rude, just some people prefer to turn a honest and open negative comment in to that, if you're that easily offended maybe you shouldn't read public forums, either that or get out more...............now was that rude or honest?

Thank you, for noticing my thread was not bitchy in the least. It was purely based on my observation, and my personal opinion.
Of course every forum have members that blow everything out of proportion, which have no intention to hurt or harm. :sun:

I also appreciate your thoughts against my thread - I will learn from your opinions

I hear there are forums which thrive on utter carnage!!

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