I thought Jilly suddenly looked like a rabbit in the headlights, she swallowed a couple of times too, which is what I do if I feel sick and am trying to delay things. Perhaps the woft of chocolate finished her off, I can understand that. Last thing I need if I feel a bit dodgy is the smell of food in front of me. Get well soon Jilly!!
And on the T&S front, I thought that whilst they were informative they were coarse and inappropriate. T*ts and ar*e every other sentence are just not suitable for live tv, surely the Q bods should have been pulled them up on it during a break. Tell you what though when S pulled up her dress and revealed, well revealed everything, I absolutely roared with laughter. Has this woman no decorum - and poor Craig, I bet he wished he hadn't answered that last minute call tonight LOL. They must have had so many complaints about them that I doubt if they will be allowed back on, but they were very entertaining even if for totally the wrong reasons.
I rewound that bit before I went to bed and watched it again just for another chuckle, and I heard Craig say "oh, and its nice to meet you too Susannah" classic!!