Catherine Huntley Has Shingles.


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Jan 19, 2011
Catherine has posted on her facebook page that she has shingles. I had shingles a few years ago after a very stressful period. Wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy!
I know Catherine had a lot of house trouble a few months and had to move house and her daughter, who she is very close to, has gone to live in Australia for a year, so maybe things just got on top of her.

Catherine is one of my favourite QVC presenters and I wish her a speedy revcovery.
You can also catch it if you're in contact with someone who has chicken pox. Not a nice thing to have and hope she gets better soon :)
Shingles is a virus and extremely unpleasant.

She's not my favourite, but she does have my genuine sympathy - hope she makes a speedy recovery. :flower:
My mum had it just after xmas and wasnt nice at all . Best wishes catherine for a speedy recovery
No 'tis the other way around! You can give someone chicken pox if you have shingles (assuming they've never had CP before) but no one can catch shingles, it's the CP virus which stays in your body for life, after having CPox which can develop into shingles at any time (stress or other illness can do it or sometimes there's no apparent reason.

I'm on my 3rd attack since April 2012 and it's no fun. Also the person would have to have skin to skin contact with the sores of the shingles sufferer to catch chicken pox, in my case this is unlikely as the outbreak is on my right butt-cheek. Lots of old people worry they'll catch shingles but there's no need to keep the grandchildren away while they have chicken pox as even the droplet-borne CP virus won't re-infect someone who has already had CPox. Please allow your little ones to catch CP when they're little, ok it's no fun but, trust me, I had mine at 33 and 8 months pregnant with DD and it was thoroughly miserable and potentually dangerous to the baby had she been delivered normally during the outbreak.

If you suspect shingles it's important to start the anti-viral tabs within 48 hours and touch-wood I've nipped my outbreaks in the bud and avoided prolonged nerve pain.

Jude xx (shingles bore)

PS hope Catherine is better soon
My ailing mum is still recovering from a Christmas episode of it. It's truly horrible. I hope Catherine makes a speedy recovery. (((Hugs))) for you Jude and I hope you recover quickly xx
I caught Chicken Pox at 21, just a week before my wedding and it was horrible but that was nothing compared to the Shingles which I got about 4 years ago.

I had a rash all the way down my spine, my face was swollen and because I was so run down my lips blistered and swelled up to the size of Pete Burns. I was not a pretty sight!
Akimbo, Can you catch it more than once? I thought you only ever get one attack. Get well soon hun. x
Get well Akimbo. :mysmilie_492: This forum is a mine of information. (((hugs))) to PetPixie's mum. And all who are poorly.
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Akimbo, another recurrent shingles sufferer here - it's horrid isn't it. Almost regular as clockwork, I'll get a repeat bout every other year. Not as bad as the initial attack, but always in the same place.

Got the associated nerve damage, so I'm often aware of the nerve playing up when I'm under stress. It's my stress indicator - if I get a twinge, I know it's time to take a deep breath and step away from the world for a while.

Hope Catherine gets the right medication, and can take it easy for a while
There is a vaccination to reduce the severity of possible future attacks - not yet available on the NHS but costs about £100 privately, apparently. It isn't suitable for everyone so beware of unscrupulous quacks.
Whhaaa Disenchanted! How come I didn't know this........... Am off to browse on the internet. Amazing what you learn on here. Thank you!
Get better soon Catherine I know how bliddy painful shingles can be. I've also had it twice in the same place, down my right side, waist area and part middle torso and even the feel of clothes touching the areas was horrendously painful. Unfortunately the nerve pain is very much like MS neuropathic pain so I'm never sure if it's a bout of shingles on its way or my constant companion playing up. :wonder:
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Whhaaa Disenchanted! How come I didn't know this........... Am off to browse on the internet. Amazing what you learn on here. Thank you!

A friend of mine who has had ophthalmic shingles twice jumped for joy after she'd read about this vaccination last year. Unfortunately, she wasn't able to have it because she's had chemotherapy but she discovered several private "doctors" who would have been happy to administer it without taking any medical history.
Catherine wouldnt be a favourite presenter of mine but having seen my mum and husband suffer shingles in the past year, i wouldnt wish it on anyone so i wish her well and a speedy recovery!
Awww, hope she gets well soon. I quite like Catherine, I get the feeling if any of us were ill she'd rush round with chicken soup and a slanket. I hope someone's doing that for her. Can't be easy either when your babies grow up and want to leave and see the world. Hope we see Catherine back soon.

CC x
Get well soon Catherine, I met her at the Beauty Bash and she was lovely. I would miss my children too if they want to see the world when they are older. But it's Oz, not Afganistan(sp) and she will love it and be fine. Lucky girl!

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