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Mar 3, 2011
OK perhaps this isn't the place for this, but I'm feeling like 'poo' as I've fallen over and hurt my ribs :sad:

My nails are a disgrace - have become really flaky and weak in the last few years.

Nail Envy doesn't work any more, Sally Hansen never did.

Can you lovely QVC'ers recommend something I could try - doesn't have to be from QVC :sun:
The Perfect Formula (pink or clear) stuff is good. My nails sometimes peel at the edge and this seems to protect the free edge until it's long enough to file away the flakey edge, whereas other products just flake off with the nail surface. Hope you feel better soon PR, looking down at lovely nails does have a positive effect on my mood...even though that sounds a little shallow.

Jude xx
PrussianRed - sorry to hear you're feeling 'poopies'. Spritz of perfume, lippy and a snuggle with a fav TeddyBear works wonders for Snarly! Looking through old Prima magazine this week, a reader received £25 for her tip - for weak, flaky nails, brush nails once a day with tea tree oil. I haven't tried it yet but will. Cheap and easy and most of us have TTOil in the house. Don't know about brushing but will 'dab' it on my nails. If it works, grrreat!
Aww. Hope you feel better. I'm still suffering with the after effects of a tumble down the stairs a few weeks ago. So I know how you feel. I use Nail Envy and it works for me but I also take a vitamin supplement which I think really makes a difference. Boots own brand for hair skin and nails
Do you have any Liz Earle Superbalm? If so rub it into your nails as many times a day as you can. If not try to get a brand called Trind, Amazon sell it. Look at the Nail Balsam it will add moisture which I think perhaps it what you really need.

Oh dear, sorry about the ribs. Over two weeks ago some moron at a wedding thought it would be fun to pick me up and swing me round. Well the b*gger must have pulled a muscle in my ribs on one side. I am still in pain.
ooh, I feel for you! A year or two back I fell and twisted myself and it was agony just to breathe!

As to the nails, mine are crap and I've tried everything going - at the mo I'm using Solar Oil and Pro-Strong, and I moisturise every time I sit down as I've got a box of stuff on the breakfast bar - the tea tree is a new one on me tho so I'll pull that into my routine as well!

Hope you feel better soon PR and good luck with the nails..if you find something that works do let me know!
Tea tree would be good if there any chance the flakiness is caused by nail infection and it certainly can't do any harm.

Jude xx
I swear by Leightons Renovate system and it's really helped my peely nails in the past. Also like the Perfect Formula clear gel to add strength but have gone off the pink one lately, on me it goes a slightly odd colour in the sunshine.
My nails always suffer after filing too so I use a crystal nail file and go really gently. Prefer to file just before I remove colour rather than on a bare nail ... it seems to help protect the nail a bit and somehow makes it easier to get a good shape.
Really hope you feel lots better soon, definately sounds like you need a bit of retail therapy to me!
Ooooh, OffMeTrolley is so right about the crystal file. It is a MustHave. I have given them as special prezzies to friends as my nails have improved so much. They're still ridged, sigh. But the right crystal file's made a h-u-g-e difference. I think it would make a great, longlasting gift for a daughter or son. HTH
I'm the third vote for perfect formula pink or clear gel. I'm not into nails but they look healthy and strong when I use it. When my nails are weak and flaky I use the daily moisture as well. I also use L'occitane shea butter handcream every time I wash my hands and rub it into the base of the nails too.
Oooh, lots of replies - thank you all, have some new things to try, definitely some retail therapy needed :sun:
Hi PrussianRed, I too have the same issues with my nails, so big thank you to you for your thread as it has given me some further things to try too. I had a hysterectomy at Christmas and so for the last few months my nails have been shedding and peeling and flaking something dreadful. I have to cut them right off a few times every week, so that only the pink bed shows, no white actual nail, as the minute the white grows through it splits and flakes, which can be quite sore if it splits down to lower than the nail bed level.

For me, I have been battling with the GP for HRT because I am menopausing heavily now but because I am only early 40s he won't prescribe, but finally on Wednesday my hospital consultant fully backed it so he is writing to the GP "telling" him to prescribe. So fingers crossed when this kicks in my nails will improve but for now I will try some of these suggestions, thank you from me too, everyone!

I have been using the Boots vitamin supplement Skin, Hair and Nails but so far no results but I've only been only a few months, so there is still time :eek:) Good luck PrussianRed and I hope you feel better soon.

If anything works wonders for you please share :eek:))) Best wishes hun xxxxxx
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Aww Spooky, Life will get better! (((((hugs))))) I had my H at 35. I recommend humour, music and books ... and cuddles from 4foots. x
Gawd I am so sorry Spooky and Snarly. That's bloody young. I will think twice before moaning about my hormone related things from now on.
WeatherGirl,and others ... if you think there's something 'not quite right' with your body, pursue it. I had severe endometriosis even at my cul-de-sac*. And you all thought that's where someone lives. Ya gotta find the humour in things. (*bowel) LOL
Do keep on with the supplements. It does take a while. About three or four months I'd say. I have to take a bucketload of drugs every day and the side effects are drying out my hair, skin and nails. I could live with the hair and skin problems but the nails were a nightmare.

I also use whatever oil I can on my cuticles. I don't care what it is as long as it goes on there. Face oil, body oil, hair oil or proper nail oil. I don't mind which.

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