Julia Robert's Weightloss


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Oct 2, 2011
Since her return from holiday it appears that Julia has lost even more weight. I know this topic has been mentioned in the past but it has really hit me, that she looks quite old now and would pass for a women in her late fifties.

She once looked so young with great skin for her age but this weighloss has aged her her so much over the last 6 months. What I don't understand is that Julia had so much confidence and often enjoyed teasing the male guest with her low cut tops and big cleveage. But know her neck is very wrinkled and she has lost her ****s, which appear very small now. Maybe even Jill Franks has bigger breasts. You can see how this has affected her in her shows, like the Butler and Wilson ones, as there are no longer prolonged close ups of the jewellery and her flirty manner seemed more subdued. For a woman, who once was very beautiful and had an envious cleveage and skin, I suspect that this will be hard for her to accept now.

Either she always wanted to look like that Pilates instructor, who may be fit, but has a very aged and boney body or this weighloss is for another reason. Like people have said before she is always keeping up with her daughter and may have wanted to look thin for modern fashion etc. However, this is a bad look for her.

I am all for the older women being on TV but she does not promote a lot of the products now, such as skincare and possibly the jewellery. As she ages we may see less of her. Real shame..wish she did not lose all this weight, as she was a great example of a confident mature curvy older woman on TV. Even if she trys to put the weight back on, her body will not be the same as it once was.

Unfortunately despite being one of the more informative presenters, being on TV, your physical appearance does matter.
I don't often say anything like this, I'd rather not enter into controversy, but I find I have to totally disagree with you EleanorFrancis.

I believe Julia is 56 or thereabouts. The ageing process speed up a bit in your 50s (trust me, I know), especially after the menopause. It is perfectly natural.
Personally, I think Julia looks much better for losing her excess weight. And it was excess. There is no written law that says age equates with excess weight. It is all down to calories in, calories expended out. Some women might feel happy and content if they put on a bit of extra weight. All well and good. I would not dream of passing judgement. Julia clearly did not feel happy about her shape and decided to do something about it. Because she has lost weight, we have no idea of how she would look if she had kept the weight on. A few extra chins perhaps, a puffy face - who knows? I think there are a lot of myths about thinner women having more lines. It is just not true in my view. I feel it is all down to your genes at the end of the day.

Just my view. Nothing personal :smile:
i cant comment about the difference with julia roberts (who i think is a stunning looking woman for any age might i add) because i dont watch often enough to notice but i would like to say no one can choose from where your body decides to lose weight. i know if you could i would have a proper list set up lol
it is all a matter of luck and body shape. weight loss always seems to come off the place you least need it first and yes that is usually the face but because there is usually more fat in the middle and lower end of the body it always seems to take forever to get the thinner thighs and flatter stomach.
what i want to know is why someone(namely me!) can gain 1lb by looking at a piece of cheesecake yet i cant lose 1lb by exercising off the equivalent number of calories? nature is just cruel :sad:
In my opinion, now she has lost weight. Julia would look loads better if she did something with her hair and dressed a bit more classily. Her weight loss is admirable as it is no easy feat but she hasn't adjusted her style to take account of her new shape. She is a good looking woman who could look fantastic with a few tweaks.
In my opinion, now she has lost weight. Julia would look loads better if she did something with her hair and dressed a bit more classily. Her weight loss is admirable as it is no easy feat but she hasn't adjusted her style to take account of her new shape. She is a good looking woman who could look fantastic with a few tweaks.

have been saying the same for a while. Haven't seen Julia lately but last time I did I didn't think she looked well...I hope she is ok and it's just the weight loss..imo, she could do with putting a bit of weight back on, get her hair cut & styled and change the purple eyeshadow, which only serves to make her look tired. She could look great with just a few changes...
I am around Julia's age and have gone from a size 16 to a 10 since June. I feel much more healthy now and can buy clothes which I wouldn't even have considered previously. I do still hold up a size 10 and think it won't go anywhere near me, then try it on and it fits. I can see that you could get carried away and buy clothes designed for a much younger woman, but you have to dress appropriate for your age otherwise you look like mutton dressed as lamb. In my opinion this is where Julia is going wrong. We just don't need to see your loose skin so keep it covered love.
when I read this at 5 am I was wondering if this is another one of these troll things, just written to stir up controversy. If I read this correctly she has lost all her confidence as her breast are smaller now? Implying you can only have confidence when you have big breast? I have no idea what JR is like in Butler and Wilson as I rarely watch it, but I found the post to be offensive when the OP said:
"I am all for the older women being on TV but she does not promote a lot of the products now, such as skincare and possibly the jewellery. As she ages we may see less of her"

ageing is a fact of life.The reason why have such unrealistic attitudes to aging is the advertising women are continuous having pushed down their throats with 20 somethings advertising anti wrinkle/hair-dye and some
such stuff. No skincare will make you look like that, and it would be a relieve to find some honesty to accept that we all age, and that a few wrinkles does not make a woman worthless. Physical appearance does matter, but women need to be realistic that skin care is not going to be a miracle cure
Sorry rant over, and maybe I have misunderstood the post, but I was really annoyed when I read it (to be fair at 5, in pain, waiting to take more painkillers, so maybe that is clouding my judgment)
And well done Ben's Mum for loosing so much, a real achievement
Hi all,

I like Julia and have been watching QVC for almost the beginning.

I am the same age as JR (55) and went through the change at the same time (well we both got bigger) I don't do Pilates or have access to all the QVC stuff that JR has access to apart from Elemis skin creams.

I have lost weight over two years by swimming, ballroom dancing and going to the gym twice a week. I also watch what I eat.

I am lucky that my skin around my neck is not a wrinkly I can wear low neckline dresses with confidence. I try to dress for my age without being dowdy or tarty. JR is a beautiful lady and should start dressing to age gracefully on our TV. Just look at Twiggy....stunning!

I hope my comments are not viewed as JR bashing!
I caught Julia on with Ralph yesterday and a bit of the BE show. She is now middle aged and looks fine for a woman of that age. She has eye bags but so does Alison Young who is about 9 years younger. She used to get the 'Oh Julia has her baps out non stop', and mocked for it. Now she is covering up more and its,'She has lost her baps and has no confidence'. I thought, you really need to her a good bit off your hair Julia. It was half way down her back and that was curling, not straightened. Next thought, oh you are very brown.

I lost five stone in two years, slow but sure for me. I lose weight off my hips and thighs first, then the middle,then the ****s(I was most happy about this bit as I have a large bust and dislike it) and finally my face. The face for me seems to suddenly drop off when everything else has been losing for ages. That is when people suddenly notice and tell me 'Oh you have lost weight!'
People are very "offended" by the slightest thing these days. Perhaps growing up in the years of austerity gave us more 'backbone' and a thicker skin, when the word "offended" meant someone had broken the law, - but now if someone breaks a nail it 'offends' someone somewhere.
I am fed-up (not offended, brissles) by attitudes that youthful appearance is what we should aspire to. What about just looking good for our age...well dressed and groomed? I know we are pressurised by QVC to aspire to a certain lifestyle where we can find happiness by buying products but, just being happy in my skin is what I'm aiming for despite crows feet, grey hair and a budda belly. I'd never present on QVC as I'd be hacked to bits for being a saggy 53 year old...very tricky me trying to sell pilates, diet products and skin care. Give the poor sods a break, they're trying to earn a crust (all be it a very large one) like the rest of us.
People are very "offended" by the slightest thing these days. Perhaps growing up in the years of austerity gave us more 'backbone' and a thicker skin, when the word "offended" meant someone had broken the law, - but now if someone breaks a nail it 'offends' someone somewhere.

think that is a little selective of the meaning of "offend"

offend means:

a : to transgress the moral or divine law
b : to violate a law or rule : do wrong <offend against the law
c: : to cause difficulty, discomfort, or injury
d : to cause dislike, anger, or vexation
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I think Julia looks fab, before or after weightloss. She might not dress the same as I would choose to but everyone has their own style.

I think her assests are still enviable, well they look bigger than mine :)

I haven't noticed a dodgy neck or crepey decollettee - I notice big hair, sparkly eyes and lots of preening and hair flicking - that's JR for you. I don't think I've noticed a decline in her confidence since she lost weight and maybe before all the **** innuendoes were to cover up other insecurities she no longer has.

I don't feel particularly strongly either way about Julia's appearence I do like her presenting style though.
think that is a little selective of the meaning of "offend"

offend means:

a : to transgress the moral or divine law
b : to violate a law or rule : do wrong <OFFEND law
c: : to cause difficulty, discomfort, or injury
d : to cause dislike, anger, or vexation
Yes thankyou WR, we can all copy text from an online dictionary :rolleyes: but a lot of people use the word 'offend' in a generic way and totally out of context to it's true meaning, and that is the point (I think) that Brissles was making.
I did not intend to be offensive - it was just an observation.

I agree that women, who are older should still be given opportunities..it's just that these presenters are sales people and if they do not look healthy / clothes fit / jewellery looks good etc, then it is surely harder to sell.

What I meant by her ****s, was that she once stuck them out all the time and deliberatley allowed jewellery items to drop very low and flirted with the male guests. Now she has quite small breasts, she can not do this. I know this may come across as mean but over the years she has degraded other models and presenters and showed off. Unfortuantley she can no longer do this - I guess she will get a taste of her own medicine.

I'm not anti Julia just that other the years this element of her personality did grate on me. I think her own vanity and aspirations of keeping up with her daughter has lead to this very aged look and her losing her assets. I know she would of made such comments if a model, gained this appearance from a weighloss. I do think this has affected her confidence, that's why she goes on about being a small, as this is all she is now proud off, along with her hair. There will come a day when she will have to cut her hair and then she would lose even more confidence. For a women like Julia, who was use to male admirers and glances at her once large clevage, this will be hard to take. If she was a down to earth presenter I would fell sorry for her but as many people on this forum have observed, she has the biggest ego of all and has set herself up for a fall.
I did not intend to be offensive - it was just an observation.

What I meant by her ****s, was that she once stuck them out all the time and deliberatley allowed jewellery items to drop very low and flirted with the male guests. Now she has quite small breasts, she can not do this.
OK mine aint big but it doesn't mean they can't be used to best advantage. I haven't noticed Julia wearing polo necks and shying away from the camera! I pretty sure too that she chose to lose weight and it wasn't inflicted on her so it must make her feel more happy?
There will come a day when she will have to cut her hair and then she would lose even more confidence. For a women like Julia, who was use to male admirers and glances at her once large clevage, this will be hard to take.

I have to know, being in the long hair brigade and hurtling towards 40, why will she have to have it cut?
The best way to lose weight once you are older, and not end up with a gaunt and older looking skin, is NOT to go on a a LOW FAT diet. Our bodies and cells need fat, for apart from metabloic and other issues, to keep the cells plump and hydrated.

When we get older, LF diets often leave the individual looking yrs older (as we have also lost collagen in the natural ageing process) - the secret is not to ban all fats, but inc good fats and not saturates/man made fat. (including coconut oil in your diet is v good at compensating for the overall reduction of fats in your diet - and although noted as a saturate has a structure that the body readily accepts and does not store as fat).

I haven't seen her, so can not comment on her appearance, but if her skin is looking stressed and less plump, re-introducing good fats into her diet will help improve and maintain the condition and appearance .

Indeed, I know they have Perricone on QVC - he also is against LF diets, and advocates the use of good fats inc Coconut Oil.

I learned a lot of this from researching Coconut Oil a couple of yrs ago in relation to a health issue I wanted a natural remedy to (Manuka Honey was another discovery at the time), and although I have been on low fat diets when I was younger, I wouldnt dream of going on one now as I don't think they are healthy or kind to your appearance at all.

Sorry if gone a little off topic, and no I am not a Dr or Dietitican - but throught it interesting info to include as part of the subject (have a read yourself of literature relating to Coconuts & Coconut oil, it really is remarkable, and apart from the health benefits the arguements and research findings may well change your own view of LF diets and healthy eating).

Going back to Julia, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks really, as long as she is both happy and healthy in her new frame (but I would bet that any drawn or aged look she now has is probably down to a Low or No Fat diet).

Missy x
not EVERYONE of a certain age should get their hair cut - some can get away with it, but generally speaking, and in MY opinion, long hair can be even more ageing on an older lady..personally I've not had long hair since I was a child, I wouldn't have the patience to look after it, and I keep my short and spiked up and swept back a bit at the sides...this has the effect of lifting the face a bit, where long hair can have the dragging down effect - I think Jill Franks is another one who would benefit from a re-styling of the barnet...

As to weight loss - well, I will say it's very difficult, if not impossible, to see oneself objectively. I'm around a size 18, the biggest I've been in my life...stopping smoking, hitting the menopause, whatever, I'm about three stones heavier than I was twenty years back...a few years ago I did manage to lose some weight and I felt right chuffed with myself - however, a good friend of around thirty years standing told me I looked good but added "but don't lose any more as you're starting to look gaunt". Now to myself I didn't look gaunt at all, but we don't see ourselves as others see us do we? So, tho I'd love to be a size 12 again, realistically I know that if I managed to lose that much weight, I wouldn't look good, I would look ill. I've been watching Celeb Masterchef and actress Sharon Maughan was on last week..she's three years younger than me and looks five years older...she's too thin. Some of it is genes of course, some people can't put weight on as others can't get it off.

OK, sorry for long post, I await the "dislike this post" clicks!

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