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What a boring overpriced TSV....................
What a miserable old witch KH is.....................
What a miserable old witch KH is.....................
(mum writes)
I really don't understand the current hype over bedding. The only person that sees my bedding is me! And my bedroom is not the focus of my home. After all, in keeping with many, I can just about get my bed in there with a little room to spare. Without a word of a lie, I still use a set of sheets that I bought in the 70s. They came from a catalogue that was all the rage at the time. They've been washed probably thousands of times now and they've not lost their colour, no loose threads, they don't need to be ironed or anything like that and yet they really do look as good as they day I bought them. They don't need to be this, that or the other thread count or made from cotton grown in a light mist syphoned from craters on Mars and they certainly didn't need to be expensive. After all, how much does it really matter? If it's comfortable, looks good and matches your decor and tastes, is anyone going to complain that it might have only cost £20 in Linens Dire
I couldn't help but laugh when Craig said that this is the sort of stuff he'd have if he won on the lottery and she responded with "Awwww...." I guess she doesn't consider that us plebs would actually want it.
Bah humbug![]()
What a mind numbing double act....Dumb & Dumber. :yawn: :yawn:Watching her and Charlie was painful:
Charlie: "You say in your book that design comes from the heart..."
KH: "Yah, yah..."
Charlie: "I love that..."
KH: "Well it does, really..."
Charlie: "Yeah. I just love it."
KH: "Yah. Love it, yah..."
Charlie: "Yeah..."
Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz :sleepy:
What a mind numbing double act....Dumb & Dumber. :yawn: :yawn:
(i'm not going to comment on her appearance cos that's mean and its soo unlike me............)
Maybe not, but I will
I couldn't help but notice that her hair gave every impression that she'd been dragged into the studio by the ankles (although I'm sure most of us would rather be seeing her dragged out like that!) Today I see that the current "on-trend" look is described as a bed-head bob. In other words, your hair looks like a scruffy mess. This apparently has been started off by The Broomstick known as Victoria Beckham and isn't KH a good friend of hers? I know she said the Beckhams have the TSV bedding she hawked. Whoopee *****. They are such a bunch of sheep aren't they? Jet lag or not, she must be toadying up to Posh and copying the look.
Excellent post, I agree 100%:wave:
Cant Craig make his mind up ? First he says on an early show that he has been sleeping on the white tsv all week , and now says he would have it if he was a lottery winner ! oh for heavens sake, is there ANYTHING this man has in his little flat that ISN'T QVC ?????