3 things you'd like to say to...


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Lee Jones

Guest Shopper

1 - Falling price auctions do not require a going one, twice and three times

2 - Stop lifting the piece of jewellery you are holding until the graphic with the final prices is shown on screen

3 - Please do not ever call someone a sausage

You turn....

And a Merry Christmas to you too Lee Jones!

I happen to like Derek. He's extremely talented and if you Google him you'll see he's an accomplished composer amongst other things.

He's also one of the most knowledgeable presenters about gems and has a genuine interest in them.

He tells the truth. Highly commendable in an industry that tends to be economical with it.

He's got a great sense of humour too and isn't at all showy.

And I don't mind him calling me "sausage"!

Just wondering what the poor male presenters have done to upset you so much?! First it was Ian Gardener and now Derek!
And a Merry Christmas to you too Lee Jones!

I happen to like Derek. He's extremely talented and if you Google him you'll see he's an accomplished composer amongst other things.

He's also one of the most knowledgeable presenters about gems and has a genuine interest in them.

He tells the truth. Highly commendable in an industry that tends to be economical with it.

He's got a great sense of humour too and isn't at all showy.

And I don't mind him calling me "sausage"!

Hear Hear Meesh!

Derek is one of my favourite TJC presenters, he's informative, but also has his fun and cheeky side! I'd far sooner be called sausage by Derek than listen to some of the waffle other presenters use.
OK, the 3 things I'd like to say to Derek Gibbons are:-

1. Keep up the great work, you're probably the most knowledgeable presenter on any jewellery shopping channel :mysmilie_82:

2. Keep the sense of humour - you make me laugh and there are very few presenters I can say that about! :mysmilie_697:

3. The Pars are rubbish!! :mysmilie_17:
Just wondering what the poor male presenters have done to upset you so much?! First it was Ian Gardener and now Derek!


Nothing agaisn't the male presenters personally my lovely, just a couple stand out as niche tastes and I'm not sure if that is what shopping channel's should be about when it comes to the front line.

I do enjoy watching Jimmy Brooman and the other Derek from Gems.

Horses for courses as my wife likes to say...

Merry Christmas!

Nothing agaisn't the male presenters personally my lovely, just a couple stand out as niche tastes and I'm not sure if that is what shopping channel's should be about when it comes to the front line.

I do enjoy watching Jimmy Brooman and the other Derek from Gems.

Horses for courses as my wife likes to say...

Merry Christmas!

I think if you browse the TJC section of the forum you will find that Derek G is a very popular and well liked presenter! Perhaps its your "niche tastes" we should question next?:mysmilie_17:
My 3 pennorth to Derek are:

1) You are very knowledgeable, very funny and very easy on the eye

2) You are a cat lover so I love you

3) You can call me sausage anytime :mysmilie_12:
He's an okay Presenter, but I absolutely HATE it when he shouts at you...I know he's trying to inject some life into it, but I don't believe shouting is the way to go...

1. Great to see you Derek good to have a bit of eye candy for the ladies

2.I like to hear you shout #! nice to see a cheeky chappie with a bit of life in him

3.I will be your sausage any day even though I am a vegetarian
Sorry to be in a minority here, but I'm afraid I'm not a fully paid-up member of the Derek Gibbons fan club.

I mean I've nothing against him, and I agree he's entirely competent and professional, but:

1. Please don't say "ninety-five" in a mock American accent, and

2. Please don't shout "press hash" quite so aggressively.
We can form a group of two them Miss M, cos I'm not a fan of his either, sausage caller or not!! :mysmilie_697:
:mysmilie_61: Lee, if you watch too much they all get on your nerves, however this week we are mainly bashing the Gems tv bloke...(name has escaped me at this very moment) :mysmilie_81:
:mysmilie_61: Lee, if you watch too much they all get on your nerves, however this week we are mainly bashing the Gems tv bloke...(name has escaped me at this very moment) :mysmilie_81:

I'm not - for a change!! :mysmilie_61:

Ok then I'll be honest - it's only because I've never seen him :mysmilie_17:
:mysmilie_61: Lee, if you watch too much they all get on your nerves, however this week we are mainly bashing the Gems tv bloke...(name has escaped me at this very moment) :mysmilie_81:

Classic - You've hit the nail on the head, Red!:mysmilie_61:

Seriously, presenting must be a good deal harder than most of them make it look. My friends would all agree that I talk too much, but I don't think I'd be able to rabbit on about piece after piece of jewellery for hour upon hour, day after day, without waffling a bit or repeating annoying catchphrases.
It's a talent that comes naturally to some. For example, my daughter talks from the minute she wakes up until the minute she goes to sleep - about everything and nothing! She also talks in her sleep! My husband said the other day that she'd be a natural presenter because she could win prattling as an Olympic sport - no idea where she got that annoying trait from!
Sorry to be in a minority here, but I'm afraid I'm not a fully paid-up member of the Derek Gibbons fan club.

I mean I've nothing against him, and I agree he's entirely competent and professional, but:

1. Please don't say "ninety-five" in a mock American accent, and

2. Please don't shout "press hash" quite so aggressively.

I'm glad its not just me.

I really hate the way Derek says "ninety-five" It annoys me so much please stop Derek.

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