Update - coated diamonds!


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I suspect they know the answers to questions being asked and probably the answers aren't going to make people happy and they are figuring out how best to respond without getting themselves into trouble. If there was no "problem" I am sure they would have responded immediately. I wonder if there is some behind the scenes damage limitation being discussed.

It's a shame, really, because I used to love Gems TV a few years ago, but lost interest when TJC started up. But plenty of people here stuck with Gems TV and are (probably) justifiably disillusioned with them. All this "cloak and dagger" stuff just makes them seem more untrustworthy.
They items they can't SEEM to find the details on for me are 2 Pad sapphires, they were sold to me as Pad sapphires and my question is are they genuine Pad sapphires (as sold to me) or are they in fact only Pad coloured sapphires!
Funny that info isn't handy isn't it!
I feel they have something to hide or they are trying to get out of/around it, i feel that if they can't tell me the answer in the 3 weeks i have been waiting then i want my money back, at the end of they day all the info for the other items are available so where has the info for these 2 items disappeared to?
This question regarding Pad Sapphires cropped up a couple of years ago if I remember rightly GC after a huge hooha on here, and as a result GEMS changed their blurb to Pad coloured sapphire in an attempt to get round it. It may be that their earlier items were genuine Pads but they are certainly being very reticent about disclosing the info to you.
I am most definitely NOT defending GemsTV when I say this - because quite frankly I'm appalled and absolutely livid with information they've provided me about one item but .........

If you think of the number of items they sell in a year, bought presumably from different mines/buyers etc., all over the world, it may take some time to give accurate information on all the pieces we've asked about. For example, I asked about every single loose coloured diamond I bought when Don was selling all the loose gemstones a few years ago (7 in total) and have had it confirmed that 6 are irradiated as I thought. However, they are still checking the 7th one which is very odd but fine so long as I get an answer. Giving them a couple of weeks to make sure we get accurate answers is about the limit though.

Of the 17 items I've enquired about I've only had answers regarding 9 of them. Interestingly, one of the items I have had an answer back on contradicts an email I was sent at the time of purchase when I enquired specifically about any treatment it may have had. I was told, categorically, the gem was only heated and in the letter I've just received it says something completely different. If that's the case then not only do I want my money back but I want interest for each day they've had my money, plus recompense for the bespoke setting, CAD work, additional diamonds etc etc.

I'm happy to give them a week or two to come back to me with all the additional information plus an answer about what they intend to do about the above but not longer than that.
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Padparadscha Sapphires:

If anybody bought a Pad over 3 years ago when they were being sold as "Padparadscha Sapphires" it may be worth enquiring if your gem has been treated. If I remember correctly (and Sue/GC you may remember?), GemsTV, in the form of Gavin Lindsall, came on this forum to say that the original batch were untreated Pads bought from a private collection. In that same post, (which was about 3 years ago) Gavin also confirmed that the current Pads they had were BE diffused and the name changed to Padparadscha Coloured Sapphire shortly afterwards.

So, if Gavin was telling the truth, anybody who bought a "Padparadscha Sapphire" should expect the answer to come back that their sapphire is heated but otherwise untreated.

Why is it that I feel very very very uneasy about that? I suspect the answer will come back either as "we don't know" or "assume BE diffusion".
Well i asked them 3 weeks ago if my Pad sapphires were correctly sold or were in fact just pad colour, i think they should have found this info by now!
Ceylon Padparadscha Sapphires

Padparadscha Sapphires:

If anybody bought a Pad over 3 years ago when they were being sold as "Padparadscha Sapphires" it may be worth enquiring if your gem has been treated. If I remember correctly (and Sue/GC you may remember?), GemsTV, in the form of Gavin Lindsall, came on this forum to say that the original batch were untreated Pads bought from a private collection. In that same post, (which was about 3 years ago) Gavin also confirmed that the current Pads they had were BE diffused and the name changed to Padparadscha Coloured Sapphire shortly afterwards.

So, if Gavin was telling the truth, anybody who bought a "Padparadscha Sapphire" should expect the answer to come back that their sapphire is heated but otherwise untreated.

Why is it that I feel very very very uneasy about that? I suspect the answer will come back either as "we don't know" or "assume BE diffusion".
This is true, in fact the presenters as I recall were all saying the same thing. I remember
when the C Pad Sapphs were introduced as I was fascinated by them, they were supposed to be
the entire five year old stash of a private collector. Was it due to a change in the US regulations
that they some time later had to introduce the word 'coloured' to the name?

Then later on, for a time, GTV were selling on their website both types ie CPS and CPCS!
And still in 18k gold I think?

Meesh I hope you get a satisfactory answer re. the item you have received conflicting info about.
But I have to say.....I'm all agog to know which piece it was............:mysmilie_1854:
I sent an email off regarding my "Majestic" ruby ring this morning.

I also queried the two Padparadscha pieces I bought in March/April 2006.

..... And, I have also asked about treatments applied to Alexandrite. I know it probably sounds ridiculous and I really hesitated before posting this but, to my eyes, my Alex ring looks paler than when I bought it. I've thought this for a while but was reluctant to mention it on here. Sadly, I haven't any photos of when I first got it (would've been rubbish pics anyway) but is it possible that it could've faded? It's not an every day ring and I keep it in my jewellery box when I dont wear it.

Compared with many of you I haven't spent a vast amount of money on any individual item .... my Alex was my most expensive piece. But over the years I have given Gems a lot of my hard earned cash and hate to think I've been duped and should now be walking round with a big sticker on my forehead saying "MUG"

Just had a reply saying Andrew Lovett is out of the office until Monday but my email will be forwarded to him to investigate further. Will let you know when I hear anything more.
Oh I remember the near riot over the Pad Sapphire back when. One ex forum member defended Gems to point of causing fights to breakout.

I have one Alexandria ring which is small simple one stone, it is still the deep emerald green colour it has always been.

Has anybody got old copies of the books GemsTV used to give out that also list enhancements? I'm absolutely positive that they used to state that Alexandrite was natural and not enhanced. It now says it's enhanced on their website.

There is absolutely no reason why your ring would have faded Fluff. Alexandrite does not fade and this is one gemstone that is normally very rarely enhanced. However, if a colourless OR coloured filler has been added then this may be the reason.

So, this is on their website now. So what stock does it apply to? New stock only? Old stock? It's certainly different from their previous disclosures:

Chrysoberyl 8.5

F/L–M (I'm assuming this means filling, light to moderate?)
Impregnated with colourless filler to improve appearance
Care needed
Avoid sudden temperature changes, heat, steaming, chemicals and ultrasonic

Cat 's eye
Irradiated to improve colour
Special caution
If neutron irradiated, refer to the NRC for safety requirements

Now then, I may be being stupid, but if they are saying that some of their Cat's eye products may be neutron irradiated then I'm sorry, they should state that up front and not assume somebody has read this page!!!

Looks like I've got another list for them to investigate now. :mysmilie_73:

This is getting f***ing ridiculous.
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Has anybody got old copies of the books GemsTV used to give out that also list enhancements? I'm absolutely positive that they used to state that Alexandrite was natural and not enhanced. It now says it's enhanced on their website.

There is absolutely no reason why your ring would have faded Fluff. Alexandrite does not fade and this is one gemstone that is normally very rarely enhanced. However, if a colourless OR coloured filler has been added then this may be the reason.

So, this is on their website now. So what stock does it apply to? New stock only? Old stock? It's certainly different from their previous disclosures:

Chrysoberyl 8.5

F/L–M (I'm assuming this means filling, light to moderate?)
Impregnated with colourless filler to improve appearance
Care needed
Avoid sudden temperature changes, heat, steaming, chemicals and ultrasonic

Cat 's eye
Irradiated to improve colour
Special caution
If neutron irradiated, refer to the NRC for safety requirements

Now then, I may be being stupid, but if they are saying that some of their Cat's eye products may be neutron irradiated then I'm sorry, they should state that up front and not assume somebody has read this page!!!

Looks like I've got another list for them to investigate now. :mysmilie_73:

This is getting f***ing ridiculous.

It was after reading this bombshell on their website that made me also query my Alex ring, Meesh.

I still have my 2006 book from Gems so will check it out and get back to you.

They used to state that Alexandrite was not treated in any way. See Chrysoberyl on the attached. I'm absolutely 100% positive that the website used to say it was natural as well.

If anybody has a "Russian" Alexandrite may I also suggest that they write to GemsTV demanding to have proof of origin.


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I have the 2006 copy and Gemstone Treatments

Alexandrite is not mentioned in the NOT Treated, nor in the Popular Gemstones on Gems Treatment either!!!!!! No Chrysoberyl on the list in that issue.

I found this hidden on the Alexandrite page.

......the first Alexandrite ever featured on Gems TV was from Vishnakahaputnam in Andhra Pradesh, India.
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I have the 2006 copy and Gemstone Treatments

Alexandrite is not mentioned in the NOT Treated, nor in the Popular Gemstones on Gems Treatment either!!!!!! No Chrysoberyl on the list in that issue.

I found this hidden on the Alexandrite page.

......the first Alexandrite ever featured on Gems TV was from Vishnakahaputnam in Andhra Pradesh, India.

Is that in the 2006 copy Donna? I'll go and have a look. If that's the case then they're going to have to work very hard indeed to prove that the Russian Alex is indeed from Russia and I, for one, wouldn't take their word. Luckily for me, I only have two "Russians" from them. However I have a sackload of Indian Alex and if one of those is treated they're not going to be very happy with me.

In the two books I have where it states Chrysoberyl isn't treated, I can't find the date of publication - can anybody point me to the date? I'm sure it's after 2006 though.
I also have the 1997 book and at the end of the Foreward it says:

Gavin Linsell
I have the 2006 copy and Gemstone Treatments

Alexandrite is not mentioned in the NOT Treated, nor in the Popular Gemstones on Gems Treatment either!!!!!! No Chrysoberyl on the list in that issue.

I found this hidden on the Alexandrite page.

......the first Alexandrite ever featured on Gems TV was from Vishnakahaputnam in Andhra Pradesh, India.

It also makes the same statement in both 1977 books.
Yep and probably have more value than some of the pieces I've purchased.

Feeling a little fed-up at the mo, Sacha .... may well have to go to the pub later and drown my sorrows.
Ladies, could someone tell me whether it's best to use the general Gems email address or whether there's a direct one that's more likely to get a response? Thanks

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