Brands that have come and gone.....


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What about ......

Hi :hi:,
What about Casamia fashion and Aveda.....
I miss Aveda and Molton brown.
Still have 2 rollikits on the go.
Are Karcher still around? the pressure washers.
simply green I havent seen for a while
Quick and brite?? A huge tub of pink stuff that was supposed to clean everything
They dont seem to do the wash balls etc anymore either
No wet wonder foam. Biggest pile of ***** ever. dont know how they fiddle the demo on that but its rubbish.....
Kahuna Watches.
Mayflower Glass.
Fenton Art Glass.
Spanish Gold.
Aromatherapy Associates.
Forever Friends Bears.
Deans Bears.
Beanie Babies.
Connemara Marble fashion jewellery.
Ivana Trump fashion jewellery.
Dominique Guinabert fashion jewellery.
Alana Stewart fashion jewellery.

I could go on but I'd be here all night! :grin:
Forgot to mention World of Miniature Bears and Hermann Spielwaren Bears both of which I have a collection of! I bet you can't guess that I've been a QVC shopper for 15 years!
I've got some pieces of Ivana Trump's jewellery which are still gorgeous.
I found a ½ bottle of her perfume in the end of an old handbag last year & started using it again & honest to God,I got loads of compliments on it.
Somebody mentioned Orange Oil,that was on not so long ago & I bought the duo pack again.
Fab stuff!!
Still using Tona & Tina's herbal eye base which I found in the aforementioned handbag along with some of their wonderful glitter eye pencils,still as good as new.
There was the scottish meat that seems to have kept the same man and now comes from the west country
Spanek chicken roaster thingies "look at the juice, look at the juice"

They were really good Momma but think you could get them much cheaper eventually.
Do you remember the lid that you could put on frozen food in the pan instead of having to defrost it?
What was the name of the bath stuff that the black girl called Phylis used to bring?
Ali Young was forever going on about how fab Phylis was for 50 years of age.
I remember buying the stuff for little or nothing in Boots when the company went belly up.
Molton Brown and Aveda
Brenda Christian eyebrow pencils
Mayflower glass (which is manufactured just along the road from where I live)

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