Warning - Big Disappointment on Rainbow Sapphire Bracelet


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Jun 24, 2008
My rainbow sapphire bracelet that I've only had for a couple of months broke recently right in the middle of the bracelet. I've been told by Gems CS that I have to send it back for a refund because they can't replace it. Trouble is, I got it in the sale and with a 10% discount code. I got the distinct impression that the CS lady was totally disinterested.
Mind you, I was incredibly lucky as I got up off the chair and saw it lying on the floor. If it had happened somewhere outside, I would have lost my money and had to make an insurance claim, with loss of no claims bonus and the excess. Maybe my dodgy bracelet was a one-off, but it might be worth a quick check of your bracelets.
Changing the subject, just saw Lynne auction off the most wishywashy Colombian emerald I've ever seen and I think it had a huge window. Two of them sold for £375, what a shame.
If you want to have the bracelet fixed call Cs and ask if you can send it to Outwork, they will give you a reference number, when they have fixed it they will post it back to you and send the bill to gems tv.
But thats not the point the bracelet shouldn't have broken in the first place and its always even more upsetting when CS couldn't careless, hope you get it all sorted x
That is bad. I once had a TJC rainbow sapphire bracelet break, and they repaired it for me without question. If you love the bracelet and don't want a refund, Gems should get it repaired for you. If they absolutely refuse, you could of course have it repaired at your own expense - but you shouldn't have to.
Jacqualina - GemsTV have either a 6 or 12 month warranty (can't remember which) and if they don't have an item in stock they will normally offer to have it repaired for you. However, I've found that I've actually had to request that and it's not always offered.

Phone CS and speak with a manager. I'm sure they'll get it sorted for you asap. They will give you a code to give to the repair company and will pay your postage both to get the item there and back. It's a bit of a faff because you have to package it up and send off but at least it won't cost you anything.

Jewellery does sometimes break. I've had a watch strap (on a very expensive watch) break regularly! It drives me potty but I'm used to it now!
Hi Jacqualina, so sorry to hear that your bracelet has broken and do hope that it can be repaired. I had a fancy spinel bracelet break and got the same story, can't replace it, send it back for a refund....and have regretted it ever since! :confused2:

What also bothers me is there now seems to be a developing culture of poor and disinterested CS responses to customers' problems, it's just been mentioned in another thread on here.

Have GemsTV cut back on the number of CS people so that its now affecting the quality of the service?
As Carla has said, it used to be 'award winning'. Also the longer waits for refunds, have their staff numbers
been pruned also? :33:
Many thanks for your advice everyone and just a quick update on my broken bracelet. Out of interest I was looking for my bracelet again on the website and lo and behold, one is being auctioned tonight at 19.45. I phoned CS and spoke to Karl (who appears to be a god according to Donna !?) and he said it must have been returned since I spoke to them a few days ago. I could buy it (at a much higher price) and then get the money back for my broken one, but they wouldn't refund me the difference. Not so godlike for me then. He contacted Outwork, but they refused to repair it as they said the goldwork was too intricate. I'm feeling really fed up about it all now.
What a disappointment for you Jacqualina. As they had another bracelet in stock, you would have thought they would have sent you the replacement at no extra charge and in doing so kept a very happy customer. It's too bad now that Gems CS is no better than the others.

Will you try a local jeweller now and see if they will fix it for you, or are you giving up and sending it back? I do hope it works out for you.
That's a disgusting attitude from GEMS CS Jacqualina and wouldn't have happened in Steve Ashton's time and when Tony Poole was CS Manager. I would be livid at such shoddy treatment. :mad: :pPC:
I know Sue, that's why I'm officially grumpy now. There is a forward bid on the bracelet and Karl said I could outbid/buy it now, but they won't refund the difference which is £66. As I'm lucky and have money growing out of my ears, that won't be a problem for me then!
Hi again Jacqualina, I think the reply you've had is very unsatisfactory indeed! I've been looking at the T&C's on the website, but unfortunately don't know how to cut and paste two sections. So in the link scroll down to 'How do I handle the return' and 'What will Gems TV do?'

You have 180 days warranty and according to the second paragraph their option a) is to replace the product with a product of the same description as the one being returned.


Think you need to get a Manager on this case. They should know we'll all be watching with close interest as to how your problem is handled by GemsTV. Good luck and hope they provide the only acceptable solution for you.
Hi Jacqualina.
I am so sorry that your bracelet has snapped, I hope you can have you bracelet repaired by a locall jeweller.
It's a funny thing, you have reminded me about a silver and jade watch that I bought from Gems TV for £35.00 in 2005
It's quite distinctive and featured in their adverts in 2005; a multi coloured pastel jade link silver watch. It’s the one that the model wore in the photo shoot advert.
I bought it on impulse, put it away as a holiday watch and forgot all about it. That is until a few weeks ago. I pulled it out of the box (the blue old flip top box) pulled off the plastic cover, battery tag and tried it on. The watch promptly fell off my wrist and on the floor. I was surprised, it’s brand new and never been worn.

What can I say the finish is terrible, the silver so thin and badly made that the link just snapped. As I am a newish member of the forum, I am sure that someone has had this experience in the past.
Given all the fuss on Gems TV being 5 today, I am very tempted to call CS and shame them into repairing it however the watch is so badly made that the links will snap one by one!

Situations like this are so disappointing to the customer and let Gems.TV down badly. If they truly cannot replace an item (I appreciate that this could be legally a bit tough if the only other one has a pre-bid on it) then up to 30 days for a refund is a total disgrace. Can you imagine returning a faulty item to a shop and as well as being disappointed being told to come back in 30 days for your money. xxxxxx
Not good. Not good at all.

A practical suggestion if I may? Click the buy it now and stick the bracelet in your basket to secure it. THEN speak to a manager. I'm sure this can be easily resolved but it sounds like you need somebody who can kick a**.

Sending you tons of good luck vibes.
Thanks eveyone for your comments and support. I had already phoned again and suggested a way around the situation and the person I spoke to did go away and check, but confirmed that they couldn't do anything for me. So I've let the bracelet go and will be sending the broken one back. It was too late by the time I read your suggestion Meesh, but thanks anyway. If I'm really lucky the sale might not go through. It's at times like this that you reallly miss the two Steves, isn't it?
Oh no Jacqualina I'm so sorry to hear your news. You must be gutted. Well, if the bracelet comes back on the web again, make sure you nab it. Stick it in your basket and Gems then HAVE to honour their replacement policy - without you having to pay more.

What sort of link is it that means it can't be mended? I'm really confused by that? If the item doesn't go back on the web in the next couple of days, can you post a piccie and I'll ask around my jeweller contacts to see if any of them think a repair is possible. It's very rare that something can't be mended.
Thanks Meesh, it looks like an ordinary bracelet to me, but Karl phoned Outwork and they said they wouldn't touch it. But now for the next development...... I noticed that Gems have a Rainbow Sapphire hour on so had a look. They've just auctioned off a yellow gold RS bracelet (20 of them!) that have identical spec to mine (sapphire and gold weight). I stuck one in my basket quickly before the plunge and it went to £599 (I only paid £349 for mine). Everything about the bracelet is identical to mine except the product number, so would it be unreasonable for me to ask them to replace mine with this new one? I must admit I'm on the point of giving up.
Let's hope that GemsTV step up to the plate on this one. I've got a horrible feeling however that if it's not the same item number they may not but it's well worth a try. Have you actually managed to speak to a manager? I've found that they nearly ALWAYS go the extra mile. Just recently I even had one speak to the gallery to see if something was possible. The managers will nearly always find a logical solution and are prepared to do the impossible where unfortunately some of the CS staff (the newer ones) don't feel they have the authority so don't offer to help as much.

Fingers crossed for you.

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