RUth Langsford TSV 22/11/24


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This sent me straight to Google, as I found it incredulous.
It would appear that guide dogs (and other assistant dogs) are considered highly trained working dogs and as such are permitted. Some mosques also have areas for guide dogs to stay when owners are praying.
There was a Channel 4 documentary about 2 years ago. About a blind Muslim girl and her family said no to her having a guide dog. That is where I got this from. She went to her Iman (sp) and was told no.
There was a Channel 4 documentary about 2 years ago. About a blind Muslim girl and her family said no to her having a guide dog. That is where I got this from. She went to her Iman (sp) and was told no.
That is sad, but you wouldn't want a dog that has had intense and expensive training to go into a family that may not give it the correct care or respect. A working dog still needs to have a comfortable environment and would be better in a home where it would, when not working, would be part of the family.
THAT ALEX is incessantly talking rubbish and shows she's as thick as a plank - she's clearly pis..g Ruth off. Is she told by the Gallery to stretch out the programme by keeping talking ?

Clothes dont appeal - same as in Sainsburys .. but so eloquently described in her P R E C I S E way by Ruth.
Re beggars. I was in Madrid for a ‘city break’ in Sept and they were everywhere. They especially like going from table to table at pavement cafes shaking their empty Starbucks paper cups. There was a high police presence but I didn’t see any arrests.

Sad thing is the survey was government funded, so we've paid for it too.
Do we know how the results will be used ? I would expect to see positive results to justify the cost.
Agree with Brissles. Ruth was clearly irritated by Alex wittering on but that purple sequin jacket did look nice on her despite all the waffle.

Ruth has eyes only for Jackie.

Re beggars. I was in Madrid for a ‘city break’ in Sept and they were everywhere. They especially like going from table to table at pavement cafes shaking their empty Starbucks paper cups. There was a high police presence but I didn’t see any arrests.
I don't think they would be arrested for begging unless they were asked for their identity card and they didn't have one.
Agree with Brissles. Ruth was clearly irritated by Alex wittering on but that purple sequin jacket did look nice on her despite all the waffle.

I cannot stand Alex regardless of what she's selling, to me she is switch off next to the awful Ophelia. Unlike others, however , I do like Jill and privately I can tell you in private messaging she is extremely nice and kind hearted, much too maligned in my opinion. She was extremely helpful to me on more tgan obe occasion.
THAT ALEX is incessantly talking rubbish and shows she's as thick as a plank - she's clearly pis..g Ruth off. Is she told by the Gallery to stretch out the programme by keeping talking ?

Clothes dont appeal - same as in Sainsburys .. but so eloquently described in her P R E C I S E way by Ruth.
When Ruth smiles, she looks delightful. An unbeatable smile. But when she feels something is wrong with the camera, the presenter, or perhaps, sales are not ticking up as she'd hoped, her scowls are stony faced. Being a bit of a woose, I wouldn't want to cross her.

I cannot stand Alex regardless of what she's selling, to me she is switch off next to the awful Ophelia. Unlike others, however , I do like Jill and privately I can tell you in private messaging she is extremely nice and kind hearted, much too maligned in my opinion. She was extremely helpful to me on more tgan obe occasion.
When Gock was on with Alex once, he said, '"This woman can really talk!". He didn't say it unkindly. He was teasing her.
I cannot stand Alex regardless of what she's selling, to me she is switch off next to the awful Ophelia. Unlike others, however , I do like Jill and privately I can tell you in private messaging she is extremely nice and kind hearted, much too maligned in my opinion. She was extremely helpful to me on more tgan obe occasion.

I know exactly where you are on this. I really like Alison Young - I have got quite a number of good tips and ideas from her presentations. I am grateful for those.

I really love Miceal as you all know, he comes across as a genuinely really nice chap. I was so very shocked when I read about his poor health.

It’s one of those situations where it can be a bit Marmite.

When it comes to BA’s I love Rosa (Yankee) I have a HUGE soft spot for her because she is IMHO genuine. When Yankee left for a time I was quite sad that Rosa was not going to be around. We buy when we gel’ with the presenter and the BA. Hard sells don’t work on me. Neither does squalking like some do.

I know this can be subjective but I do really like Gail Samways. I have had some great cooking tips from her on air. With Gail, it is better when she is paired with the right presenter - if it’s Chloe it can get manic if you get my drift 😀
I cannot stand Alex regardless of what she's selling, to me she is switch off next to the awful Ophelia. Unlike others, however , I do like Jill and privately I can tell you in private messaging she is extremely nice and kind hearted, much too maligned in my opinion. She was extremely helpful to me on more tgan obe occasion.
It's good to see a positive comment about Jill. I really like her too.
Awphelia and Alex should never ever be allowed on QVC to sell. They are both dreadful. Thier diction, sentences and overall presentation is awful. My two year old grandson could do a better job than both of them put together. QVC must be desperate to be using such a talentless pair! Sorry!
I was walking past the rack of magazines and there was the front cover of Ruth. Yes, poor Ruth having to deal with Christmas alone. No, she has a son, so I doubt she is all alone.
Didn't Ruth say she was off to Australia? I'm sure I heard her say that on the show yesterday and it's not somewhere you go for a couple of weeks so maybe she's spending Christmas there.

I think Ruth was a trooper to put up with Jill Franks' inane wittering during the midnight hour. She firmly returned to talking about the product each time that Jill started to ramble and state the obvious. Has anyone noticed how loudly Jill breathes in before speaking? That too has really started to irritate me; I must switch off when she is presenting as it's not nice to even find her breathing annoying along with everything else!
I noticed her rambling when she was on the 9 pm show could see Ruth looking annoyed.
Didn't Ruth say she was off to Australia? I'm sure I heard her say that on the show yesterday and it's not somewhere you go for a couple of weeks so maybe she's spending Christmas there.

I think it is something to do with I'm a Celebrity.
THAT ALEX is incessantly talking rubbish and shows she's as thick as a plank - she's clearly pis..g Ruth off. Is she told by the Gallery to stretch out the programme by keeping talking ?

Clothes dont appeal - same as in Sainsburys .. but so eloquently described in her P R E C I S E way by Ruth.
Ruth obviously prefers working with Jackie.
I cannot stand Alex regardless of what she's selling, to me she is switch off next to the awful Ophelia. Unlike others, however , I do like Jill and privately I can tell you in private messaging she is extremely nice and kind hearted, much too maligned in my opinion. She was extremely helpful to me on more tgan obe occasion.
Then clearly she is in the wrong job. I still cannot stand her.
Awphelia and Alex should never ever be allowed on QVC to sell. They are both dreadful. Thier diction, sentences and overall presentation is awful. My two year old grandson could do a better job than both of them put together. QVC must be desperate to be using such a talentless pair! Sorry!
well said bravo!

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