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Jun 24, 2008
OH and I have just returned from the dreaded visit down to see the rellies but we thought we'd make a nice weekend of it. Booked into a premier inn for 2 nights, so we had lunch at home set off and got the the hotel about 2pm, had a drink in the hotel bar whilst we waited for his niece to come and pick us up to take us to their home where a the rest of the family were waiting. As there was so many of us she said I'm not cooking a meal so we'll get a takeaway later. Cut a long story short, we spent a pleasant few hours with them, had the take away curry, watched a bit of telly then got a cab back to the hotel, so far so good. Went off to sleep thinking yay gonna have a lovely breakfast, go out for lunch and then go shopping. Woke up a short while later with stomach cramps and yes, it started, good old food poisoning. Oh said he felt a bit "iffy" but ok, so in the morning he went down to breakfast and popped out for supplies, immodium and lucozade, well Tesco hadn't got a single bottle of lucozade, but felt a bit iffy so he wasn't inclined to go to another store to find some. He got back and within a few minutes he was as bad as me!!!! So the whole day was spent asleep/on the toilet. I had to take about 4 Immodium before it finally stopped, but he ended up taking 6!!! Thankfully next morning he was ok enough to drive us back home. I popped to the Co-op and bought two large bottles of lucozade - I'm old fashioned and only drink the stuff when I'm ill or off my food. I poured us each a glassful of the wonderful nectar. First thing I noticed is that it was slightly less fizzy than usual, I took a sip and OMG Yuck!!!! WTF have they done to it? It just tasted like an artificially sweet syrup with no discernible flavour and I was hard pushed to finish the glass. Oh said yeah it doesn't taste the same but perhaps it's just our taste buds. I checked online and sure enough in August 2023 they've changed the glucose syrup for an artificial sweeter and also people are not happy!!!! I've got an unopened bottle in the other room which I'm tempted to take back for a refund!!!! Seriously Lucozade, especially for some of us oldies was our childhood medicine and we loved it and now they've changed it beyond all recognition - I'm fuming!!!!
Just as a footnote, we were the only ones who got food poisoning 'cause the rest of the family all had lamb biryanis and we had chicken balti with naan bread. Oh loves his curry but he said he's really put off getting takeaways and from now on he'll be making his own!!!
OH and I have just returned from the dreaded visit down to see the rellies but we thought we'd make a nice weekend of it. Booked into a premier inn for 2 nights, so we had lunch at home set off and got the the hotel about 2pm, had a drink in the hotel bar whilst we waited for his niece to come and pick us up to take us to their home where a the rest of the family were waiting. As there was so many of us she said I'm not cooking a meal so we'll get a takeaway later. Cut a long story short, we spent a pleasant few hours with them, had the take away curry, watched a bit of telly then got a cab back to the hotel, so far so good. Went off to sleep thinking yay gonna have a lovely breakfast, go out for lunch and then go shopping. Woke up a short while later with stomach cramps and yes, it started, good old food poisoning. Oh said he felt a bit "iffy" but ok, so in the morning he went down to breakfast and popped out for supplies, immodium and lucozade, well Tesco hadn't got a single bottle of lucozade, but felt a bit iffy so he wasn't inclined to go to another store to find some. He got back and within a few minutes he was as bad as me!!!! So the whole day was spent asleep/on the toilet. I had to take about 4 Immodium before it finally stopped, but he ended up taking 6!!! Thankfully next morning he was ok enough to drive us back home. I popped to the Co-op and bought two large bottles of lucozade - I'm old fashioned and only drink the stuff when I'm ill or off my food. I poured us each a glassful of the wonderful nectar. First thing I noticed is that it was slightly less fizzy than usual, I took a sip and OMG Yuck!!!! WTF have they done to it? It just tasted like an artificially sweet syrup with no discernible flavour and I was hard pushed to finish the glass. Oh said yeah it doesn't taste the same but perhaps it's just our taste buds. I checked online and sure enough in August 2023 they've changed the glucose syrup for an artificial sweeter and also people are not happy!!!! I've got an unopened bottle in the other room which I'm tempted to take back for a refund!!!! Seriously Lucozade, especially for some of us oldies was our childhood medicine and we loved it and now they've changed it beyond all recognition - I'm fuming!!!!
Just as a footnote, we were the only ones who got food poisoning 'cause the rest of the family all had lamb biryanis and we had chicken balti with naan bread. Oh loves his curry but he said he's really put off getting takeaways and from now on he'll be making his own!!!
The takeaway should be reported to environmental health, they may check their hygiene rating with an inspection. Many in Plymouth have a ZERO rating!
The takeaway should be reported to environmental health, they may check their hygiene rating with an inspection. Many in Plymouth have a ZERO rating!
I agree but, it's so difficult to prove. I don't know about the ratings but the family said it's their "go to" and tbh, the curry was lovely. I'm not sure whether it was a bad piece of meat, unhygienic handling but can't really prove for sure it was the curry wot done it. I'd be extremely surprised if it wasn't as the symptoms came on within 6 hours of eating it which is about par for that kind of thing, although it hit OH a little bit later. I checked out reviews for the place and they were mostly good any complaints were due to late delivery and rude couriers although there was one who said they'd got food poisoning. I'm just glad we're feeling ok now, we're still eating very gingerly but so glad that we managed to get home in one piece and didn't have to book the room for an extra night. We even managed to go to the pub quiz last night, we drunk lime and soda lol! As crazy as it sounds I'm more mad with Lucozade changing the recipe!!!
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I had it once while at Butlins, never want it again. I think it was from cold salmon.

I think cases of food poisoning have to be registered, will google it when I get time.

Reporting it could save others from suffering.

This may help - - -
This is the second time in my life that I've had suspected food poisoning, the first time I had it was a thousand times worse than this - I had a dodgy seafood pizza from a takeaway that had just opened at the end of our street - I was sick within 2 hours of consuming it, and boy was I ill, my mum even called the doctor out, (you can tell that this was back in the day when doctors actually came out) I was literally throwing up and using the toilet all night I think I must've thrown up about 30 times! Next day when I woke up, apart from an aching back I felt absolutely fine. I complained to the restaurant who told me there was nothing wrong with their ingredients and that the place was clean, and offered me a free pizza as a goodwill gesture - I said you've got to be joking I never want to look at another pizza ever again! This was in the days before scores on the doors and the internet, and I didn't do anything about it. I obviously didn't use the place ever again and I heard of no more incidents.
This incident was nowhere near as bad, and I'm just glad it's all over. The highlighted bit does make me feel a bit "victim shamed" which I could do without tbh. Having said that if you do look it up I'll be interested in hearing what you find out. I do know that really serious food poisoning can cause people to be hospitalised and I also know to prove that our illness in this case which was cleared up fairly quickly with an over the counter remedy was caused by their food or hygiene practices would be nigh on impossible. They have a 4 star rating which = good
OH and I have just returned from the dreaded visit down to see the rellies but we thought we'd make a nice weekend of it. Booked into a premier inn for 2 nights, so we had lunch at home set off and got the the hotel about 2pm, had a drink in the hotel bar whilst we waited for his niece to come and pick us up to take us to their home where a the rest of the family were waiting. As there was so many of us she said I'm not cooking a meal so we'll get a takeaway later. Cut a long story short, we spent a pleasant few hours with them, had the take away curry, watched a bit of telly then got a cab back to the hotel, so far so good. Went off to sleep thinking yay gonna have a lovely breakfast, go out for lunch and then go shopping. Woke up a short while later with stomach cramps and yes, it started, good old food poisoning. Oh said he felt a bit "iffy" but ok, so in the morning he went down to breakfast and popped out for supplies, immodium and lucozade, well Tesco hadn't got a single bottle of lucozade, but felt a bit iffy so he wasn't inclined to go to another store to find some. He got back and within a few minutes he was as bad as me!!!! So the whole day was spent asleep/on the toilet. I had to take about 4 Immodium before it finally stopped, but he ended up taking 6!!! Thankfully next morning he was ok enough to drive us back home. I popped to the Co-op and bought two large bottles of lucozade - I'm old fashioned and only drink the stuff when I'm ill or off my food. I poured us each a glassful of the wonderful nectar. First thing I noticed is that it was slightly less fizzy than usual, I took a sip and OMG Yuck!!!! WTF have they done to it? It just tasted like an artificially sweet syrup with no discernible flavour and I was hard pushed to finish the glass. Oh said yeah it doesn't taste the same but perhaps it's just our taste buds. I checked online and sure enough in August 2023 they've changed the glucose syrup for an artificial sweeter and also people are not happy!!!! I've got an unopened bottle in the other room which I'm tempted to take back for a refund!!!! Seriously Lucozade, especially for some of us oldies was our childhood medicine and we loved it and now they've changed it beyond all recognition - I'm fuming!!!!
Just as a footnote, we were the only ones who got food poisoning 'cause the rest of the family all had lamb biryanis and we had chicken balti with naan bread. Oh loves his curry but he said he's really put off getting takeaways and from now on he'll be making his own!!!
Ooh Lucozade I know it tastes awful now. When I was young it was the only drink I could manage when I was ill and a tomato sandwich on Hovis with salt to eat.
It's the flaming sugar tax that the government implemented a few years ago. Literally nothing tastes the same now because the manufacturers have had to get rid of most of the natural sweeteners in their recipes and replace them with artificial ones.
I only ever drink Lucozade as "medicine" and as much as I love it (or should I say loved it) I kept is as such because I wanted it to remain an effective pick me up when I really needed it, instead of chugging it down as a normal fizzy drink. I don't remember whether I've drunk any since the sugar tax business which was a while back, if I had I obviously didn't notice any difference, but when I searched online yesterday it was a change that took place in August of last year that made it taste so noticeably awful. I also noticed that the fizz had been reduced too, and I find that a good fizz helps with digestive problems. I poured a large glassful and even though I didn't finish it, it was almost flat before I'd even got halfway down the glass - It's a bliddy tragedy!!! Apparently it's supposed to taste more "Zingy" I would say it's the complete opposite, its a sweet and sickly syrup and not what you need when you're feeling a bit rough!
I was given a free bottle of Lucozade they were handing them out, said it was the new sugar-free version. I just gave it to a friend, no idea how it tasted. Back in my party days in the 80s after a night out bottle of Lucozade and headache tablets.

As for food poisoning, SIL came over from Canada, and we met up with my aunt in Sainsbury café. They had a chips fry up thing, I decided on salad and yes I was the one who got screaming crap. We were supposed to go into town and meet up with one of my cousins, I had to go home and was eating tablets like smarties. Took two packets of them to stop the endless running to the toilet.
I only ever drink Lucozade as "medicine" and as much as I love it (or should I say loved it) I kept is as such because I wanted it to remain an effective pick me up when I really needed it, instead of chugging it down as a normal fizzy drink. I don't remember whether I've drunk any since the sugar tax business which was a while back, if I had I obviously didn't notice any difference, but when I searched online yesterday it was a change that took place in August of last year that made it taste so noticeably awful. I also noticed that the fizz had been reduced too, and I find that a good fizz helps with digestive problems. I poured a large glassful and even though I didn't finish it, it was almost flat before I'd even got halfway down the glass - It's a bliddy tragedy!!! Apparently it's supposed to taste more "Zingy" I would say it's the complete opposite, its a sweet and sickly syrup and not what you need when you're feeling a bit rough!
Regarding the fizz and digestive problems, I used to suffer from migraines. Headache from hell plus severe nausea. I used to find that any fizzy drink helped settle my stomach, whether it was Sprite or Diet Coke. Even now if I'm feeling a bit run down with no energy I find a fizzy drink perks me up a bit. I don't routinely drink them, but always have a small supply of Pepsi Max just in case.
I started avoiding Lucozade when I saw that alongside some sugar they had started to add sweeteners and sodium benzoate. Sweeteners can give me headaches and reflux and sodium benzoate brings me out in a rash. So I haven't tried it since!
I once read somewhere that Coca Cola (not the diet version or zero ) unchilled, no ice and left a few minutes until the fizz dies down, was the best thing to drink if you had a dodgy tummy.
I was also told that any lemonade with a pinch of salt helps (7 up or Sprite if you are abroad) but that was back when there was actual sugar in them and re-hydration powders weren't so well known or available. In my case 7 Up was easier to get than safe water.
On the subject of removing sugar, my daughters were used to having the original Calpol when the sugar free version was launched and they just wouldn't take the new one. I read that research showed that the original Calpol having sugar in it helped children feel comforted.
I once read somewhere that Coca Cola (not the diet version or zero ) unchilled, no ice and left a few minutes until the fizz dies down, was the best thing to drink if you had a dodgy tummy.
I don't mind flat Diet Pepsi and I am not a fan of ice cold drinks
My mum used to swear by a drop of brandy to settle the stomach, obviously no good for when you've got a proper tummy bug or food poisoning, but if you're feeling a little bit nauseous then as little as a couple of sips will put you right and I've found that to be true. A couple of years ago we were on holiday in Tenerife and were booked to go on a dolphin watching boat trip, I woke up feeling decidedly sick, I was thinking we'd have to abandon the idea if I was feeling like this, anyway I managed to hold on and as soon as it was 10am I got OH to go down to the all inclusive bar and get me a glass of brandy. He told them it was for "medicinal purposes" they must've thought yeah right! Anyway I had a few sips and hey presto I was as right as rain and off we went and had a wonderful day!
When I was a child if we ever had an upset tummy my Mum would give us Indian Brandy or Indian Brandee as it was sometimes known. It came in medicine bottles and she`d mix a dose of it with warm water and a bit of sugar and feed it us off a spoon. I liked the taste of it but it appears to be unavailable nowadays. It was a herbal remedy and from what I recall it was very effective. I think ginger was one of its main ingredients.
Yes, flat coke or Pepsi if you have the tummy bug. Don't drink water as you will just throw it up again. Strange but true.

For some reason, my Scottish granny insisted on giving hot whisky!!! I can never drink whisky or stand the smell of it.
I once read somewhere that Coca Cola (not the diet version or zero ) unchilled, no ice and left a few minutes until the fizz dies down, was the best thing to drink if you had a dodgy tummy.

it's spot on ... but idk you have that the best thing is just to let it go ... eventually your body will say when to drink at least @!
it's spot on ... but idk you have that the best thing is just to let it go ... eventually your body will say when to drink at least @!
If you're suffering from dodgy guts from either end or both - It is best to try and replenish fluids (if you can of course) to keep yourself hydrated. We managed to get ourselves home in one piece due to the power of immodium (well Tesco's own lol!) Although I'm fine now, I haven't fancied an alcoholic drink. I went out with a friend for lunch and had a pizza which was lovely but it came with a glass of wine, and I didn't really enjoy it although I did manage to finish it!
If only Coke had kept the original recipe with cocaine. A known constipation culprit and painkiller. Perfect for all manner of ails. I do swig my painkillers down with Pepsi or anything caffeinated as they say they'll kick in faster.

Oh, Lucozade! I agree with everyone. What on earth have they done? The sugar tax has caused more problems than it's fixed and that's for sure. But companies are greedy anyway. I loved Lucozade when I was a kid. I'd be given a tot in one of my nan's little glasses with a famous racehorse on (I was mad about horses and have recently managed to get a set on eBay for a tenner - ahhh, nostalgia). It was a treat but also "medicine" if I was ill. Youngsters these days have no idea what they've missed.

I'm lucky enough to have never had food poisoning but had Noro once. I couldn't keep anything down but water and plain toast 2 days later. It's a bloody horrible thing so I did my research and discovered Dew (so happy to see it on QVC now!). I carry a bottle everywhere and use it regularly. If I used alcohol that frequently my skin would be in awful shape. Being a germphobe since that nasty episode I also have Clinell, or Zoono wipes in the single packs in my pockets at all times. If you carry a bag it's cheaper to get a pack. Nilaqua and Viresist also do wipes that they say are anti-viral but they seem unavailable in small packs at the moment.

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