Random musings and general banter.


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Whatever way you look at it, the presenters must be so bored with selling or not selling this. Along with that ghastly piano music, the verbal pitch is just so salacious and so terribly outdated. Depressing to listen to in 2024. Hammy in Aberdeen now texting in. The stark immaturity of it all is amazing. If they were actually shifting any stock they wouldn’t need to or have time to play these ridiculous games. Can you imagine QVC doing similar?
Bored or easy money for some of the old timers? lets be honest with the ego's they all have, its either 1, Its an easy shift with decent money 2, No one else in the game wants them so they are at IW mk3 and 3, they dont facny being at work in the real world so sit cumfy at IW mk3.
I'm cheap i'll do it for £500 a shift! 🤩

FYI I've just decided to trademark "Hammy from Aberdeen", to put a stop to the unauthorised use of my intellectual property, so If you get the job and use that in your shows, to avoid a trademark violation each time I'll require a payment of a £10 Amazon voucher to be sent to me. :)
FYI I've just decided to trademark "Hammy from Aberdeen", to put a stop to the unauthorised use of my intellectual property, so If you get the job and use that in your shows, to avoid a trademark violation each time I'll require a payment of a £10 Amazon voucher to be sent to me. :)
Dont worry Hammy when I'm leading the circus it will be "Pedro from oop North and r'Bet, and we have Mike of the 70s ow to pull a burrrd" in for the Gammmmmon....not just Gammon but Gammmmmon! Hammy will be in the shadow's!
Mike at 7pm, Have to warn you, what we have is all we have left.

Reckon you’ve only got 5 minutes before they’re gone.

45 minutes later, how many have we left, is that it, 45 remain, now 45 you say is a lot, but we don’t deal in hundreds we deal in thousands.

Once again Mike relying on his honesty, he says “We’ve been around a very long time so we must be doing something right”.

Who is we Mike cause everyone you’ve worked for are gone, apart from the current few months old channel.

Bid TV – Gone

Ideal Shopping/Ideal World 1 – Gone

Hamish’s Ideal World 2 – Gone

TJC’s Ideal World – 3 months old, but how long to go?

Yeah Mike you really must be doing something right, just look at the staggering longevity the channels you've worked for have.:ROFLMAO:
I can only think TJC thought they were putting this channel in safe pairs of hands?
Although the head of recruitment must have had a week off,when people were hired.
Sorry you have only been around for three months,and failure follows the bid crew around!
But let’s not be to hard on them💩change your style of selling it’s 2024🤔
I can only think TJC thought they were putting this channel in safe pairs of hands?
Although the head of recruitment must have had a week off,when people were hired.
Sorry you have only been around for three months,and failure follows the bid crew around!
But let’s not be to hard on them💩change your style of selling it’s 2024🤔
and if we were to believe Peter Simon and Mike Mason, the number of times they've made pricing mistakes they should be sacked
Runaround was brilliant, he was totally unsuitable to do a kids TV show! He used to be brilliantly mouthy to the kids that tried to cheat. Happy memories.

I've seen bits of the Footage Detectives, love the old clips they show.
I remember that! Goodness, I thought I must’ve dreamed it….
It was like a bunch of kids doing sort-of ‘it’s a knockout’ stuff in a studio, but the guy in charge was like a poundshop gangster?
Or did I actually dream it? 😂😂
According to Simona last night they had all sold out

A couple of weeks ago, bought a cheaper charger for normal Batteries from Amazon soo good
Ooh, Jazzy, do they work, those chargers on normal batteries?
I’ve nearly bought one soooo many times, and then not done it, thinking they aren’t rechargeable batteries so it can’t work.
I always wanted someone whose opinion I could trust to tell me if they worked or not.
Do they? The ones from Amazon?
Shopping Telly Mike of the Masons says he "prides himself on his honesty, integrity & clarity". o_O

And he said it was a straight face too. :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Strange a Selly Telly person who'd pride themselves in something they're absolutely pathetic at. ;)
I'm surprised he didn't set off the fire sprinklers in the studio (liar, liar, pants on fire...)
I remember that! Goodness, I thought I must’ve dreamed it….
It was like a bunch of kids doing sort-of ‘it’s a knockout’ stuff in a studio, but the guy in charge was like a poundshop gangster?
Or did I actually dream it? 😂😂
I seem to remember that the children had to answer a multiple choice question and running to stand on signs on the floor saying 1, 2 or 3. I've got this memory of children sometimes cheating by jumping to another number and him shouting at the kids🤣🤣🤣.

Prof, you didn't dream it!
Ran for a few years and went through quite a few presenters. Stan Boardman also fronted it at one point.. Winning kid usually opted for the portable black and white TV. Nowadays, they’d chuck one at you..
DOC2, as I wrote the message I just posted I was wondering if there was anything on YouTub. That's a brilliant clip!
Mike Reid just said in a clip from the 1980 Christmas show “This is my mother-in-law” when standing next to a giant model polar bear. “Anyway - her mouth is that big,” he added. Just the sort of up-to-date patter that is currently being used on Ideal World at times 44 years later.
Bored or easy money for some of the old timers? lets be honest with the ego's they all have, its either 1, Its an easy shift with decent money 2, No one else in the game wants them so they are at IW mk3 and 3, they dont facny being at work in the real world so sit cumfy at IW mk3.
Probably a relatively well-paid gig for the ‘big’ guns. We can only speculate what they earn, but a couple of grand a week doesn’t sound like the realms of fantasy. Maybe more for some and considerably less for the younger ones, you’d think. You are warm, sheltered and doing nothing more than talking for a living. As you say, for the ones who’ve done it for years, you can see why, looking at things that way. They may well even get a discount on the goods they are trying to flog. Still…every job always has some downsides to it!!

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