Andi Peters at Hotel Chocolat for GMB


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Mar 18, 2010
Was watching GMB this morning, and AndI was at Hotel Chocolat in Huntingdon

He was talking to Kiri I think her name is, the girl who often appears on Hotel Chocolat hours, You could see her scraping the chocolate I think she called it, and as normal her hair was flowing
Was watching GMB this morning, and AndI was at Hotel Chocolat in Huntingdon

He was talking to Kiri I think her name is, the girl who often appears on Hotel Chocolat hours, You could see her scraping the chocolate I think she called it, and as normal her hair was flowing
I liked him on This Morning with Rochelle Humes.
Not choccy weather here .. went to bluewater shops Kent .. bought some Lindor and they were almost liquid when I had some … in fridge now ..
our son lives near the hotel choc factories or packing centre .. and it’s humongous… seriously … at least a couple of footy pitches big … when we drive by 4 times a year I’m still staggered by the size lol
He was judging on Celebrity Master Chief the other week. Being his usual assh*le self looking down on all the dishes. Insisting he should have won when he did the show.
Ugh. Cannot stand him.

I always get the impression that he's constantly frustrated that nobody ever sees his "overabundance" of talent, and gives him prime time telly shows etc.

When in reality sitting in the BBC's Broom Cupboard was definitely above his abilities.
This show does not help tbe obesity crises does it ? 🤦🏻‍♀️

I salivate … pop corn can cause abscesses in teeth also so be careful … they get stuck easily
I was a right old misery guts this afternoon and couldn’t be bothered to change channels when AP and Dale started their hour.

Well they made me laugh (out loud !). They are a good double act. Dale the deadpan face and Andi saying things you just know people in the gallery won’t like.

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