I fear that until they clear up the never-ending Jade stock we will be in “deliver us from Dave’s very exclusive niche taste in gem wonders” conundrum ! What genius gave him a huge budget to purchase enough Jade for each customer to “build their own museum of Jade”

, the whole “building museum” talk seem to do be the new enticing idea he is plugging.
Kit10, great news for the likes of you and I! the new line was presented by Dave Last weekend, in case you have missed it

He took a whole hour to present “collectors item, in its own wooden box with a market value of £499”…waited patiently for this rare “bulls eye agate”….wow! We were truly speechless at my house when we saw “the rare mineral specimen, that took months to put together”….5 round pieces of pale ( not very attractive) agate, suspiciously baring predrilled holes….as if he took some bracelets apart and shoved them into wooden display boxes

! Wow! Given to us benevolently at £14.99 price tag!
I must be fair and credit Mr Po Face with the amount of laughter he gave us with that special item, thank you! Encouraged by gasping in awe Rachel Hatton and selected messages of gratitude from the viewers he promised that it is going to be the “first of many to collect”

….really? I have lost sleep, trying to contain excitement!