100% agree, and i wouldn't call it a watch more like a blingy piece of jewelry, the only good thing about that watch is the strap, nice shade of blue.
I'm not sure where they get there ideas from, but they've come out with some daft looking watches through IW. The main issue with Mathey-Tissot i have is this idea which they are now drifting towards, which Reynolds is always bleating on about, that 42mm is a perfect size that all collectors want it, well no it's not, 42mm might be ok with a chrono or dive watch, but is a no, no for a dress watch, which a lot of Mathey-Tissot would be classed as, dress watches should be 40mm max, preferable 36/38mm is perfect IMO.
Selly telly is a strange creature, apart from IW don't really don't watch much but the little i've seen TJC seems to bigger shysters than even IW but even more downmarket and less popular, and QVC seem to be the best although very boring

, i do like that their models keep their tuppence-worth to themselves unlike IW models who are only too happy to play along with the con game tactics. But it is strange the way selly telly is so different in it's approach in sales tactics used, ie selly telly use very underhand/shyster tactics compared to the rest of the consumer retail sector, while there are bad apples in normal retail sector i don't think is so full on in your face 24/7 or so blatant as it is with selly telly and especially with IW.