Someone please tell Ophelia....


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Jun 24, 2008
...... to stop saying 'you're loving it' and 'I'm loving it. ' In fact at one point this afternoon when she was presenting various brands including Carole Hochman, she said about one item 'You're loving it' followed a few seconds after with 'you'll love it when you get it home.' Which is it? I ended up watching more than I intended just to see how many times she said it. I really don't like her as a presenter and I actually think Annaliese has really improved and I quite like watching when she's on, she can be quite funny now she's calmed down (a little) in case anyone wants to make a comment on race. It's definitely not, I really couldn't give a wotsit what colour someone is, I just want to enjoy the programme with good presenting.
Was this the Sleepwear show at 6pm?
I saw/heard some of it while I was faffing with the computer.
It's the first time I've really seen her.
Yes, there were far too many "loving its".
She also speaks too fast and, (to me), the biggest sin is that there is no variation in tone...just monotone throughout the presentation. Yawn.....
Was this the Sleepwear show at 6pm?
I saw/heard some of it while I was faffing with the computer.
It's the first time I've really seen her.
Yes, there were far too many "loving its".
She also speaks too fast and, (to me), the biggest sin is that there is no variation in tone...just monotone throughout the presentation. Yawn.....
Yes it was and you've hit the nail on the head, her voice is very monotone so it's not pleasant to listen to and she always looks like she'd rather be anywhere else than there, she never looks happy to me.
...... to stop saying 'you're loving it' and 'I'm loving it. ' In fact at one point this afternoon when she was presenting various brands including Carole Hochman, she said about one item 'You're loving it' followed a few seconds after with 'you'll love it when you get it home.' Which is it? I ended up watching
...... to stop saying 'you're loving it' and 'I'm loving it. ' In fact at one point this afternoon when she was presenting various brands including Carole Hochman, she said about one item 'You're loving it' followed a few seconds after with 'you'll love it when you get it home.' Which is it? I ended up watching more than I intended just to see how many times she said it. I really don't like her as a presenter and I actually think Annaliese has really improved and I quite like watching when she's on, she can be quite funny now she's calmed down (a little) in case anyone wants to make a comment on race. It's definitely not, I really couldn't give a wotsit what colour someone is, I just want to enjoy the programme with good presenting.

more than I intended just to see how many times she said it. I really don't like her as a presenter and I actually think Annaliese has really improved and I quite like watching when she's on, she can be quite funny now she's calmed down (a little) in case anyone wants to make a comment on race. It's definitely not, I really couldn't give a wotsit what colour someone is, I just want to enjoy the programme with good presenting.
I agree 100%👍 Annaleise is actually entertaining while still explaining about the clothes etc. I can't believe I actually really like her Instagram posts too!! Ophelia has not improved in fact she's getting worse! I wanted to watch the JM show earlier but after hearing 'liggin's' over & over I really couldn't 😔
Was this the Sleepwear show at 6pm?
I saw/heard some of it while I was faffing with the computer.
It's the first time I've really seen her.
Yes, there were far too many "loving its".
She also speaks too fast and, (to me), the biggest sin is that there is no variation in tone...just monotone throughout the presentation. Yawn.....

Yes it was and you've hit the nail on the head, her voice is very monotone so it's not pleasant to listen to and she always looks like she'd rather be anywhere else than there, she never looks happy to me.
Yes! Always looking at the monitor too😠
I get the strong impression that Anneliese has been 'spoken' to.
She’s definitely a lot more watchable now. I’ve seen a few of her presentations lately and she’s been bright and bubbly without going over the top , has been attentive and respectful to her BA, and has been speaking in a much slower pronounced fashion. Thing is with Annalease, she’s a girl with a big personality and has let that get in the way of her work as a presenter. Ophelia in comparison does not exude such personality. At first I found her quite sweet as she seemed awestruck to have landed her dream job, she didn’t arrive with a “bang, here I am, deal with it” She just went about her job , by reading her lines and sticking to the script and some months later , nothing much has changed, there has been no natural fluency. Other than her constantly saying “you’re loving this” “love it” and “I’m really excited about this” which comes across as something she’s picked up from a phrasebook, her presentations are still very amateur. I guess too much personality is easier to address than a lack of it - tell someone with a flamboyant or big personality to tone things down and they’ll have the confidence to adapt, but to tell someone that they’re lacking something, haven’t got the X factor is a different matter. You can’t grow a personality, hence a lot of stock phrases and clearly faux excitement. I not saying I dislike her as I don’t know her, I just don’t think she’s in the right job…but good luck to her . Having said that, there are a few other presenters who make us want to reach for the “off” button!
...... to stop saying 'you're loving it' and 'I'm loving it. ' In fact at one point this afternoon when she was presenting various brands including Carole Hochman, she said about one item 'You're loving it' followed a few seconds after with 'you'll love it when you get it home.' Which is it? I ended up watching more than I intended just to see how many times she said it. I really don't like her as a presenter and I actually think Annaliese has really improved and I quite like watching when she's on, she can be quite funny now she's calmed down (a little) in case anyone wants to make a comment on race. It's definitely not, I really couldn't give a wotsit what colour someone is, I just want to enjoy the programme with good presenting.
Maybe Ophelia is trying too hard. In any case what she's doing is not working. Unwatchable presenter.
I think one of the problems with Ophelia is she sounds like she's just going through the motions when she presents. Even though a lot of people on here moan about, for instance, Jill, at least when she's on she sounds like she's fully committed, she enjoys herself (perhaps a little bit too much sometimes but hey ho) and so do many of the other presenters but I can't say the same for Ophelia. I think she's been on QVC long enough to have learnt how to best come across by now and to know that just saying 'you're loving it' 'love it' so often throughout a show just isn't cutting it and is making people watch for the wrong reasons and not to see the actual items on air. Anneliese has learnt and has become better, sadly, Ophelia not.
I think one of the problems with Ophelia is she sounds like she's just going through the motions when she presents. Even though a lot of people on here moan about, for instance, Jill, at least when she's on she sounds like she's fully committed, she enjoys herself (perhaps a little bit too much sometimes but hey ho) and so do many of the other presenters but I can't say the same for Ophelia. I think she's been on QVC long enough to have learnt how to best come across by now and to know that just saying 'you're loving it' 'love it' so often throughout a show just isn't cutting it and is making people watch for the wrong reasons and not to see the actual items on air. Anneliese has learnt and has become better, sadly, Ophelia not.
That's exactly what she's doing, no two ways about it. If she's gonna cut it as a presenter she needs to put a bit more of her soul into it, and not rely on a few phrases that she's picked up from the presenter's phrasebook. I can't actually imagine that it's an easy job. Anne Dawson isn't exactly the most exciting presenter on the planet, but her age and life experience has given her the confidence to give a fluent and believable presentation, and that goes for a few of them. If anything, I think Ophelia's presenting style has got worse, her nervousness and obvious joy was good to see, but obviously you can't be new and awestruck indefinitely, you've got to settle into something that suits you and suits your audience, she is struggling and I'm sure she's feeling it! I do hope she does improve soon.
Her 'cv' on Meet The Presenters indicates being a presenter in the psychic world . OK no experience then.

"She’s all about positivity, fun and loves to talk! She has a background in the psychic world, as a presenter (although she’s not an actual psychic herself), and in entertainment interviewing celebrities. Ophelia loves fashion, beauty, and sparkle, "
Just watching fashion outlet programme with Jenny Blackwell and Annalise. It's obvious JB has done absolutely no preparation for this programme. She is talking total rubbish. It's not an easy watch. She can't describe the clothes to save her life! Think I would rather listen to wet Evie🙄 . Switching over - again!!
Just Googled JB and there is nothing on her. Lots of other Jenny Blackwells so its odd that this 'fashionista' doesn't have a background that's visible.
...... to stop saying 'you're loving it' and 'I'm loving it. ' In fact at one point this afternoon when she was presenting various brands including Carole Hochman, she said about one item 'You're loving it' followed a few seconds after with 'you'll love it when you get it home.' Which is it? I ended up watching more than I intended just to see how many times she said it. I really don't like her as a presenter and I actually think Annaliese has really improved and I quite like watching when she's on, she can be quite funny now she's calmed down (a little) in case anyone wants to make a comment on race. It's definitely not, I really couldn't give a wotsit what colour someone is, I just want to enjoy the programme with good presenting.
I switch off when it's her show.

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