Random musings and general banter.


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World exclusive tonight. (y)

As Bordell says they beat the Americans to get it to IW.

Although not sure why he always mentions the Americans with some of the Dartmouth brands, none of them have any connection with the states, all Nubeo orders are handled in London, UK orders for Nubeo watches are distributed from london and International orders direct from Hong Kong, and Nubeo don't have offices in the states, as for exclusive and nobody else has seen it, that'll nobody that hasn't looked at the Nubeo site which has already been selling it.

I also laugh at how the prices on Nubeo's site are in dollars as though it's American site, when it's run from London.

Oh and anybody thinking of buying the Hubble watch, and as Bordell will never tell you in a million years, the movement inside it is a TY2809, yeah a £1000 watch with an approx £30 movement, probably a lot less wholesale.
Is this the same as 894609 ?


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Doing Bordell's job for him, The tourbillon has a PTS3450a from PTS resources in Kowloon.

He really doesn't want to give any details of the movements in these watches.
Peter "lying my ass off" Simon - "again Jonathan and i were saying, this next watch the Abalone, but this is where i love this company, this is very American build."

Bordell - "Absolutely"

Peter "lying my ass off" Simon - "Right, Nubeo are an American Company, they've done extrodinary things, they really have done extrodinary things, but this is, this is the American adaptation of that Abalone."

And no attempt from Bordell to correct this blatant lie, and it is a lie, as IW know exactly where they are getting the watches from. This happens with every Dartmouth (Solar Time) brand, there is a intentional effort made, with concocted brand stories and misinformation, to lie and conceal the fact that all their brands are Chinese owned and made.
Bordell - "what i love about Nubeo is, eveything we look at tonight is fresh to look at it different. When they launched in 2003 amongst other Swiss brands, they were different, they were unique, they were unusual, blah blah blah."

Thought Peter said they were American? :unsure::ROFLMAO:

Joking aside, that's Bordell deliberately muddying the waters again with misinformation, the present day Nubeo has absolutely no connection with the Nubeo that launched in Switzerland in 2003, apart from picking up the trade name a few years after the original Nubeo went bust. And i said deliberate because, as a former online retailer of watches, Bordell will definitely know the story of the original Nubeo and the fact that the new Nubeo has no connection with them.
So only 1249$ as opposed to IW price and valuation

Yeah would cost you approx £1175 - £1200, as against £1900, for the watch once you paid tax & and handling fee coming into the UK. Mathey-Tissot watches, apart from some specials which aren't available in the states but you can get them later on ebay cheaper, are often a good bit cheaper (sometimes less tthan half the price even after import tax/duty etc) buying from Jomashop in Brooklyn than buying from IW.
I've seen him do things like that on the the IW channel, all the noise, farting/messing about, rudely interrupting guests etc, is just so he's the center of attention, he's just an annoying attention seeking idiot, in everyday life you avoid prats like him like the plague.
Do you guys not see what's going on here?!?

He's very obviously TRYING to get the sack. Why? So he can spend more time on his YouTube and other guru ventures, from which he makes millions per hour ...
Peter "lying my ass off" Simon - "again Jonathan and i were saying, this next watch the Abalone, but this is where i love this company, this is very American build."

Bordell - "Absolutely"

Peter "lying my ass off" Simon - "Right, Nubeo are an American Company, they've done extrodinary things, they really have done extrodinary things, but this is, this is the American adaptation of that Abalone."

And no attempt from Bordell to correct this blatant lie, and it is a lie, as IW know exactly where they are getting the watches from. This happens with every Dartmouth (Solar Time) brand, there is a intentional effort made, with concocted brand stories and misinformation, to lie and conceal the fact that all their brands are Chinese owned and made.
I only caught a few mins of the show and chuckled to myself when Peter S said something to Bordell along these lines ...

'Not everyone is like us, experts, so we can tell the viewers about the specification, the build quality'

And I know we all have our own turn of phrase, however if I hear Peter one more time saying 'listen, I really do mean this ...' I think I might throw something at my telly!!! :(

I've said this before, when you're buying anything, regardless of who's selling it, in your mind boil things down to the basic facts. Ignore all the talk, all the sales guff, all the bling, all the hype. When you do that and thinking about these watch shows, you very quickly realise all they're doing is flogging watch after watch with a retail value very much aligned to the sales price, +/- to whatever extent.

One thing they are definitely NOT doing (although they want viewers to think they are) is selling watch after watch with £100's off the true retail value ;)
Their subliminal underhandness knows no bounds.

Watched some of the collectors show last night with Rob LockE and Gary the expert. They were selling a framed F1 top signed by Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button, was going for £2999 or thereabouts.

Rob comes out with this (paraphrasing) ...

What you guys didn't hear was myself and Gary talking off camera. Gary was just saying he's tempted to buy this himself and resell it for 3 or 4 times the price we're asking.

(then to cover themselves legally)

However you should only buy this if you like it, obviously we can't make any guarantees as to what things will sell for at a later date

Crafty, cause they've already planted the seed in viewers minds about the thing actually being worth 3-4 times more. They often do that on these collectors shows, suggesting if you buy stuff and put it in the right auction, you 'might' make a profit. But of course, only buy of you like the stuff ...

And again, ignore all the sales noise and guff. Often what you're buying is a small rectangle of paper with the signature on it. They then attempt to make it look more impressive by framing it in a huge frame with a few generic pics of the celeb/star.
Paul Berk, is doing a Shift on Create and Craft, and started his Woop Woop ****, none of the normal presenters do it, when other IW presenters come over, they come with respect, he is just a moron
Imagine switching on IW early evening like I did yesterday to see Peter Simon clutching a ladies' shoe then quickly switching over to Create and Craft and being confronted with Shreque who must be covering for someone on holiday.

Television turned off (y)
I only caught a few mins of the show and chuckled to myself when Peter S said something to Bordell along these lines ...

'Not everyone is like us, experts, so we can tell the viewers about the specification, the build quality'

And I know we all have our own turn of phrase, however if I hear Peter one more time saying 'listen, I really do mean this ...' I think I might throw something at my telly!!! :(

I've said this before, when you're buying anything, regardless of who's selling it, in your mind boil things down to the basic facts. Ignore all the talk, all the sales guff, all the bling, all the hype. When you do that and thinking about these watch shows, you very quickly realise all they're doing is flogging watch after watch with a retail value very much aligned to the sales price, +/- to whatever extent.

One thing they are definitely NOT doing (although they want viewers to think they are) is selling watch after watch with £100's off the true retail value ;)

Thing is Bordell can be classed as an expert guest, more than most on IW, he had his own online watch retail business, selling Russian, Swiss etc watch, nearly bought a Raketa watch off his site until i read he was getting a lot of negative comments on forums about watches not being delivered, turned out his business (wife's actually he transferred his shares when it nearly went bankrupt first time and took personal bankruptcy to save the company) on the brink of bankruptcy but was still taking folks money. but the fact that he leaves out so much technical information or doesn't correct Peter, Mason et al, means he's not there as an expert to help the viewers he's just there to help flog watches using whatever tactic/method works, if that means being a con artist, then so be it.

One of the things Peter said last night was that Nubeo made the Tourbillon movement, which is a load of crap, Nubeo or Solar Time don't make any movements, they buy them in. Ok can be an honest mistake on Peter's part, seeing as he's pretty horologically challenged, but did Bordell correct him, no, just played along.

I agree, anytime your buying a watch to add to a collection, ok different if your just buying an everyday wearing watch, then you need to do a thorough investigation, too many con artists on the go these days. Ok sometimes collectors will buy any watch just cause they like the dial, but most of the time they'll do a thorough investigation of a watch, learn all they can about the watch, if a watch retailer or brand is very vague with what movement is in the watch or where the watch is made, or concocts a story to imply the watches are made somewhere different to where they actually are, or are scared to mention China, then these things usually raise red flags for collectors.

I see Peter said the Hubble (new exclusive watch) was expect to ALL sell out, well ALL 3 colours are still there to buy. ;):ROFLMAO:
Their subliminal underhandness knows no bounds.

Watched some of the collectors show last night with Rob LockE and Gary the expert. They were selling a framed F1 top signed by Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button, was going for £2999 or thereabouts.

Rob comes out with this (paraphrasing) ...

What you guys didn't hear was myself and Gary talking off camera. Gary was just saying he's tempted to buy this himself and resell it for 3 or 4 times the price we're asking.

(then to cover themselves legally)

However you should only buy this if you like it, obviously we can't make any guarantees as to what things will sell for at a later date

Crafty, cause they've already planted the seed in viewers minds about the thing actually being worth 3-4 times more. They often do that on these collectors shows, suggesting if you buy stuff and put it in the right auction, you 'might' make a profit. But of course, only buy of you like the stuff ...

And again, ignore all the sales noise and guff. Often what you're buying is a small rectangle of paper with the signature on it. They then attempt to make it look more impressive by framing it in a huge frame with a few generic pics of the celeb/star.

I've never understood the desire for all these autograph items, especially when the signatures are nothing more than a illegible scribble, i bet if folks were asked to guess who 90% of those famous signatures belong to they would never have a hope in hell of getting them right.

IMO If folks are willing to spend money for item that is signed by you, then at least have the decency to sign your name legibly and not the quickest scribble you can get away with.
Their subliminal underhandness knows no bounds.

Watched some of the collectors show last night with Rob LockE and Gary the expert. They were selling a framed F1 top signed by Lewis Hamilton and Jenson Button, was going for £2999 or thereabouts.

Rob comes out with this (paraphrasing) ...

What you guys didn't hear was myself and Gary talking off camera. Gary was just saying he's tempted to buy this himself and resell it for 3 or 4 times the price we're asking.

(then to cover themselves legally)

However you should only buy this if you like it, obviously we can't make any guarantees as to what things will sell for at a later date

Crafty, cause they've already planted the seed in viewers minds about the thing actually being worth 3-4 times more. They often do that on these collectors shows, suggesting if you buy stuff and put it in the right auction, you 'might' make a profit. But of course, only buy of you like the stuff ...

And again, ignore all the sales noise and guff. Often what you're buying is a small rectangle of paper with the signature on it. They then attempt to make it look more impressive by framing it in a huge frame with a few generic pics of the celeb/star.
IW are great at offering investment advice - products touted as 'investments' include the Justice League watch set , and a Matthey Tissot watch , now long forgotten.
Another great expert was Mark Stewart , now your friendly BBQ chef -when he was on Bid he was selling a set of ancient country music cd s for a quid.
'Buy it and sell it on -that's what I would do!' bleated Mark.
The p&p was £7.50 and it was £2.99 for the phone call you had to make to purchase.
Fantastic profit opportunity there Mark - you could be the next Warren Buffett.
This a new one, Jess giving a stock update for a product that IW don't stock and don't sell. :unsure::rolleyes:

Jess - "we haven't even delved into the mattress yet and already 20% of the king size has gone."

Really? How the hell would she know, the Emma shows, like Pension/Will shows are just really adverts for other company's, IW isn't involved in the sales process at all, the company's pay IW, i remember seeing somewhere that it was something like £14,500 for the 45 minute slot and a couple of presenters probably more now, as i said it's just a glorified advert/commercial. So Jess, as IW are not stocking or even selling the mattress, how do you know how many orders are going through or what Emma's stock levels are.

She also mentioned that the only other thing that she knows with a 10 year guarantee is her house, which is the exact same bloody story that both Alex and Shona used when selling mattresses, even though they are all involved in selling other products on IW with 10 year or longer guarantees.

Seems to me like she's just repeating lines, even though they're crap, from other shows to fill in the time. Just a bunch of liars.
IW are great at offering investment advice - products touted as 'investments' include the Justice League watch set , and a Matthey Tissot watch , now long forgotten.
Another great expert was Mark Stewart , now your friendly BBQ chef -when he was on Bid he was selling a set of ancient country music cd s for a quid.
'Buy it and sell it on -that's what I would do!' bleated Mark.
The p&p was £7.50 and it was £2.99 for the phone call you had to make to purchase.
Fantastic profit opportunity there Mark - you could be the next Warren Buffett.

Although i'm a lover of Mathey-Tissot watches, they ain't no investment, an odd one may, like the ones with the valjoux movement or the all gold pocket watches may keep their re-sale value slightly better, but even they will lose most of their value in time. For most of Mathey-Tissot watches, even if you keep it safe and unworn you'd be very lucky if it even kept half it's value in 5 years, a lot won't even keep that, especially from IW price points. You just need to check ebay, Chrono24 etc to see how the re-sale value drops and that goes for most brands, only a very few watches from certain top brands, will have any chance of getting a higher re-sale price and be considered an investment, but even a lot of their watches lose value, just not as fast as the lower and middle tier watches.

But personally, if these so called collectors are buying watches from IW as an Investment, then they're a bloody fool with more money than sense and they're definitely not a watch collector.

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