Registered Shopper
My apologies first of all for taking an absolute age to let you all know what I thought of this ring:8:
I wanted to post an actual photo of the item but having lost my camera battery,to then find said battery and then not being able to find the bloomin' charger unit........means I have no actual real life piccy to show you all.:31:
However,I will carry on regardless.......for those who are not aware of what it is I bought here is the stock photo from the website
First things first,re delivery......it took a little longer than a week to arrive,so not as long as some have been waiting but not as swift as other companies,that being said they are new so a little latitude from me is afforded to Rocks and Co.
In real life the opal is not as black as it looks in the stock photo,more a greeny black if that makes sense.My suspicions were that stock photos are somewhat enhanced and so it proved in this case.In saying that I do not think it detracts from the stone,but from a personal pov I would have preferred it to be more black.
The sparkly bits,the opal-y bits are like glitter and very pretty,in different lights the green glittery bits shine or blue glittery bits and some red ones too....probably not the most professional way of explaining but it's how it appears to me.
As the first item I received from R&C I was impressed with the quality of the item,the gold work was good,decent weight to the band and I was very impressed with the diamond accents,whilst they are small they are very sparkly which is something not often seen from other places and it was with this in mind that nearly persuaded me to keep the ring,but I have indeed sent it back for a refund.
My reasons for sending it back:
Whilst I like the matrix opal and think it is a worthy piece to have I was not blown away with it,maybe if the sun was shining when I got it and was able to take it outside to let it work it's magic I may have felt different,but that is not the main reason for it's return.
The main thing for me was that I feel it would scratch quite easily,indeed there was a tiny scratch on the stone,hardly noticable in fairness unless you look real close and squint etc,but as I am quite a clumsy person I felt that if I wore it there was a very real chance of me chipping it at some point.
It's fair to say that I wouldn't have worn it everyday,but I know what I am like,I wave me arms about.......a lot!!!!:20:
I think it is a stone best for a pendant....for me anyways,but if you are a careful,dainty person then a ring would be fine,but I still am of the opinion that it could easily scratch.
So,my first dip into R&C is fairly positive,though not wholly succesful.I was also concerned that my invoice was charged at £79.99 and not the £49.99 that I bought for,but having read other threads this has happened to others and they were charged at the correct price despite what the invoice said,so I didn't worry too much.If I had kept it I would have phoned CS to confirm,but as I have returned it I will just check on my statement that the correct price has been charged and refunded.If there is a discrepancy then I will contact them and post here accordingly,I put my trust in them to get it right.....let's see.
As a footnote I did manage to snag a bit of a bargain from them too,a multigem ring in silver for £4!!!!!!:59:
This is staying with me,very pretty indeed,I think I was just watching at the right time(I don't watch often enough to grab many of these bargains).Again a nicely finished quality piece,very sparkly faceted mix of amethyst,peridot,citrine,topaz etc.
Sorry for the long post...............that's if you have managed to read this far before falling asleep!!!!!:20:
I wanted to post an actual photo of the item but having lost my camera battery,to then find said battery and then not being able to find the bloomin' charger unit........means I have no actual real life piccy to show you all.:31:
However,I will carry on regardless.......for those who are not aware of what it is I bought here is the stock photo from the website

First things first,re delivery......it took a little longer than a week to arrive,so not as long as some have been waiting but not as swift as other companies,that being said they are new so a little latitude from me is afforded to Rocks and Co.
In real life the opal is not as black as it looks in the stock photo,more a greeny black if that makes sense.My suspicions were that stock photos are somewhat enhanced and so it proved in this case.In saying that I do not think it detracts from the stone,but from a personal pov I would have preferred it to be more black.
The sparkly bits,the opal-y bits are like glitter and very pretty,in different lights the green glittery bits shine or blue glittery bits and some red ones too....probably not the most professional way of explaining but it's how it appears to me.
As the first item I received from R&C I was impressed with the quality of the item,the gold work was good,decent weight to the band and I was very impressed with the diamond accents,whilst they are small they are very sparkly which is something not often seen from other places and it was with this in mind that nearly persuaded me to keep the ring,but I have indeed sent it back for a refund.
My reasons for sending it back:
Whilst I like the matrix opal and think it is a worthy piece to have I was not blown away with it,maybe if the sun was shining when I got it and was able to take it outside to let it work it's magic I may have felt different,but that is not the main reason for it's return.
The main thing for me was that I feel it would scratch quite easily,indeed there was a tiny scratch on the stone,hardly noticable in fairness unless you look real close and squint etc,but as I am quite a clumsy person I felt that if I wore it there was a very real chance of me chipping it at some point.
It's fair to say that I wouldn't have worn it everyday,but I know what I am like,I wave me arms about.......a lot!!!!:20:
I think it is a stone best for a pendant....for me anyways,but if you are a careful,dainty person then a ring would be fine,but I still am of the opinion that it could easily scratch.
So,my first dip into R&C is fairly positive,though not wholly succesful.I was also concerned that my invoice was charged at £79.99 and not the £49.99 that I bought for,but having read other threads this has happened to others and they were charged at the correct price despite what the invoice said,so I didn't worry too much.If I had kept it I would have phoned CS to confirm,but as I have returned it I will just check on my statement that the correct price has been charged and refunded.If there is a discrepancy then I will contact them and post here accordingly,I put my trust in them to get it right.....let's see.
As a footnote I did manage to snag a bit of a bargain from them too,a multigem ring in silver for £4!!!!!!:59:
This is staying with me,very pretty indeed,I think I was just watching at the right time(I don't watch often enough to grab many of these bargains).Again a nicely finished quality piece,very sparkly faceted mix of amethyst,peridot,citrine,topaz etc.
Sorry for the long post...............that's if you have managed to read this far before falling asleep!!!!!:20: