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That’s the same with us. Worked full time with a smallish garden, no family to step in so what sort of life would that have been for a poor animal. Yet I know people tag you as animal haters (because you moan at dog poo not picked up) but I consider myself a hell of a lot more responsible than my neighbours who have 2 dogs indoors 9-5 everyday.
People buy puppies and don`t realise just how much hard work they can be. They don`t come out of a box ready house trained or well behaved. Our new pup is a monster, she tries to eat everything including our hands and feet and she isn`t still for longer than 5 minutes plus she`s tried to dig up the flower beds, chewed the astro turf and has a particular liking for my kitchen drawer handles. I`m at home all day and on constant alert with her because I have to be. Young pups have a limited attention span so when I try walking her around the garden to accustom her to a lead or when I distract her with toys etc it can only be for a few minutes because then something else grabs her attention. She`s just a baby and like all babies they are time consuming and learn things one at a time.
Anybody buying a pup and working full time are asking for trouble plus it will be a miserable life for a pup who may be cooped in a cage all day or locked outside all day or left alone to chew and destroy whichever room its left in.
As many have mentioned, during lockdown people have bought pups and simply haven`t thought long term about what they will do when they return to work or that the dog will live with them for years and not just during lockdown. Not only are they expensive to buy but insurance, vet bills, food etc are on going too.
Many dogs and puppies have been stolen and sold on and for silly money. We paid over the odds for our new pup but we missed our last dog so much and it was a case of us needing a dog not just wanting a dog and we don`t begrudge a penny of her.
We looked to adopt but our ages went against us (Mr V is 70 and I`m not far behind) unless we were willing to adopt a much older dog or one with ongoing health issues, neither of which we wanted. Our dog will go everywhere with us when she`s had all her jabs and she`ll meet children, other dogs, other peoples houses and gardens, expanses of water, fields, forests and being driven in a car etc. None of this quick walks around the block then shoved back in her cage again.
She keeps me fit, active, alert and is my companion, young bugger as she may be !
I see now they are going to bring a law that cats have to be microchipped. I got Freya done when she was getting spayed but on the local Facebook group North Down Lost and Found the number cats going missing. Usually described as being friendly and not going far from home, now they are what would be called pretty looking. I keep thinking people are stealing them to sell. Three Siamese cats disappeared in a short period so they def stolen.
People buy puppies and don`t realise just how much hard work they can be.
So true Vienna, I once looked after some friends puppy for a week while they went on holiday, I adore dogs and grew up with them so thought it would be a doddle. I ended up staying up all night with him as it didn't feel right letting him cry and be alone in a strange home. It was many years ago and my now grown up kids loved the experience but I've never had a dog since as it was exhausting. I'm sure this lockdown puppy buying has made others feel the same but thankfully, this we trialed puppy had a home to go back to.
People buy puppies and don`t realise just how much hard work they can be. They don`t come out of a box ready house trained or well behaved. Our new pup is a monster, she tries to eat everything including our hands and feet and she isn`t still for longer than 5 minutes plus she`s tried to dig up the flower beds, chewed the astro turf and has a particular liking for my kitchen drawer handles. I`m at home all day and on constant alert with her because I have to be. Young pups have a limited attention span so when I try walking her around the garden to accustom her to a lead or when I distract her with toys etc it can only be for a few minutes because then something else grabs her attention. She`s just a baby and like all babies they are time consuming and learn things one at a time.
Anybody buying a pup and working full time are asking for trouble plus it will be a miserable life for a pup who may be cooped in a cage all day or locked outside all day or left alone to chew and destroy whichever room its left in.
As many have mentioned, during lockdown people have bought pups and simply haven`t thought long term about what they will do when they return to work or that the dog will live with them for years and not just during lockdown. Not only are they expensive to buy but insurance, vet bills, food etc are on going too.
Many dogs and puppies have been stolen and sold on and for silly money. We paid over the odds for our new pup but we missed our last dog so much and it was a case of us needing a dog not just wanting a dog and we don`t begrudge a penny of her.
We looked to adopt but our ages went against us (Mr V is 70 and I`m not far behind) unless we were willing to adopt a much older dog or one with ongoing health issues, neither of which we wanted. Our dog will go everywhere with us when she`s had all her jabs and she`ll meet children, other dogs, other peoples houses and gardens, expanses of water, fields, forests and being driven in a car etc. None of this quick walks around the block then shoved back in her cage again.
She keeps me fit, active, alert and is my companion, young bugger as she may be !
When we decided that we needed another cat, Millie had been gone 2 and a 1/2 years, we wanted a kitten. Boy are we glad that we didn't get one! They are a handful even though they are cute. Yeah alright, Milo is no angel, but he is litter trained, chipped and neutered all for £120 so I can't complain.
If you said to people think of your kitten or puppy as a baby, and expect to spend at least as long with them as a baby, maybe they would get the idea? And they will be the kid that never leaves home so a commitment almost as long as it takes your kids to reach voting age, if you are lucky.
People who are new pet owners may well get some behavioral problems with socialising pups who have never met other dogs since they left their litter...and abandonment issues when you are no longer working from home full time.
Poor animals.
I keep saying Freya is trying to kill me and people think I am joking. No. She is like grease lightening running in front of me, or even if I am stand getting under my feet.

A man on the Burmese group on Facebook was tripped up by his cat and broke his arm.
Mr V was tripped up by our pup. Luckily he was outside so fell onto the lawn. Had he been on the patio then he would have really hurt himself. He`s a big chap and either the pup would have been flattened by his 18 stone falling on her or he`d have broken something hitting a stone patio with his full weight behind him. I keep telling him to think feet feet feet when he`s around her.
Unfortunately as we have said before pet ownership of any kind is taken far too lightly by many people.It was on the TV yesterday that people will be returning to work and pets probably acquired during lockdowns will be distressed because they will suddenly find themselves being left alone for long periods.
Unfortunately as we have said before pet ownership of any kind is taken far too lightly by many people.It was on the TV yesterday that people will be returning to work and pets probably acquired during lockdowns will be distressed because they will suddenly find themselves being left alone for long per

90 second read:

What really troubles me is that when these selfish, feckless fucktards decide that they can no longer 'manage the commitment of pet guardianship'. They will then simply sell it on, in an attempt to recoup the silly money spent out. Poor animal could end up anywhere, very likely in some hellish breeding factory.
Further, there will be dangerous, aggressive dogs loose in the park, biting others because they 'weren't able to be socialised'. Well start now then, fool, before you take the animal out in public. These will be the same parks in which you see those trees decorated with **** bags, & owners glued to their phones whilst 'Dave' adopts the kangaroo position for the 5th time.

Anyhow, you don't need to be shoulder to shoulder with humans to socialise a dog. It's about you & doggy experiencing everything together - cars, bicycles, sheep (on lead) scooters, kids in spidermen suits, all of which are available during a pandemic (daily excercise?)
Whatever the fear/new experience, strong leadership/ability to react quickly from owners limits injury to other hogs & humans.

Obie came with problems-he was a wee terror & utter menace. It was hard work, but he improved greatly with discipline & firm, strong leadership. He learned fast, & I put in the hours. People now comment on his good behaviour (ha!)
I'll never change his personality (mischievous, clown, pushes boundaries, even sneaky) nor would I want to, but he is mostly a super dog, which is down to a lot of work (which=love)
Having a pup /kitten is like having a toddler/2 year old. Full on. Even at his adult age, I know that if it all goes quiet, he is drawing on the wall, has shredded the loo roll, or has dropped my hairbrush down the lavatory.
Re microchips (and Bryan is done, as was Perry and Copper and my cat), my mum had her cat microchipped and the vets put it in the wrong place. Chip went to cat's brain and cat died. Vet admitted it was their fault. I do hope that, although rare, it is put out there that there is a risk because before that happened I had never heard of such a thing. I do believe that the Supervet, Noel, has written a paper on this. Poor mum was devastated as it was as if the cat had had a stroke and then sort of recovered (chip moving) and the vets treated mum as if she was exaggerating until they took the cat in for observation (to appease my mum) and within an hour it had passed away. Too sad.

If you said to people think of your kitten or puppy as a baby, and expect to spend at least as long with them as a baby, maybe they would get the idea? And they will be the kid that never leaves home so a commitment almost as long as it takes your kids to reach voting age, if you are lucky.
People who are new pet owners may well get some behavioral problems with socialising pups who have never met other dogs since they left their litter...and abandonment issues when you are no longer working from home full time.
Poor animals.

Half the people around here have babies with no idea how to bring them up. Neither do they care. They live off takeaways and run wild in the streets. After school there is obviously no homework done as they're out until 10-11pm and all weekend.

Many would say that's great as at least they're not playing computer games all day. The trouble is they just wander around staring at Social Media videos etc. Those are the kids not getting into trouble vandalising and bullying.

These 'parents' have children with behavioral problems then they buy dogs... Poor kids and poor animals.
When I had Freya microchipped they said it was better to wait until she was being spayed at 6 months. The needle is quite large and the cat being asleep it was easier to get the position right.

I thought it was just like with dogs they just inject and that was it. I am glad my vet decided to do it the way they did.
When I had Freya microchipped they said it was better to wait until she was being spayed at 6 months. The needle is quite large and the cat being asleep it was easier to get the position right.

I thought it was just like with dogs they just inject and that was it. I am glad my vet decided to do it the way they did.
My vet said the same when I had my cat done. Perry and Bryan had been chipped when I got them and Copper had his when he was having his teeth out 🤭

The incident with mum's cat was very rare but at least the vet acknowledged that it can go wrong. I think the worst part of it was she was made to feel like an old woman making a fuss over nothing.

I belong to a local Neighbour Digest which I have mentioned before. So yesterday one popped up on my email about Cleverly Park where my aunt lives. So I phoned my aunt to make sure she was okay. This happened to the house next door to her.

People in bed 11.45pm, woman suddenly thought did I lock the front door so goes down the stairs. Her handbag had been sitting in the hall beside the small table now moved. She looked out and man getting into her car and someone in her daughter's car. She ran out not thinking and grabbed the car door. The man leapt out and punched her in the mouth as she was screaming ran off the other man in daughter's car jumped out and ran. People just seem to forget to lock their doors.

My aunt did say the people came to her next day, but she sleeps in the back bedroom and heard nothing. Then she tells me the lock at the top of her front door is broken! Now at 85 she no longer drives but still. I told her to get one of her sons to come look at it and fix it for her.
I belong to a local Neighbour Digest which I have mentioned before. So yesterday one popped up on my email about Cleverly Park where my aunt lives. So I phoned my aunt to make sure she was okay. This happened to the house next door to her.

People in bed 11.45pm, woman suddenly thought did I lock the front door so goes down the stairs. Her handbag had been sitting in the hall beside the small table now moved. She looked out and man getting into her car and someone in her daughter's car. She ran out not thinking and grabbed the car door. The man leapt out and punched her in the mouth as she was screaming ran off the other man in daughter's car jumped out and ran. People just seem to forget to lock their doors.

My aunt did say the people came to her next day, but she sleeps in the back bedroom and heard nothing. Then she tells me the lock at the top of her front door is broken! Now at 85 she no longer drives but still. I told her to get one of her sons to come look at it and fix it for her.
What a horrible, traumatic experience!
Especially if you have a desirable make of car, with sophisticated security, there are crooks who will not hesitate to break into your home, while you are in it...asleep or awake. They don't think twice about threatening or actually using violence.
There is normally a good deterrent effect from having an alarm...but good locks and good, alert neighbours are important too.
When it comes to cars though, I personally believe it is better and safer to call the police than to try and stop the thieves yourself.

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