This Zultanite Diaspore thing is realy confusing me i thought they were the same? but this got me lost today lol
Zultanite not diaspore
First faceted in the late seventies (1977), Zultanite is an extremely rare gemstone that despite its beauty and suitability for jewelry was previously plagued by scant availability. While an article in "Gems & Gemology" magazine (Winter 1994) indicated that supplies were promising, this hasn't translated into the availability of good quality gems until recently. While some jewelers previously sourced limited quantities of this gem marketed under their mineral name Diaspore, please don't confuse the two. Zultanite is your guarantee that each gem has been optimally cut by some of the world's most experienced lapidaries.
Zultanite's mineral name "Diaspore", comes from the Greek word "diaspora" meaning "to scatter". While Diaspore was first discovered in 1801 in Mramorskoi, Kossoibrod, Ural Mountains, Russia, the Turkish deposit remains the world's only source of Zultanite.