Your favourite and least favourite makeup artists on QVC


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Jun 24, 2008
Well, I have already stated on here that I think highly amusing wacky Mally is the biz and I sadly have to say that Laura is my least fav. Which is sad as I
like Laura and some of her products. She is just rather heavy handed
and the girls look so made up which is not the aim of good makeup for me in my humble opinion.

I just want to look better than the bare me all day with the least fuss early
in the morning. You want people you meet to be trying to guess if you have foundation or not!
God its got to be good as I am half a sleep as I go out the door at 7am!
benefit make up artist. she looks like she has put on her blusher with a paint brush. and she does the makeup spacky.
benefit lady worst anoying voice too!i like laura geller for her sence of humour shes quite funny, like smashbox nina but hate the way she says exatly!
Not keen on any of them if I am honest, but the camp guy who works with the Bobbi Brown bloke is probably the one I think does the best job. I wouldnt let the main BB guy near me with a make up brush, he never seems to get the eyes right.

Because they dont have ultra closeups you cant see the thick powder residue which is there when you do whatever they have shown you at home. The worst for this is is Stacey (who I find an absolute scream to watch). If you do exactly what she does with her powders, you are left looking very maiden aunt like.

I thought Mally was funny on her first trip with her 'you will look like you have just had sex' comments but like everything, when its repeated too often, it loses its impact. She does seem to have a rapport with AY and can wind her up quite nicely.

Benefit lady always puts me off - far too heavily made up and she piles it on the models too much too, like a few of the products though.

I quite like LG and her products, and Smashbox is OK for some of thier items, the guest has persuaded me to purchase quite a few things, most of which went back because I just cant get them to do what they say they will!

I usually watch the shows, if I like a product - see if its cheaper elsewhere, then watch Panacea and others on You Tube to get the techniques and looks I want.

I've not seen Gary from Prescriptives for a long while (south african accent, smooth head). Have I just missed him or have they stopped showing Prescriptives? (still some items on their website).

The Prescriptives shop has disappeared so I will say they are giving them the boot.

OK I am going to include Alison Young, she is totally carp at doing makeup. She uses all the buzz words but can't apply it. When she sometimes mentions doing wedding makeup I shudder at the thought of what the poor bride looks like.

So many of the artists appearing on QVC are so heavy handed. But none match up to Mr. Umpa Lumpa on Ideal World, many a model has nearly lost an eye with him doing a demo.:10:

The Smashbox gang are excellent, natural don't look like ready for Drag Queen Miss World.
To be honest, I like most of them but Daniel from Smashbox used to be my favourite. I like the girl who now does stuff for them.

Mally is great for comedy value, and I like Stacey and Laura's enthusiam for their products.

I don't like the chap from Prescriptives. Don't know why but he gives me the creeps. And the Benefit woman drives me potty too.
Stacey is my favourite because she's so entertaining and she doesn't expect the models to try anything she won't try herself. Also like SJ, the BE artist.

Can't stand watching any of them putting mascara on models, no matter what the make it always look clumpy, eyelashes stuck together, and bits where bits shouldn't be.
The Prescriptives shop has disappeared so I will say they are giving them the boot.

OK I am going to include Alison Young, she is totally carp at doing makeup. She uses all the buzz words but can't apply it. When she sometimes mentions doing wedding makeup I shudder at the thought of what the poor bride looks like.

So many of the artists appearing on QVC are so heavy handed. But none match up to Mr. Umpa Lumpa on Ideal World, many a model has nearly lost an eye with him doing a demo.:10:

The Smashbox gang are excellent, natural don't look like ready for Drag Queen Miss World.

Who on earth is Umpa Lumpa?
I really like Nina from Smashbox, she seems the most genuine of the MA's on QVC and she doesn't rabbit on TOO much unlike some of them who really don't know when to whisht up. I don't much like the guy from Bobbi Brown, something about him just doesn't ring true with me.

And couldn't agree more with whoever said that AY herself is rubbish. She plonked some dark shadow on Amika once and when she realised how awful it was she said 'well when you get it home you'll be able to blend it better'!! Better than her? A qualified with more than 25 years experience in ALL areas of everything ever invented? ok then....:54:
Think the Smashbox girl and SJ from BE are both good and Stacey is great entertainment. Love Mario Luigi. Could listen to him reciting the phone book

The bloke from Prescriptives was creepy. The bloke from BB seems very false and does nothing but worship at the altar of BB.

But the one I really cannot watch is the girl from Gale - never know how to spell it - Hymen, who looks absolutely awful and as cheaply turned out as the products. That does sound nasty but I think is true.
I agree about the Gale Hayman woman, she always looks really rough.

Also agree about the Smashbox woman, she's really good apart from the way she says 'Exac-t-ly' lol.

Laura Geller is definitely my favourite though (quelle surprise) she's so passionate about what she does and it comes through in her presentations - and I always think the models look lovely when she has made them up.
Smashbox Timber was always good to watch. Nina who does it now is ok. :r2:

I am not sure I remember which one he was ???


Are you referring to the macho-est super camp make up artist in the western hemisphere ??

I think I remember him..

Honestly now , some of these so called make up artist are seriously heavy handed and as for the lovely timber gooding I have never looked better than when he did my make up... I barely even recognised myself .
I saw this thread and thought "I must mention Timber" and by the time I got to the end of the thread he's getting the accolades he deserves. Absolutely fantastic to watch. I bought my first Smashbox when watching him about 8 years ago - one of the eyeliners in blue and I'm only just getting to the bottom of the pot - he did say it would last me ages!

I think all the Smashbox MA are very professional but then they have to be, working on celebs and models all the time.

For entertainment, I love to sit and watch Stacey. Great personality.
I also used to buy loads of smashbox when Timber was on - then they changed to that other gay guy Daniel??? he was carp so put me off a bit - saved some money then. Now Nina does it I am spending more......

I think the demo's really make you want to try a product.

I also love watching Stacey as she is sooo funny - but can get annoying if you watch too long.

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