Yong Kim


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You have to have the right scaffolding to avoid looking like a sack of spuds. That means reasonably tall with good shoulders and chest. Thick legs are ok provided the footwear is right. Boots look best with young Kim. The one thing the presenters and models always get wrong on Q are the shoes. High heels with leggings or jeans went out with the arc.
The right scaffolding, that's it exactly. My posture is not too good so baggy things accentuate that and seem to drag me down. I am reasonably tall but have always had slightly round shoulders despite trying to improve it.
I`m tall, broad shouldered, narrow hipped and long legged but I`m 60 and much as I may have the shape for YK below the neck, I personally feel it`s a style for the under 40`s, that`s another reason why it looks so awful on Ingrid and other people IMO. It smacks of older woman trying to look trendy or older woman getting down with the kids or older woman trying to hide her body. I know lots of people will disagree but that`s how it looks to me. I also feel it does nothing for the larger ladies as much as the presenters say it does. It just looks as if they`re trying to camouflage their figures and I think many of the styles make the bigger models and presenters look even bigger.
I guess it`s one of those love/hate brands and it looks fine on the younger, slimmer, models and would look even better with the right shoes or boots, correct accessories and without leggings or white skinny jeans.
There are many people who, if you tell them that something is "designer", will buy it if they can. And there's no doubt at all in my mind that Q (and other selly telly channels) are very skilled at creating a scenario or an image or lifestyle that some people will want to "buy into". If something is promoted as the latest thing, or as worn by some celebrity or another (and the cult of celebrity is strong, just look at these magazines making a fortune out of it), then there are people who will go for it, whether they want it, can afford it, or it suits them - that makes no difference, it's the image they are buying into. As I've said before, it's the Emperor's new clothes syndrome, and to me that's what YK is all about. We all have different likes/dislikes, but the cost of these clothes are a rip-off IMO; making them must be simplicity itself, they are such basic designs. I can make clothes, although I'm no professional dressmaker, but I know I could run up a YK look-alike in a few hours and for less than a quarter of the price - and that's with using good-quality material, not limp cheesecloth. Who gets the colossal profits they must be making? Hmmm, I wonder, but I bet it isn't the machinist...if YK fits into the "Best" category, I'd hate to see what's in the "Worst" category!!

Definitely, Boffy - no matter how baffling some of us find the appeal of this range - it clearly has a customer base.

One thing Debbie mentioned yesterday was a QVC policy of "Good, Better, Best"... the implication being that YK fits into the "Best" category.
I`m tall, broad shouldered, narrow hipped and long legged but I`m 60 and much as I may have the shape for YK below the neck, I personally feel it`s a style for the under 40`s, that`s another reason why it looks so awful on Ingrid and other people IMO. It smacks of older woman trying to look trendy or older woman getting down with the kids or older woman trying to hide her body. I know lots of people will disagree but that`s how it looks to me. I also feel it does nothing for the larger ladies as much as the presenters say it does. It just looks as if they`re trying to camouflage their figures and I think many of the styles make the bigger models and presenters look even bigger.
I guess it`s one of those love/hate brands and it looks fine on the younger, slimmer, models and would look even better with the right shoes or boots, correct accessories and without leggings or white skinny jeans.

i think the problem with ANY brand is not everything is great all of the time. some of the young kim stuff is not nice at all. they can have poor quality cuts ie shoert and too babby, or skinmpy etc. some of the stripes are garish and some of the colour combinations are yuck. but there are some nice pieces. that you cam wear them to death because the quality is there. i dont like fancy clothes.i like a sports lux look. very pared down but smart in a very limited colour pallette i.e black
I'd never wear it at all. It just wouldn't fit into my lifestyle and I also think it's totally overpriced to create the illusion that it's high end fashion.

Why do they keep banging on about Yong Kim being a real person? Methinks someone's been reading this forum. :hi:
Will the real Yong Kim please stand up and identify himself/herself/itself?..

I'd never wear it at all. It just wouldn't fit into my lifestyle and I also think it's totally overpriced to create the illusion that it's high end fashion.

Why do they keep banging on about Yong Kim being a real person? Methinks someone's been reading this forum. :hi:
If I were to be inspired to buy any YK, and there were crinkle items, I'd be with Jackie Kabler in whipping out an iron to get rid of the creasing and crinkling... and I never iron anything!
Me neither, and I'm not about to start now......no, not even if Yong Kim made a surprise appearance on Q...

If I were to be inspired to buy any YK, and there were crinkle items, I'd be with Jackie Kabler in whipping out an iron to get rid of the creasing and crinkling... and I never iron anything!

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