Yk prices!!


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Nov 9, 2008
Just how can they justify the price they are just going up and up £120 for a thin striped top!! JF has just told Ingrid she knows the brand inside out and is the queen of layering!! Ingrid replied by saying she can`t wear tailored clothes ...It just made me wonder how she dressed before she got involved with YK?
I had to laugh when Ingrid ran over to the model, stuck a top over her dress and tied it up in a knot round her middle. it looked hideous. The prices are just ludicrous.
In an earlier show Ingrid was talking about the range being ideal for university students, perfect for layering, no ironing, etc. Just what planet is this woman on for goodness sake? It costs enough to go through university with all the other fees without sending your offsprings away with clothes from some so-called "designer" range. Ingrid lives in cloud cuckoo-land and needs to come down to earth with a bump. She herself looked like she'd been dragged through a hedge backwards and probably yearns to be back in her student days! Of course, she doesn't need twin sets and pearls but she looked a right mess.....at quite a price too!!
The way she `layers` the cost would be way out of my league for one outfit, even if I liked the range !!
Apparently YK is called something else in America but QVC UK brought it QVC as a "young an edgy" range of clothing by an extremely shy woman, who is obviously even too shy to have her picture taken, which of course is a load of cobblers. It's pitched as "designer and edgy" which warrants them to slap a huge price tag on. I've seen similar style clothes, same fabric composition for a fraction of YK prices so there's only one reason QVC charge what they do, greed.
Ingrid also compared YK exclusivity to the likes of Chanel, Dior etc. at a fraction of the price. I don't think so. The aforementioned look classy, can't say the same of YK.
Just how can they justify the price they are just going up and up £120 for a thin striped top!! JF has just told Ingrid she knows the brand inside out and is the queen of layering!! Ingrid replied by saying she can`t wear tailored clothes ...It just made me wonder how she dressed before she got involved with YK?
The only thing JF is queen of is BULL SH*T
I`ve looked at old pics of IT and she has tailored jackets on .. so her saying she has never liked wearing tailored clothes must be cobblers !! At least then she didn`t look like a bag lady !!
Trouble is I know quite a few young people who will only wear so called designer wear. They are always broke as a consequence.
Whenever it is on I just think WHO IS YK!
Who would even let the mess that is Ingrid try and sell clothes.
But more importantly who buys these clothes at that price.
Whenever it is on I just think WHO IS YK!
Who would even let the mess that is Ingrid try and sell clothes.
But more importantly who buys these clothes at that price.

Whenever it is on I just think WHO IS YK! - probably a made up person!

Who would even let the mess that is Ingrid try and sell clothes. - QVC.....(a moot point if the 'designer' is a made up person, so that only leaves the all powerful Q!)

But more importantly who buys these clothes at that price. - Ingrid Tarrant?

I'll take my 1st place prize for all correct answers now please.....unless 1st prize is a YK dishcloth, in which case.....is there a 2nd place prize I could have instead?

They charge these prices simply because they can and simply because some people are happy to pay it.
Die hard fans obviously think they`re getting something special which is worth the cost, much the same as people who buy other expensive brands, whether on the DHS or QVC. For the prices they charge I`d imagine you could find much nicer better quality stuff but that`s purely my opinion.
Not my cup of tea and whether YK actually exists is up there with whether UFO`s and Aliens actually exist. In fact I`d say there`s far more chance of seeing an Alien because a lot of people (including myself) thinks the whole YK is just a shy person who hides away in America etc routine, is all just a ploy to flog overpriced not very nice clothes to gullible Brits. In the States its flogged under another name ( Comfy USA ) and is widely available on Amazon US and other retailers. I suppose they had to fancy it up in order to make it sound something worth buying over here.
To each their own, some like it, some don`t, some think its worth the money, some would happily polish their shoes with it and so on and so on. I guess we`ll always have the for and against camps.
I cannot understand it, either. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I know I could make the same style as YK myself, even though my dressmaking abilities are limited (in fact, I have got a couple of tops in almost the same styles that I've made from patterns simply because they are pretty straightforward styles to sew). They are not difficult, even for me, and at less than a quarter of the price, and that's with using good-quality material, to make sure the top hangs well. I'm sure even if you had something in the same styles made to order by a qualified dressmaker they would not charge you as much as Q ask. Manufacturers have to make a profit, of course, but I cannot believe the prices they ask - they are totally over the top and out of all proportion to the work that's involved, it's a licence to print money IMO. I bet nearly all of that is going into the hands of the manufacturer - and of course the "celebrity"(?) who promotes the brand.

Just how can they justify the price they are just going up and up £120 for a thin striped top!! JF has just told Ingrid she knows the brand inside out and is the queen of layering!! Ingrid replied by saying she can`t wear tailored clothes ...It just made me wonder how she dressed before she got involved with YK?
Silly woman that she is. Maybe she could afford to buy these clothes for a student daughter, but how the hell could the average person afford to "sub" their daughter to buy things from this range. They really do talk out of their rear ends.

In an earlier show Ingrid was talking about the range being ideal for university students, perfect for layering, no ironing, etc. Just what planet is this woman on for goodness sake? It costs enough to go through university with all the other fees without sending your offsprings away with clothes from some so-called "designer" range. Ingrid lives in cloud cuckoo-land and needs to come down to earth with a bump. She herself looked like she'd been dragged through a hedge backwards and probably yearns to be back in her student days! Of course, she doesn't need twin sets and pearls but she looked a right mess.....at quite a price too!!
Just how can they justify the price they are just going up and up £120 for a thin striped top!! JF has just told Ingrid she knows the brand inside out and is the queen of layering!! Ingrid replied by saying she can`t wear tailored clothes ...It just made me wonder how she dressed before she got involved with YK?

Some of it is nice but would never pay these prices! There was a vest at £80, yes £80, I've got similar and a lot smarter looking one which I paid around £25 for in the wonderful High Street! :mysmilie_17:

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