YBF Stacey


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Jun 24, 2008
Chilling in Cheshire
Just on the offchance did anyone buy Stacey's long tailored jacket (or trousers) - if so what did you think of it/them?

I'm desperate to get a navy blue tailored jacket (decent length) and am running out of options.

Thanks in advance (if I get any replies!) :biggrin
sorry i did not buy I like the style but I did not like the fabric it was made out of.
sorry i did not buy I like the style but I did not like the fabric it was made out of.

Thanks Grovesy.

I didn't see the presentation was just going off the description on the QVC site - there is a video of the trousers but as they are dark trousers I can't really make out any detail!
OK, I bought it, while it was on intro price though! Compared to a couple of other pieces I have tried from her range, this felt much nicer. Yes, it is polyester, but I have found that most things are in the shops these days. The blue is not a dark almost black navy, it's navy, but you can def. tell it's blue. Brighter navy than some others I have. The jacket is fine, fits well. The trousers are a bit more fiddly. They are long, have a wide leg from the knee down, top is more fitted. The waist isn't that much smaller than the hip, so they fit a bit strangely - ok maybe that it's my body shape that's the problem :eek:. They look smart and for someone who needs smart and put together for work it's ok. TBH most stuff I have seen in shops is either more expensive, still for poly/viscose, or just looks hideous. Have to be honest, though, would I pay full price? When looking at high street shops that want £80 for a pair of trousers, maybe yes. Oh, and the problem with M&S and Gap etc. is they don't make big enough sizes, so forced to Anne Harvey, Elvi, Evans etc. Compared to them this is ok. Have to admit other stuff I have tried from her range I have returned as cheap. HTH.
OK, I bought it, while it was on intro price though! Compared to a couple of other pieces I have tried from her range, this felt much nicer. Yes, it is polyester, but I have found that most things are in the shops these days. The blue is not a dark almost black navy, it's navy, but you can def. tell it's blue. Brighter navy than some others I have. The jacket is fine, fits well. The trousers are a bit more fiddly. They are long, have a wide leg from the knee down, top is more fitted. The waist isn't that much smaller than the hip, so they fit a bit strangely - ok maybe that it's my body shape that's the problem :eek:. They look smart and for someone who needs smart and put together for work it's ok. TBH most stuff I have seen in shops is either more expensive, still for poly/viscose, or just looks hideous. Have to be honest, though, would I pay full price? When looking at high street shops that want £80 for a pair of trousers, maybe yes. Oh, and the problem with M&S and Gap etc. is they don't make big enough sizes, so forced to Anne Harvey, Elvi, Evans etc. Compared to them this is ok. Have to admit other stuff I have tried from her range I have returned as cheap. HTH.

Thanks Birdie, most helpful! :biggrin

I agree, especially in navy blue, where there is not much choice in the High Street (in fact only seen one navy jacket in M&S, nowhere else, bit cheaper) - everything is a poly/viscose type mix.
Navy must be an "out" colour ATM, I have been looking for navy shoes for ages and can't find any!:(
I'm sorry but she really must change the name of this brand cause whenever I see it all I think is YBF=You've Been Framed!
Is it just me????
No it isn't just you, I don't think it is a very good choice, doesn't exactly trip off the tongue. Maybe it has more meaning/resonance in the USA.

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