Yankee Candle World Journeys Auto Delivery


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Jun 24, 2008
Yankee Candle Set of 3 USA Special 2 Wick World Journeys Tumblers

Auto-Delivery Yankee Candle Set of 3 USA Special 2 Wick World Journeys Tumblers

Yankee Candle Set of 3 Summer Coolers Large Jars £43.56 + post

Fresh Mint
Juicy Watermelon
Orange Dreamiscle
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Oh I like the sound of these three WJ candles. And I only got the last lot on Saturday IIRC. Still these sound just my sort of thing. Won't go for the AD as they don't say what they are yet and I don't want a foodie set. I think I shall go mad and get these AND the Riviera Escape to console myself after a ten day battle with JLP customer services over a non functioning new washing machine. I am exhausted by them so could do with some candlelight calmness.
Oh I like the sound of these three WJ candles. And I only got the last lot on Saturday IIRC. Still these sound just my sort of thing. Won't go for the AD as they don't say what they are yet and I don't want a foodie set. I think I shall go mad and get these AND the Riviera Escape to console myself after a ten day battle with JLP customer services over a non functioning new washing machine. I am exhausted by them so could do with some candlelight calmness.

i think these are them

(California Redwood, Arctic Glacier & Australian Eucalyptus)
(Italian Limoncello, New Zealand Wild Berry & Pacific Coconut)
(Christmas in Paris, Spice Island Holiday & Alaskan Lights)
Well they all sound fabulous so no doubt I shall get them if they come up as single items. I burnt Christmas in Paris as one of my Xmas candles last year and thought it was very good.
i think these are them

(California Redwood, Arctic Glacier & Australian Eucalyptus)
(Italian Limoncello, New Zealand Wild Berry & Pacific Coconut)
(Christmas in Paris, Spice Island Holiday & Alaskan Lights)

Sorry, these are what? They are nothing to do with the Auto Delivery they are showing today (French Lavender, Egyptian Cotton, New Zealand Peony), are they? It was implied last night that the AD for that is just the same three fragrances again (one drop)??
Well they all sound fabulous so no doubt I shall get them if they come up as single items. I burnt Christmas in Paris as one of my Xmas candles last year and thought it was very good.

Have to agree they sound good. I have given the last two WJ sets a miss as I found earlier ones so weak but I could be tempted again!
Sorry, these are what? They are nothing to do with the Auto Delivery they are showing today (French Lavender, Egyptian Cotton, New Zealand Peony), are they? It was implied last night that the AD for that is just the same three fragrances again (one drop)??

these are apparently the auto-delivery drops for it as the 2nd drop in 120 days is apparently the one i put at the top of my list as here is a tweet mentioning it " hi everyone so the world journeys ARE diff fragrances on A.D.: Alaskan Lights, California Redwood, Australian Eucalyptus"
these are apparently the auto-delivery drops for it as the 2nd drop in 120 days is apparently the one i put at the top of my list as here is a tweet mentioning it " hi everyone so the world journeys ARE diff fragrances on A.D.: Alaskan Lights, California Redwood, Australian Eucalyptus"

Ah, ok. They really messed that up in the launch show then because Marv said something about getting the same again at the same price in 120 days and Rosa didn't comment. The website is no better. But why am I surprised?
Ah, ok. They really messed that up in the launch show then because Marv said something about getting the same again at the same price in 120 days and Rosa didn't comment. The website is no better. But why am I surprised?

thats where the whole confusion lies as that is excatly what i heard Marv say last night but thats one tweet from rosa i saw this morning & im waiting for a reply too so its confusion all round but i cant see it being the same as that just seems odd
thats where the whole confusion lies as that is excatly what i heard Marv say last night but thats one tweet from rosa i saw this morning & im waiting for a reply too so its confusion all round but i cant see it being the same as that just seems odd

Yep, in the video for it, it is stated twice (at very beginning and at 3:30) that it's two of the same thing if you go for AD, with no mention of different candles or further drops after 120 days. I bet a lot of people would only have ordered single delivery because they wouldn't want two sets the same and may be disappointed when they find out they could have had all the varying sets but it's too late to change/cancel. Equally, anyone who ordered on AD because they did want this set now and the same in 4 months won't be happy!

My single drop arrived today and I think they are very nice. Lavender and cotton as you would expect, NZP a light floral.

I looked on the website and I see they are showing different candles for drop 2 than was announced on the show. California redwood and Euclyptus are the same but the navy Alaskan one is replaced by a pale blue/grey Arctic one. They seem to have trouble drafting up the RTW ADs don't they. The last one was dropped before it got to air and caused some confusion as people thought they had ordered it.
My single drop arrived today and I think they are very nice. Lavender and cotton as you would expect, NZP a light floral.

I looked on the website and I see they are showing different candles for drop 2 than was announced on the show. California redwood and Euclyptus are the same but the navy Alaskan one is replaced by a pale blue/grey Arctic one. They seem to have trouble drafting up the RTW ADs don't they. The last one was dropped before it got to air and caused some confusion as people thought they had ordered it.

that one on the image is incorrect its the dark blue one you saw on air is what ive had confirmed
Has anyone lit any of these yet and can offer any feedback, in particular as to strength/throw? Or the other current WJ set (Bora Bora)? I'm burning one from last year now and it's got a great hit of fragrance, whereas the previous one I was burning was almost scent-free.
There is a woman on the Q Facebook page querying the third candle in the next AD. My goodness, she is being vilified for daring to query it and persisting until she gets an answer. I am not on FB but if I were I would have posted to say she has every right to question it! The Koolade drinkers are saying stop banging on for so long about this and what does it matter anyway, Arctic or Alaskan who gives a ****. But they should post correct details IMHO.
There is a woman on the Q Facebook page querying the third candle in the next AD. My goodness, she is being vilified for daring to query it and persisting until she gets an answer. I am not on FB but if I were I would have posted to say she has every right to question it! The Koolade drinkers are saying stop banging on for so long about this and what does it matter anyway, Arctic or Alaskan who gives a ****. But they should post correct details IMHO.

I agree that they should get the info correct but the FB poster is rather a drama queen. I've seen posts from her before making a mountain out of a molehill, for example she received the wrong colour of Kipling bag and made it sound like the end of the world. People have every right to complain about poor service but there's no need to blow things out of proportion.
Oh. OK then, I stand corrected............... although I still think they were a bit mean!!!!
There is a woman on the Q Facebook page querying the third candle in the next AD. My goodness, she is being vilified for daring to query it and persisting until she gets an answer. I am not on FB but if I were I would have posted to say she has every right to question it! The Koolade drinkers are saying stop banging on for so long about this and what does it matter anyway, Arctic or Alaskan who gives a ****. But they should post correct details IMHO.

I agree I'm not on FB either, but you're right, Drama Queen or not (see second comment up) it's not fair to vilify someone for wanting to know what their money is buying and for anyone to have a go at her for it's wrong. None of us know anyone's situation and to her, it may seem like the end of the world, after all it could've been a present and at the end of the day, is it really too much to ask that you get what you pay for? That's why I closed my account years ago with QVC, if what I ordered wasn't wrong, it was used so I thought bollocks to it, and closed it (best thing I ever did)
I agree that they should get the info correct but the FB poster is rather a drama queen. I've seen posts from her before making a mountain out of a molehill, for example she received the wrong colour of Kipling bag and made it sound like the end of the world. People have every right to complain about poor service but there's no need to blow things out of proportion.

On that occasion everyone who ordered the bag in Black received it in Tobacco Metal - a ghastly gold metallic colour - it was a real cock-up. I think she's just completely fed up with Q getting so much wrong and not appearing to care how much they inconvenience their customers.
On that occasion everyone who ordered the bag in Black received it in Tobacco Metal - a ghastly gold metallic colour - it was a real cock-up. I think she's just completely fed up with Q getting so much wrong and not appearing to care how much they inconvenience their customers.

She's fully entitled to complain about that but if I remember correctly she added some sob story about needing it as she had mobility problems even though there were photos on her FB showing her ice skating. She also posted on FB complaining about someone who wasn't a QVC employee posting incorrect information, so she seemed happy enough to single out someone else for criticism. Maybe the people who replied to her had seen her comments about the other poster and felt they were also entitled to express their opinion.

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