I find Michele Hope a bit creepy. She's orange, has Farrah Fawcett hair and looks like she's had too much skin cut out from under her chin. The clothes are also horrid. However, I guess there's a market for everything. Didn't see Pipa talking about hairspray but it had to be better than Charlie fawning all over MH and both of them sucking up to each other. Quite ghastly.
As for dear old Lenny, I'll never forget when the (staged IMO) telephone caller phoned in to talk about camel toes ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Lenny was bemused, Catherine Huntley had meltdown.
As for dear old Lenny, I'll never forget when the (staged IMO) telephone caller phoned in to talk about camel toes ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Lenny was bemused, Catherine Huntley had meltdown.