Women fair game?


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Thats probably true , but reading about yourself is as bad as hearing someone slating you in person & it does effect people , maybe if people applied the same level of compassion they do towards the use of '' real fur'' & testing beauty products on animals to fellow humans we might all rub along ok :devil:
sorry Janie, but whether or not a person CHOOSES to put themselves in the public eye, imo it's still cruel to make really personal remarks about their appearance...maybe it's me that's old-fashioned?

maybe so but i was trying to make the point that a 'celeb' be it JR, victoria beckham or carol vorderman is different to 'one of our own' so to speak.
Given some of the genuine filth that's being bandied around th net about certain people at the moment, I think being criticised for ones hair do or shade of nail polish fades into insignificance.
sorry Janie, but whether or not a person CHOOSES to put themselves in the public eye, imo it's still cruel to make really personal remarks about their appearance...maybe it's me that's old-fashioned?

No Carol, you are not old fashioned, just a caring person who doesn't like others being critisised. I must admit, there have been some nasty posts in the past about presenters that i like, but I just ignored them. At least I am honest about those who annoy me on QVC (I watch far too much of the flippin channel), but what bugs me is that sometimes, unlike you, some people slag certain presenters off big time, and then when their favourite is criticised, they get really shirty and then there is a big row.
We all bitch about other people me included .. todays internet is so different from what it was like 10 years ago, people have to be aware they are accountable for what they post , as i understand it vicious liable postings DO stand up in court , so maybe the way forward & save the heartache of a possible prosecution is to keep it buttoned

Most forums have ' trolls'' simply dont feed them :sun:

I can see Jill franks stood in the witness box now. "She's said I had claw hands...... Sob"

I mean.... Really? C'mon.
There are some lovely regular posters on this forum, I'm sure I would like them if I met them in real life, regardless of what they looked like.

JF for example, it's not just about her looks, it's her whole persona that is irritating. I can't see her being much different when she is off air.
I just dont buy the "jealous" argument! If i was going to be jealous of anyone in QVC it would be some of the models - Ali, Hale, Nalintha, Courtney etc not Catherine, Jill, Julia & Co. Its down to personality as i know more about them and somethimes i dont like how that personality comes across!
I just dont buy the "jealous" argument! If i was going to be jealous of anyone in QVC it would be some of the models - Ali, Hale, Nalintha, Courtney etc not Catherine, Jill, Julia & Co. Its down to personality as i know more about them and somethimes i dont like how that personality comes across!

I totally disagree. I think there's a massive amount of jealousy and competitiveness. Why would a middle aged woman be jealous of a twenty something model? Surely more likely to be jealous of someone the same age or older who looks better/is thinner/has nicer hair/is more successful/is on telly etc.
Sorry, but I don't think Catherine Huntley is "up herself" (or any of the other presenters). I like Kathy Tayler, but can't see what makes her ok when Catherine is not. They both have a similar, calm, sensible, pleasant manner. Catherine may be more insecure about her weight, but Kathy has the experience and confidence that a few extra years brings. They are both attractive and seem like nice people. The difference is that viewers (especially those who are older than Catherine) are more likely to accept Kathy. I think the reasons are obvious, even though they are irrational, unfair and the same reason why women despise those who are younger, prettier, and more succesful than them. And, dammit... she dares to be quite nice too!

No doubt people will disagree with me and say its totally justified to villify a person. Yes, she puts herself out there but since when does a person have to look, weigh, dress, speak a certain way, or else? This is not Hollywood, thank god. That's way too shallow. I admired Hilary Clinton for saying (when asked what designer she was wearing) "if I were a man would you ask me that question". I think women undersell themselves by being obsessed with image, and all things shallow. If they can do their job, selling **** to the masses then that is fine, I don't expect them to be fair game because of it.

Off to file my nails and condition my hair now, after all I am a female and I have a job to do tomorrow...

I agree :mysmilie_471:
“When a man gives his opinion, he's a man. When a woman gives her opinion, she's a bitch.”
― Bette Davis

“After all, Ginger Rogers did everything that Fred Astaire did. She just did it backwards and in high heels.”
― Ann Richards

“Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman.”
― Coco Chanel

“What girls do to each other is beyond description. No Chinese torture comes close.”
― Tori Amos, Tori Amos: Piece by Piece

No further comment from me !!!!
I totally disagree. I think there's a massive amount of jealousy and competitiveness. Why would a middle aged woman be jealous of a twenty something model? Surely more likely to be jealous of someone the same age or older who looks better/is thinner/has nicer hair/is more successful/is on telly etc.

im not a middle aged woman!! Im in my 30s so i view the models as being more my age than most of the presenters or at least i feel i relate more to them. Im happy with my weight, my figure, my hair and I think i look ok most of the time but i would be the first to admit im not in the same league as some of the beautiful girls on QVC but im much better than most of the presenters! i have zero desire for fame,in fact im such an introvert that i would despise such a lifestyle so being on the telly isnt it either and as for success, well im pretty intelligent and have a good well paid job and i view presenters a sales people something i have done in the past so its not that either??? Put simply and without being personal, i dont like the personalities of some of the presenters!!
Age has nothing to do with it. I like both Debbie G and Kathy T,and i am younger than them both.I dont like Catherine and I'm older than her. My opinions are based on personality and presentation style. I find Debbie and Kathy relaxing and enjoyable too watch . I find Catherine too syrupy and her sales technique off putting. as its a mixture of hard sell and me me me.

Neither Debbie or Kathy are constantly changing their appearance Catherine changes hers weekly. Does she want people to comment of course she does. Will it all be positive, no .
I don't mind JF, but then I don't pay much attention to her waffling away. I do wish I had her very shiny straight hair and the wonderful lifestyle( not sure if the latter is real though?).

Julia doesn't bother me much, I do notice if she is looking less polished and the hair needs a good makeover.

AY, I used to really like but she had turned into a nasty bully over the years. Power gone to her head.

Claire wants to look like Barbie and talks at the customer as if they are in a nursery school.

CHuntley likes to tower over everyone and all false oh dear I split a nail flutter eyelashes. I have this vision of her sitting in the dressing room before a show singing, 'I Feel Pretty', to herself.

Carmel, blond and Irish.

Kathy T very nervous even after all these years. You just know she will trip over her words.

A Dawson, all I think about is the New Year's day show she did one year. It was jewellery, yet all we got was her house in Italy and time spent there. Each item got a flash at the camera and then back to her holidays in Italy. Never liked her since.

Debbie Flint, I remember her being fun in the old days. Now its all hard sell, whether she worries QVC will dump her if she doesn't sell enough?

Jilly, boring, bland just same sound bites show after show. Really really quickly.

Debbie Greenwood, really wants you to like her and be your friend. While selling you things.

Anna, brown hair ..................

Think that is my opinion on all of the the females
I think it's more our own personal taste and whether we can relate in a small way to the presenter,
I don't watch daw bags as I don't relate to her point of view at all, Anna I find hard to watch as she seems to create situations to use a "big" word I like big words but she often uses them incorrectly and I'd rather she just not try so hard, Carmel comes across as one of those people who it's the 1st time something has ever happened to anyone in the world - 1st to get married 1st to have a baby and she needs to report back with all her knowledge (a lot of us have done both some several times and I'm not interested I'm trying to escape it!)
I like Chuntley but I change my hair, I had my kids young, I tower over people as I'm tall but I do not have her disposable income!
JR is ok in small doses when she's not being a know it all, same with JF
I like KT, DG, CS the ones I'm really not keen on are men! Charlie being the worse with SB coming close behind (ooer) please please do up your shirt, if a female presenter had an equivalent low cut top on it would be gross too
The way they talk about making decisions about their wives clothes nail varnish etc just creeps me out
JB is ok and even CR is ok on the craft programmes
I don't think it's jealousy. Can't say I've ever been called pretty but I'm not jealous of those who are. What does bug me is those that are slim and pretty saying "ooooh I'm so fat", "I'm heavier than I want to be" (when they're about 8 stone), I look such a mess today (when they're wearing a £150 dress), "having a bad hair day" (when they've clearly just stepped out of the salon) blah blah. That's why I criticise. Come back and say that when you really are overweight and unattractive - I might just be sympathetic.

The trouble is we've become too familiar with them all. :smirk:

The presenters are a novelty at the beginning and the product range seems interesting (well it was back in the day). :tongue:

Then after a while you find, their individual habits, monotonous spiel and drivel really starts to grate on top of your already stressful life. :headbang:

Then one day you're pushed over the edge and, screaming through the red mist, you find yourself posting! :devil:

FGS! What the #!?** $$%*!:mad:, she looks..:mysmilie_13:and that hair!..:mysmilie_865: and that stupid voice! :angry:

The solution is at our fingertips, but then we wouldn't have all the wonderful threads to enjoy. :mysmilie_853:
No Carol, you are not old fashioned, just a caring person who doesn't like others being critisised. I must admit, there have been some nasty posts in the past about presenters that i like, but I just ignored them. At least I am honest about those who annoy me on QVC (I watch far too much of the flippin channel), but what bugs me is that sometimes, unlike you, some people slag certain presenters off big time, and then when their favourite is criticised, they get really shirty and then there is a big row.

Thank you Itchy..! I'm not trying to make myself out a saint, as no way, but obviously I shall have to learn to let things wash over me ... 'nuff said on the subject!

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