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I've just followed a link on another thread to Debbie Flint's blog which I never would otherwise read (and which is full of hints about her * book - even more reason to give it a wide berth) to see her headlining and mentioning and LINKING to a blooper by Jackie Kabler. So sodding what? We all make mistakes but professionals shouldn't draw attention so crudely to those made by other people.

Not nice reading. Says more about Debbie Flint than about Jackie.
Although I don't read/look at them I think she does a lot of bloopers as she always mentions them. I must admit I had always assumed they were against herself.
To be fair to Debs, I think she means it all in good fun and Jackie, I know, takes it as such. DF does showcase her own bloopers, as well. I always read Debbie's blogs and, in the past, she would always reply. The last couple of times I have posted, she hasn't even acknowledged it, so I won't post again. To respond, is just good manners.
The most insulting thread on her latest blog was, imo, her link to gofundme.com, where we can add to the $1.4 million+ already given, for the rather workshy and irresponsible Rob Locke. I don't read the blogs to be smacked in the face with blatant advertising for money. I have a policy only to donate to animal charities (my choice), and don't give to street buskers. But you get some pretty good voices, and these people are working hard to make a living. I'm sure they would prefer not to have to do it. They don't set up a donations line.
I find her blog is just one big excuse to try and flog her new 'novel.' I have absolutely no interest in reading what sounds like garbage. I can never be bothered with her bloopers either. Who cares about them?
First visit to her blog for me, to see what this thread was about. I shan't bother again!!! Doesn't she bang on? And all that ****** promoting of her books... On the company website too so they clearly do not object to her advertising herself there, and presumably not on the shows either. Perhaps they all think she is so fabulous and important there is no way she could/should stop. She is just awful!
Shameless. It's totally unprofessional and smacks of arrogance. I am surprised she has endorsed 'his begging' on her Q blog. Never been a fan of hard sell Ms Flint and this rather justifies why my gut feel was right!
Couldn't see the link to the Kabler blooper. Maybe she's removed it. Could only see loads of blurbs about her books. Apparently she's got another one coming out on 29th June - Moroccan Reverie. Here's a short extract:

Monir dipped his flatbread into some hot harissa and took a bite, his smooth bare chest showing through his half-unbuttoned white shirt, his erect nipples subtly poking through the fabric. His black hair, fine eyebrows and keen dark eyes made him look so exotic, so tempting. His tight jeans showed off his fit, muscular legs and his bare feet made him more appealing. Caroline placed her skewer of lamb and vegetables on its bed of couscous and put the plate on the table.

"Let's go and eat by the pool." Said Caroline, flicking her long, blonde hair. They both went down the marble stairs and sat beside the pool. Caroline took off her top and dived into the refreshing, cool water and swam a couple of lengths. She then climbed up the metal ladder and towelled off, some beads of water running down her décolleté, between her breasts and disappearing into her swimming costume. Monir looked at her, the sun reflecting off her face. The silence was broken by a loud sound.

"Allah hu akbhar! Allaaaah!"

"That's the Muezzin," said Monir, softly. "He's calling to prayer. I won't be long."

Caroline hoped not, for she very rarely got in the mood these days and wanted to make the most of it while it lasted.
Good Lord, she doesn't half churn them out, another one already?

Is it correct that the "charity fund" has reached over 1m$? maybe he is not so stupid after all. At least Dick Turpin wore a mask.
I've just followed a link on another thread to Debbie Flint's blog which I never would otherwise read (and which is full of hints about her * book - even more reason to give it a wide berth) to see her headlining and mentioning and LINKING to a blooper by Jackie Kabler. So sodding what? We all make mistakes but professionals shouldn't draw attention so crudely to those made by other people.

Not nice reading. Says more about Debbie Flint than about Jackie.
Have you got a link to this please?
I have seen the blooper and don't think for one moment that Debbie Flint meant any harm in posting it. It's just a bit of fun, with Jackie Kabler inadvertently picking the one flower that was in bloom in a basket! I thought it was funny.
Not $1.4 million, but $1,415 more like. Still the the fund has been bumped up by $400 in the last couple of days. Must be all the publicity. Or maybe Debs has bunged him all the royalties from her "books".


Ha Ha! You beat me to it! At this rate he'll never have to work again!! Bet she won't feel so self righteous if he ends up with a good few million. :doh:
Ha Ha! You beat me to it! At this rate he'll never have to work again!! Bet she won't feel so self righteous if he ends up with a good few million. :doh:

I hope he gets what he truly deserves - and I mean that in the fairest sense. If he's in need I hope something turns up for him. If he's slacking or scamming, he should get nothing.
I hope he gets what he truly deserves - and I mean that in the fairest sense. If he's in need I hope something turns up for him. If he's slacking or scamming, he should get nothing.

Fair enough! but surely he doesn't deserve millions just because he asked for it!! I can't believe so many people could be so gullible.
What I didn't like about DF's post was her: OMG the funniest mishap from Jackie Kabler (she is making a habit of these – hehe!)

Maybe if you don't take exception to someone pointing out that a work colleague makes a lot of mistakes and then laughing about that person, it's obviously fine with you, so it's horses for courses.

Suki, I don't know what problems you're experiencing because the link works.
Haven't watched DF much lately, but have noticed she seems to have stopped plugging her books. I also noticed that the majority of people that reviewed her books on Amazon had never bought or reviewed anything before. Now isn't that odd:thinking:

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