Will You Admit to the Ultimate AY sin?


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There is of course the Toxic friend. She will casually drop into conversation, oh you look tired, your eyes look very puffy/heavy today, oh look how thin your hair, you look gaunt. The result is you then become paranoid over something which never really bothered you before.
There is of course the Toxic friend. She will casually drop into conversation, oh you look tired, your eyes look very puffy/heavy today, oh look how thin your hair, you look gaunt. The result is you then become paranoid over something which never really bothered you before.

..... :wonder: Is that YOU Kathy, me old mate .....?
Hi everyone - as I said in my previous post, I have not been on here for a year but have been reading avidly and laughing lots. I must confess that in the past (13 years) I have bought almost every single skincare TSV. Tot that up - could have had several exotic hols, house extensions blah, blah. Anyway, I went to a 'do' and won a treatment worth £500 of enhancements. I now have fillers in my nasolabial folds and splashed out on Botox. The results are incredible.Had the fillers 8 months ago and they are still ok. Apparently it will cost £395 for top up which should last another 8 as the more you have the less you need? Botox was £295 for 3 areas - I am 39 so it has lasted really well and they did it so I had movement in my forehead. Anyway, I have saved a ****** fortune and look better for it. I will not be tempted by AY's ' Ooh, you will look so young if you buy this,' anymore. From now on it is L'Occitane milk soap and spf 30 for me.

Great post!!! I totally agree with you. This is because everyone spends on creams, lotions, potions not even the £300 a pot creams have the effect that botox does, yet these people are spending MORE than botox... my analogy is why have a perfect plastering on a house when the house has subsidence? The key is to stop the thing that causes the sinking LOL No creams can do this. No creams can lift, no creams can freeze expression. I have to say however, your price you are paying is quite high.. also the more-you-have-less-you-need theory is a 'sales con' :wonder: Its a well known technique to keep client returning. Ive had botox since 2008, and it has 'died' every 3 months - so regarding Botox, the time scale of wearing out hasn't increased at all. What filler did you go for? Restylane?
Well done you. But its very important (for others feeling tempted) you MUST have a qualified surgeon.. check this on Baaps.co.uk. As it is very easy to get it wrong. Its not just a needle and a stab. Arteries and certain nerves have to be avoided amd this takes skill.
I would never have anything involving a general anaesthetic that wasn't necessary - I have had enough ops as it is. There is always a risk with anything like that and to choose to subject myself to it? No, couldn't do it. Local anaesthetic maybe, except dental work - that would need a general just to get me through the door!! I will just grow old as nature intended with whatever temporary help skin care can give me! At 52 I don't think I'm doing too badly.
I think I'm just going to start using Lulu's range as that works miracles if you believe all the shite that comes out of her mouth.

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