LULU who are you tryna fool??U cannot fool US!


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.. all for your FB. :rock: The funiest moment on the TSV launch must have been when JR said to the ITV audience "YES we have THE real Lulu" real JR?? are you sure? The whole lot was totally fake to me... face, accent, sales pitch, stories, -- Lulu is a woman who is a serial "tagger-onner" onto people who are still famously 'travelling through life'.. there is Lulu, running after the fame bus, saying "wait for me!! Let me join you and use you to keep my image alive":tongue: I think it might be because famous people think "oh the poor old dear, we cannot say no to her, it would be the equivalent of not helping an old lady across the road". LOL
Did you see the launch of the "new" serum? Or a sample giveaway at least. People have been buying her products over the last couple of years on the premise that it's them that have made her skin look the way it does (ha!). Yet she said that she's been using this "new" serum for 20 years. If that's really true, it raises two questions. Firstly, why did she not launch the serum with the rest of her range on the basis that it made her skin look so good. And, secondly, is the serum brand new and this is just marketing spiel to make people believe that this stuff really does work? Either way, the whole sales pitch isn't and hasn't been entirely honest IMO.
Lulu - as fake as her name.
Lulu Kennedy-Cairns, what's that all about then? She married Maurice Gibb and John Frieda. Why is she called Kennedy Cairns FFS??? Is it an attempt to make herself sound linked to the US Kennedys when she tried to make a name for herself over there?

Can't see what was wrong with Marie in the first place.

She has changed her name several times - Marie Lawrie, Lulu, Lulu Gibb, Lulu Frieda and now Lulu Kennedy-Cairns, her mother's pre?adoption name. My guess is it will not be her last. Exfoliating old personas like dead skin cells is all part of her anti-ageing regime.
I always thought her surname was McDonald? She always said Marie Lawrie McDonald.

Oh and she was a heavy smoker in her day too, not sure if she still does puff away?

Okay did anyone have a look at her hands?????? They were very scary. Loads of sun spots, in the 60s they used to love to bake. That would mean facial peels etc needed to give her the smooth unlined sun spot free face she has on top of the other work.
I thought her original name was Marie McDonald McLaughlin Lawrie.

Don't understand at all what's with the Kennedy-Cairns!
Radiesse for backs of hands

this toothpaste-like injectable is a great fix for ageing hands.. giving the hand a plumper look smoothing out the boney, vein like look that comes with age. Im surprised that Lulu has not had this procedure.. after all there must be something left in the syringe after her face is complete:tongue: Oh and BTW, lulu may say she has nay freckles anymore, but what freckle would survive laser/chemical acid peel/dermabrasion anyway?:thinking:LOLOLOLOL

the point of this thread.. LULU YOU ARE NOT true to the timebomb skincare/anti-ageing product sales pitch - it is a false claim that should involve the 'OFTEL' ombudsman - take it off air.
I thought her original name was Marie McDonald McLaughlin Lawrie.

Don't understand at all what's with the Kennedy-Cairns!

i can remember her reeling that lot off in the extra strong extra fast glaswegian accent. it always puzzled me because i didn't understand why anyone would have what appeared to be three surnames.

i also remember her being asked how she kept her youthful appearance on, i think, one of those "audience with...." shows. she replied that it was lots of sex with her toyboy - which i thought was pretty tacky.
Well I didn't see any of her 'shows' but I pretty much get the picture lol.

I was suckered into buying a TSV a couple or three years back thinking at the price it was worth a try. Overall it was pretty so so, but I never repurchased.

That said, I do like the hand cream.

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