Why Oh Why do I change skincare!!


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Sep 20, 2008
Is it just me or does anyone else get tempted to change skincare when there is nothing wrong with what they use? I have used cleanse & polish for years and am veryhappy with it. I love Decleor aromessence and hydra floral. Why then d oI get sucked in to changing and end up with tight spotty reactive skin? I have recently tried the SBC collagen and now have Elemis cleanser and toner which Ihave used 3 times and my skin feels tight and it is getting spotty! Ebay here they come. Will I ever learn???
Is it just me or does anyone else get tempted to change skincare when there is nothing wrong with what they use? I have used cleanse & polish for years and am veryhappy with it. I love Decleor aromessence and hydra floral. Why then d oI get sucked in to changing and end up with tight spotty reactive skin? I have recently tried the SBC collagen and now have Elemis cleanser and toner which Ihave used 3 times and my skin feels tight and it is getting spotty! Ebay here they come. Will I ever learn???

Awww, so frustrating!!!

What I will say is that it's common to have a reaction if you change skin care or start a regime after never using one.

In terms of spots, the cleanser may be getting stuff out of your skin which is presents as spots. Hopefully they will go away once your face adjusts.

As for the tight skin - not sure - it depends whether you wanna keep it up or return to ye old faithful LE.

I love LE too and always go back!
My skin seems to have got worse with the £19 Elemis cleanser and toner compared to C & P. I am persevering and hoping it will settle down but I have already bought something different to try when the Elemis runs out.
Have already ordered 2 150ml Cleanse & Polish from Liz Earle Seconds shop on Ebay - £14 each + £3 postage to much cheaper that QVC. Do not let me be tempted again!!! I anyone like Elemis cleanser & toner I am going to sell them they are Rosepetal cleanser and Ginseng toner 200ml each.
Funny thing about Elemis because I'm not particularly sensitive but a few of their products have disagreed with my skin. Pro collagen in particular has been the only thing to make me spotty in years and yes I did put it down to coincidence first but then it happened again when I tried it again when it was in a kit.

Regarding the thread, yes aren't we all thinking the grass may be greener and scared of missing out! Having said that, just imagine if not we may all still be using our original purchase from teenage years lol.
Perhaps you got the wrong selection for Elemis? I have used both C&P and elemis and use the sensitive one from Elemis. when I once ran out of elemis I bought dry gatineau cleanser as my skin can get tight - well my face got really greasy and I got lots of huge red spots on my chin so stopped using it as it was too rich for my skin.
No what happens to me is I get big red roseaca spots. I can use Elemis without problem but if I wander off then I get the spots.

Last time I tried LE cleanser I started getting more breakouts. Now it could have been something else, I know what to do when using Elemis if it happens.

I wouldn't touch Gatineau these days at all, like SBC body stuff but wouldn't use their serums etc anywhere near me.
so true!!! i am sure that i have kept alison young in business - i have not only bought huge amounts of a range of products - gatineau, prescriptives, decleor, LE, philosophy, elemis etc, i have stock piled!!!! i have had pretty dramatic reactions (as in not good) when changing, especially when using gatineau and philosophy.....i did not get the £19 elemis as i was trying to be well behaved but then found out the cleanser i was using was leaving my skin dry and so went out and bought a full priced one!

for anyone who finds it too tempting to try another range, my advice would be to try to leave your skin clear for about a week before putting on the new product...and if possible dilute the product for the first week (eg use it on wet skin or only once a day) as the potent ingredients can lead to reactions.
because elemis smells nice and has a lot of hype surounding it i have tried most of the skincare range and can honestly say nothing disagrees with me more than this range.i can use very cheap products i.e superdrug and the top end creme de la mere and not have a reaction. as soon as i use elemis the boils start to erupt.
Last year I bought a LE moisturiser and I came out in large sore patches. Didn't link it to the moisturiser at first, but used an SPF while I was away on holiday and my skin cleared up. Not thinking, I started up with the LE when I got back and the sores reappeared. Kept meaning to contact them, but haven't got around to it.
Oh this is so true!

I think - and hope - I learned a lesson at Christmas when I bought the Elemis TSV. I had listened to the presentations and it was suggested that you put a thin layer of the Enzyme mask on and go to bed...stupidly I did this and the next day my face looked as if I'd been burned. My eyes were swollen, and also my lips even though I had avoided these two areas. I had to get antihistamines and glowed brighter than the Christmas lights.

In truth, it scared me.

It took until that layer of skin had dried and peeled to calm down - talking nearly two weeks.

I had previously tried their PCMC and that gave me spots so I think I was just attracted by the posh packaging!

Back to LE and Decleor arromessences and balms - but not their moisturisers...
Yep - happens to me too. I get rosacea so have been very good at sticking to the same brands, but a few weeks ago I decided to try some Jurlique stuff and had a rosacea flare up which is only just calming down. Lesson there is stick to what I know my skin can cope with, even if it is boring to use the same stuff all the time!!
even if it is boring to use the same stuff all the time!!

Yes and no. I think once you've found something you love and it does your skin great then fine, but I was using Clarins and my skin was ageing so I went to Elemis which was ok, but not great (the price of the PCMC put me off it long term - I got a deal on the first pot) then I went to Decleor and now I am hooked. That is what I like about decleor, you can often find solutions within their range - it isn't just one type of moisturiser.
Yes and no. I think once you've found something you love and it does your skin great then fine, but I was using Clarins and my skin was ageing so I went to Elemis which was ok, but not great (the price of the PCMC put me off it long term - I got a deal on the first pot) then I went to Decleor and now I am hooked. That is what I like about decleor, you can often find solutions within their range - it isn't just one type of moisturiser.

I can't use Decleor - makes my face burn unfortunately! I have to stick to Korres, A'kin and Liz Earle (and only the Superskin moisturiser and concentrate. Can't use other skin stuff - gives me rosacea).
my skin is not usually sensitive but the worst thing i have ever used was the elemis cleanser and then i was left with very sore and red skin and spots. i also cannot use liz earle as i get spots and red patches. i now use a'kin rose & geranium cleanser. if you are on a tight budget i use naked rose cleanser. i find elemis full of harsh and cheap fillers and not really value for money.
i now use a'kin rose & geranium cleanser. if you are on a tight budget i use naked rose cleanser. i find elemis full of harsh and cheap fillers and not really value for money.

Snap! I love the A'kin cleanser! I use it twice a day when it's very cold and my skin needs a bit more TLC and once a day when it's milder (then I use my Korres White Tea cleanser in the AM).

Re: a lot of the 'high end' brands on QVC, I'm surprised AY raves about them so much (and disses chemist / supermarket bought stuff) when a lot of the main ingredients seem to be the same! Still I suppose she'd be out of a job if she didn't!
All this goes to show why we really do need the ingredients listed on the website.

I could not agree more - and I have told QVC this. Their offer was that I should phone, and then the call centre will find out the ingredients and then call me back. They did say that this would take ' a while'. If the item is a TSV they would put on hold for me.

Sorry - too long winded for me. If I am in a dept store I can just read the package.

There are a few things I do not want in a product now. Mineral oil in body products and moisturisers (I can tolerate in a cleanser) and lanolin. If QVC does not say a product does not contain these I now assume they do. That goes for the most expensive down to the least.
All this goes to show why we really do need the ingredients listed on the website.

EXACTLY qvcAddict! I always like to look at the ingredients on products before I buy. Not listing them on websites or not reading them as individuals ourselves, is just burying your head in the sand. Informed choice is of utmost importance: sometimes you want to avoid some or indeed all essential oils, especially some of the photosensitising ones, as well as the dreaded preservatives, colours, parfums etc Sometimes you are willing to compromise with a preservative or two. I maintain that: if ingredients aren't listed, it's because companies are not proud of some of them! (I mean, how many times, do you find claims for '100% natural' and a full list of ingredients on some sites, then on the same site, other products in the same range with only 'ingredients include' and not a full list. Obviously, the product made up purely of oils is 100% natural, and doesn't need 'nasties' in it, whereas the moisturiser creams with water content often do need the 'nasties' in order to preserve them.)
I have just seen this thread and wanted to ask if anyone has had a reaction to liz earle cleanse and polish or skin repair? I have used both at the same time, my skin suffered with bumps and breakouts so I stopped using cleanse and polish and continued with skin repair, but no change, I don't know whether to try the cleanse and polish again and use a different moisturiser, or just give up with the range, I am in the menopause so that's not helping the situation, just wondered if anyone else had problems with Liz Earle?

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