Why Don't Q Sell ... ?


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Feb 3, 2012
I don't recall Q selling pet products, but haven't watched from its beginning. T'other channel have a PetsHour but they sell us vacuums under that guise. Why so few mens' clothes? Critiquing male models would be a welcome change, eg: NN towels chap. I'd also like to see an assortment of mobiles presented. As said on here before, we have to do their job for them eg: market research etc. Maybe, just maybe, they will get inspiration from our suggestions.
They did a pet hour once a couple of years ago. One of the demonstrations caused a stir on here because the guest appeared to be a bit rough with his dog. Dale franklin was presenting But I don't remember the product, it might have been a grooming brush or something.
Anyway it was never seen again.
They used to sell various items for pets, furminator being the main one!
Thanks BurlyBear and Sazza for that. Before my viewing time or maybe when I was hibernating. ;-)
I remember those clothes for dogs, mine would leave home if I did that to her!!

Would love a mobile phone hour too Snarly
I remember a few years back they had a few pet hours. I remember a 'flea zapper' which was a comb that sent out low electrical waves so that as you combed your dog or cat it would electrocute any flea it might come across :wonder:. Seemed like a good idea at the time, no chemicals etc. So I bought one in a shop, exactly the same but 'more affordable'. Anyway, when I started combing my little prince it caught a bit of his skin and gave him an electric shock :sad: He didn't arf yell :mysmilie_486: So I threw it straight in the bin.

Gotta say I like the idea of some male models to erm, 'critique' tho' :blush::giggle:
Well him in the avatar is up for being a model for pet beds or snacks. Or being combed, brushed or generally pampered.
Well him in the avatar is up for being a model for pet beds or snacks. Or being combed, brushed or generally pampered.

OMG, Meg would have my arm off.
I bought one of those padded gloves with a cat grooming pad attached to it. Talk about slapstick comedy - she bops me, I duck and dive lol

As for male fashion ...... If Glen is anything to go by, just as well they give it a miss I'd say.
I've only got to look at the drawer where the brush is kept and I see two black flashes and hear the cat flap go crash, crash.

One time, and this is the honest truth, my two little darlings made a dash for the catflap, entered it together and got stuck, it looked like I had a fat, two-headed cat. :mysmilie_483: They looked at me as much to say "well don't just stand there, get us out".
I would have seen two cats stuck in the flap as Divine Intervention CocoNut & groomed them until they got themselves squeezed out
That's funny about MHope, been watching 7 years, so must have been before. @CocoNut-poor prince, but it did make me giggle, naughty of me. @Tinkerbelle-pamper with a capital P - try the TellingtonTouch for animals, massage. I had a cat change 180° from Can'tCareLessAboutYou to sitting up when I entered a room, prancing with her front feet anticipating attention, or laying down waiting for a tummyrub. I think your 4-foots would make great models, both. x Snarly PS, as would everyone's critters.
Just having a little giggle here imagining Himself prancing around in little turn-up jeans
You guys, check out tT!!! I got mine from the local library, gosh,15 years ago. I had 4 cats at one time, would shout, "Um, brush" and they would come skidding into the lounge. The first jumped onto the low table where their comb was kept in the drawer, for grooming and the others on the couch, lay down to wait; little Brindle trying to jump the que. Hand on my heart. They loved it, including Chel-C the cat who did the 180°.
I would have seen two cats stuck in the flap as Divine Intervention CocoNut & groomed them until they got themselves squeezed out

Never thought of that Minim :doh:. Although I think they would have sacked me afterwards. I would have had to pack my bags and found other employment
Him in the avatar is a complete and utter pudding. He doesn't care what you do to him. If it saves him a job then it's all to the good as far as he's concerned. He doesn't get many knots or tangles but if he does he just let's me pull them out with my fingers. He is horizontal most of the time.

Now his bro is the opposite. He doesn't like being brushed at all and he's off out the cat flap at warp speed if I get near him with the brush. He's very sweet and he loves a tickle but he doesn't do "picky uppy" and he has only recently started sitting on my lap ... after four years. But he's so ****** big and awkward as well as nervous that he doesn't know how to sit on my lap lol.
I'm looking at our bun trying her best not to succumb to sleep in front of the fire as I read your funny stories. She is 11 next month and still looks like a baby. She likes classical music and understands everything we say to her. She has eye drops 3 times a day and as soon as we say "eye drops time" she gets herself into position, head stretched out, totally co-operative. We love her to bits.
So! I had a rough night.
I look rough, I know - OK!


You come near me with that brush & I'll have your arm off!
Like to see them demonstrate one of these, on the Dyson shows
31XdBO611IL__SL500_AA300_.jpgDyson Groom Tool Vacuum-Assisted Dog Groomer
@LoveInAMist - she sounds lovely, she knows you are gonna 'help' her. A tickle-by-the-ears for her from AuntySnarly x ... why don't they sell sewing machines? Or did they at one time? Gosh after reading the AndroidThread and not understanding most of it, I really! need an hour of mobiles; want to upgrade my basic Samsung; not 'smart' nor am I! lol |wearing dunce hat|

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