Why bother being on air at all !!!!


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Apr 27, 2009
Suddenly its not good enough to display the item no. price and description, and all the other bumpf at the bottom, we now get all this other 'busy' stuff taking up screen space on the right hand side now as well ! This constant "in your face" info about ipads, apps, tweets and a million other ways to order, at the expense of reducing the size of the visual screen has become unacceptable. Its bad enough as it is, and I've got a 42" screen, so those with much smaller screens must be looking at matchstick men !!!

Some 'kid' around the planning table probably thought it was a brilliant idea.

Why don't they just blank the screen altogether and give us a 'radio' style commentary about the goods., they might just as well, given the state of the visual screen available..
Suddenly its not good enough to display the item no. price and description, and all the other bumpf at the bottom, we now get all this other 'busy' stuff taking up screen space on the right hand side now as well ! This constant "in your face" info about ipads, apps, tweets and a million other ways to order, at the expense of reducing the size of the visual screen has become unacceptable. Its bad enough as it is, and I've got a 42" screen, so those with much smaller screens must be looking at matchstick men !!!

Some 'kid' around the planning table probably thought it was a brilliant idea.

Why don't they just blank the screen altogether and give us a 'radio' style commentary about the goods., they might just as well, given the state of the visual screen available..

I have a problem if viewing on sky that I now can only see the last 2digits of the item
no or price! Only have a 26 analogue telly :) if I use free view I can then see it but then the red button doesn't let me connect to orderline. :(
Great subject, we need to keep raising this and hope Q listens to the feedback.

When CH was on with Lulu Guinness on Sunday she sort of kept bobbing around to 'fit' into the space on screen - you could see it was really difficult for her to get into position as the target is much smaller now and the cameras just don't seem to have got used to the new format yet... it's just bloomin' ridiculous isn't it?

It should be all about the product on the screen.... and press the red button if you need anything else! Grrrr.
I agree it's very off putting all this stuff on screen I find I am watching less and less of Q and I haven't ordered a thing this year.
I think they only need the left hand panel and should do away with the bottom one as well. The bottom normally shows the telephone numbers but as they are always repeating them then its unnecessary. Alternatively put the item details across the bottom.
I have a problem if viewing on sky that I now can only see the last 2digits of the item
no or price! Only have a 26 analogue telly :) if I use free view I can then see it but then the red button doesn't let me connect to orderline. :(

Have you tried changing the settings on your Sky box or tv menu? There are different screen formats which might be more compatible.
Great post, it is sooo irritating to watch now, used to be annoying with the bottom popping up but now 3 sides of the screen. The presenters are always telling us ways to order and tap that apt! We dont need to see it every few seconds or whats on the beauty channel etc, it's not informing it's distracting and brain numbing! The screens to busy can't watch much these days. :mad:
I agree, the new graphics set up is annoying and certainly distracts from the presentations. I also wish that they'd do something about what's going on in the background, because hardly a show goes by without some large bang, clunk or whatever when someone off screen drops something.
If we don't know by now how to order when will we! If your not looking at the banners, the presenters are telling you how anyway, on the app blah, blah, blah!!
The day they launched the new graphics they put it on QGossip...I wrote a comment and for days it didn't appear, not one comment written. Then I mentioned it on a presenters blog and hey presto, all of a sudden there were 7 comments about this issue and I think in total as days went on 14...not one response from the Q about their customers pleas.

I think there were also comments about this on Facebook too, some 60 plus and now on here...a fair few, not so happy bunnies!

More a case of saving face me thinks, they've obviously given someone a shed load of money to come up with it in the first place.

It is very distracting and detracts from the item being shown.
I don't know if this thread is the right place to say this:

I notice that more and more times now, more presenters say " I have not got the measurements, but if you ring our award winning call center at Liverpool, they will give you the measurements"

In that case why do we have the presenters, they might as well show the items, the numbers and the prices on the screen.

The guests can describe their items, we can ask the call centers for help and the models can show us how the goods look on them.

QVC can save the money for not having the presenters and cut the cost of P&P.

Why have presenters, if they cannot be competent and do a bit of work for which they get paid for and do their job right?

Do they get paid to:

Have the benefit of wearing the goods.

If they want to buy them, do so at a discount.

..Have the privilege of chatting with guests .

Being in the ideal place to tweet in their orders whilst they are supposed to be working .


In some cases, get their chance to suck up to the so called celebrities ?

I suppose you can understand by my ranting that QVC has irritated me recently .
It will soon get to the stage where only the Presenters will be buying the goods at their staff discount price - because they will be the only ones to actually SEE them !!! sod the viewer !
I'm pretty sure, quite some time ago, one of the presenters actually said they don't get staff discount?
That may be true - because they get so many freebies and things to 'try' at home. I've lost count of the number of times presenters have said they were 'lucky enough' to try this or that, AND don't forget the 'stuff' in their dressing rooms. I'm sure none of them pay for the product fashions they wear on air (don't spout about 'uniforms', cos even uniform wearers have to contribute something) . I bet most of their homes are awash with 'booty' from the studio !!!!!
Was really stupid today on the TSV demonstration.
They were showing before & after pictures of the mascara on the models, the after pictures on the lower half of the screen were completely covered up by the bumf across the bottom.
just watched a bit of the Gatineau show and had to switch off. The constant stream of graphics on the right of the screen became too much. ways to order, items from todays shows, ways to order AGAIN,and on and on, stop this Qvc before we all switch off for good.
I just can't seem to successfully adjust the screen on my 32" telly to show all of the item no and item description, soooo annoying that I have to then quickly go onto my mobile or computer to see the item showing now in order to get all the details, or the item history details of course. Completely useless, and yes, all the other information on the screen is terrible too! I have just recently been ordering a few items, Elemis TSVs and the like, just as well when you use QCut you can just go for the TSV straight away and don't need the item no. really.

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