Why are TSV contents kept secret?


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Registered Shopper
May 11, 2012
Hello people. Very much enjoy reading the comments on the forum and have picked up some very valuable pieces of information so thank you all. Just curious if any of you long experienced QVC shoppers have gleaned any insider knowledge, (or have an opinion about), why it is the contents of TSVs are kept secret until the day they are available? It just seems odd when QVC America seem to advertise well in advance. It makes marketing sense to me. Whip up a frenzy of interest, give customers the chance to start saving pennies etc. Also it seems the biggest selling brands like Elemis and Decleor benefit from the release of early info on Facebook etc. Any thoughts?
What a great question, requiring intellect for the answer. As it's pre-meds time, I'll pass. ;-) But I would like to wish you a big W-E-L-C-O-M-E from Snarly in sunny Wales, down-Tenby-way {waving}
Just thinking it may be so competitors don't try to match or beat the offer, such as feel unique.com. I also think that the "secretiveness" creates a frenzy, as people start trying to guess what it is, how much it will be and chatting about it on facebook or on here. I imagine if it was advertised well in advance it allows people to consider whether they really want it and try to shop around elsewhere, rather than impulse or panic buy. Impulsive decisions are more likely to be made if the item is a surprise and for a limited time only. It's all down to psychology. How else would they manage to shift 10's of thousands of units in one day otherwise?
But then QVC have started offering the TSV before the actual day to certain customers(how they are picked not sure), but then everyone else goes nuts as its like they are better than the rest of us. All hell breaks out on the Facebook page over this one.

On QVC US they have a magazine called the Insider you subscribe to, which gives the TSV numbers for the month and you can order well in advance with the easy pay etc. Some people on the US community board do put up contents and numbers early, same as Sazza and Supercoolwillow do here.
I like not knowing in advance because there is always the chance that it could be just what I want. Then, when I don't like it gives me a strange sense of satisfaction.
I think its too encourage people to watch....mostly the more you watch..the more chance there is that you will buy something (as is my case mostly :wonder:)

Take today as an example.I love OPI.Had the details not been released on here,I would have watched a couple of the shows,and if the TSV had not been for me,I'm sure I would have bought something else.As it happens the details were on here....I thought about it for a couple of days....looked at my bank balance (eek!)....thought about it some more...and actually no,its not good value for me as I only really liked one colour.As a result,I've not watched a single OPI show today.Or any QVC today ....yet.I'm sure this is not what QVC want.

I'm sure also QVC don't want me to know the details of future TSV's..in case it puts me off buying todays,tomorrows,the weekend ones etc....I'm sure they'll just hope I'll impulse buy the lot and get carried away with the hype.

The TSV's I do get notice of, are more my considered purchases and are rarely sent back.Its because I've thought and thought,investigated,checked and done some more thinking.Thats why I'm so grateful to this forum of advanced notice of TSV's.

I wonder sometimes if QVC do release details to some customers before an upcoming TSV,to try and limit some return purchases.I'm not suggesting for one minute that those who receive details early are in QVC bad books.....................but a lot of customers do get warning early from particular brands.I wonder if these particular brands actually specify that they want the details out early.....as maybe the return rate on their TSV's are high....and they're actually trying to stop impulse buyers.Its the only reason I can think its why it happens on some brands....and not others.Maybe Kelly Hoppen,SBC,kipling are happy to get back and pay for the returns.....whilst the likes of Decleor and Elemis aren't....but still enjoy the enormous customer base of QVC.
Bienvenue Etoile. Excellent question. I have no idea of the answer. Interesting that the QVC marketing approach is different in the UK to the US.
For some reason I have only ever had emails to buy the TSV twice, one for Leighton Denny and one for Canon. I think its because I only ever purchased 2 LD items (in the same transaction) and have bought 2 tech items only. I kept one of the LD items, returned the other. I kept both of the tech items. I think you get selected as a " dabbler" in a new brand that they would like you to buy more of. I never get the email for brands I repeat purchase on a regular basis
Thanks for all your thoughts. I too check out the Beauty Banter pages on the QVCUSA site for advance notice of TSVs and benefit from a lo-o-o-ot of time to think. Sometimes QVC works it's special kind of voodoo on me anyway. I think I actually drooled yesterday during a Smashbox show I had planned to resist. I think they actually induce a fugue state during which I made a purchase. That's my excuse and I'm sticking with it!
Welcome Etoile, I think it's quite simple, we all like a mystery...but after a while of QVC shopping and TSV's continue to be so samey we grow tired of this. I think as QVC US has been around so long that they have realised their customers now like a bit of special preview treatment and maybe they've realised people here who are huge fans of Elemis etc.. will be gripped and tune in!

Funnily no one gives a toss what the POTD is on Ideal World is, except us crafters! :grin: (but then QVC has pretty much abandoned us so you can forgive us that one).
I wasn't sure if the more informative relaxed approach by QVC USA was a recent or long-standing one. I much prefer it and hope to see it introduced. No doubt time and money has been thrown at market research over the years; and that want be to benefit shoppers but the selling juggernaut that is QVC. I enjoy some elements of buying from QVC but they can get a bit desperate and I hate pressure techniques...and the fact I can fall for it. A move in this direction might feel like a move towards respecting us as customers and not treating us as 'marks' to be manipulated.

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