I think its too encourage people to watch....mostly the more you watch..the more chance there is that you will buy something (as is my case mostly :wonder
Take today as an example.I love OPI.Had the details not been released on here,I would have watched a couple of the shows,and if the TSV had not been for me,I'm sure I would have bought something else.As it happens the details were on here....I thought about it for a couple of days....looked at my bank balance (eek!)....thought about it some more...and actually no,its not good value for me as I only really liked one colour.As a result,I've not watched a single OPI show today.Or any QVC today ....yet.I'm sure this is not what QVC want.
I'm sure also QVC don't want me to know the details of future TSV's..in case it puts me off buying todays,tomorrows,the weekend ones etc....I'm sure they'll just hope I'll impulse buy the lot and get carried away with the hype.
The TSV's I do get notice of, are more my considered purchases and are rarely sent back.Its because I've thought and thought,investigated,checked and done some more thinking.Thats why I'm so grateful to this forum of advanced notice of TSV's.
I wonder sometimes if QVC do release details to some customers before an upcoming TSV,to try and limit some return purchases.I'm not suggesting for one minute that those who receive details early are in QVC bad books.....................but a lot of customers do get warning early from particular brands.I wonder if these particular brands actually specify that they want the details out early.....as maybe the return rate on their TSV's are high....and they're actually trying to stop impulse buyers.Its the only reason I can think its why it happens on some brands....and not others.Maybe Kelly Hoppen,SBC,kipling are happy to get back and pay for the returns.....whilst the likes of Decleor and Elemis aren't....but still enjoy the enormous customer base of QVC.