Why are QVC showing repeats?


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Actually there are cities up here - with cars and buses and industry (well, just about), even motorways, and people who have to go to work and schools.
Oh, but OF COURSE, you were just joking.

That would be a fair reaction if a load of people from the south of England had started a thread saying how much more important the South East is, and how nobody up North, or any incident that takes place north of Watford, is of any consequence.

But that's not what happened, is it?

In reality, early on in this thread (on repeats, not snow!) there were quite a few scathing comments on the self-importance of Londoners/Southerners and/or the bias of the media. And when people responded trying to point out that the infrastructure for coping with bad weather just isn't as good down here, plus the number of people living and working in the south meant it probably merited more coverage than similar weather would in the north, some people STILL kept banging on with their sad, partisan competitive 'north v south' comments.

I've said it before - if people don't like sharp retorts or strong disagreement, don't post provocative comments in the first place....
That would be a fair reaction if a load of people from the south of England had started a thread saying how much more important the South East is, and how nobody up North, or any incident that takes place north of Watford, is of any consequence.
But that's not what happened, is it?
In reality, early on in this thread (on repeats, not snow!) there were quite a few scathing comments on the self-importance of Londoners/Southerners and/or the bias of the media. And when people responded trying to point out that the infrastructure for coping with bad weather just isn't as good down here, plus the number of people living and working in the south meant it probably merited more coverage than similar weather would in the north, some people STILL kept banging on with their sad, partisan competitive 'north v south' comments.

I've said it before - if people don't like sharp retorts or strong disagreement, don't post provocative comments in the first place....

Actually I was joining in the with the joke - it was, after all, a friendly conversation, wasn't it? I am sorry that I didn't make that clear enough.
I realise that London is very important, that there are ten million people there etc, and that the media, government and business are based there - so naturally it gets more coverage in the day to day news. What I had been trying to point out (unsuccessfully apparently) was that, due to the exceptional media bias to events in London (and the usual downplaying of 'snow events' - who thought that one up? - in the Northern two-thirds of the nation) that those of us 'up here' did not at first realise the extent to which the South was suffering.
I was certainly not having a go at anyone in the South (as it happens I am not even in the true North, I am in the North Midlands and happen to have some southern blood in me too). I was not posting 'provocactive comments' nor being 'partisan' - personally I was simply trying to explain why there might have been some underestimation of the severity of the conditions down there.
I've looked back at the thread and fail to see anything I have said that was 'scathing' etc. I don't think anyone meant to be insulting either (not even the comment about Farmer Giles, to which I was replying in the comment you are now responding to). The whole thread seemed to be good natured enough. It was, as I say, a friendly conversation that segued from the reasons for the repeat hours into a fun discussion about the snow and the media attitude to it.
I am sorry that it has come to people being annoyed with one another.
It is funny how people can't see 'friendly banter' as such and think people are 'having a go'.

I personally see forums as good places to have a debate and surely all sides of the argument should be put without people taking offence.
I hope that wasn't me ... I don't think anything I wrote was mean. If you think it was, I apologise.

By the way, we got smacked with snow today - and my local bus company managed to get me to the shops a mile and half from home, then abandoned the service before they took me back home because there was too much traffic, not because the conditions were so bad! So the way to avoid having a service that does not run to schedule is to abandon it altogether! So apparantly we are getting soft up here too! Good job I had my YakTrax on!
It sure wasn't you nicky yes I have a similar pair there great aren't they. the funny thing is that it was nice to have a bit of snow down here its absolutely years since we had anything like that. Sorry about your journey its probably health & safety why they take buses off the road these days.
It sure wasn't you nicky yes I have a similar pair there great aren't they. the funny thing is that it was nice to have a bit of snow down here its absolutely years since we had anything like that. Sorry about your journey its probably health & safety why they take buses off the road these days.

That's okay then - it's so easy to write something that seems inoffensive at the time, but doesn't always come out that way.

I was a bit bothered about it really because I was diagnosed with asthma (nothing major but bad enough) and cold weather can really set me off - I was convinced that I was going to have an attack or something on the way back, especially since I was on my own and the streets were deserted. But my medication worked really well and gave me so much confidence I went back out a few hours later to take photos of the snowmen the local kids had built!
i know what you mean I was diagnosed 8 years ago and can be a bit frightening I seem to be worse in the hot weather we sometimes get a few years ago it was quite bad.

Glad your okay now xx

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