Who is your favourite guest?


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I used to like Lee {the old Lee not the newer version} from Philosophy. Jill Goldsmith, Molton Brown and Timber, Smashbox. I like Doris, Doll 10 and the Tarte guest sorry forgotten her name.
Don't know her name, the lady that presents Clarks shoes. Clear spoken, nice voice and manner and knows the products.
I liked Leighton Denny and will miss him. I also miss Lisa from OPI, that new guest looks like a shark! It's her teeth l think!!!
Nicky from Lola Rose is OK and I like Yankee Rosa. I think that Evie who represents Join clothing is relaxing to watch.The Together lady is a good presenter but she's hardly on and is always replaced with Carla Lazlo who is never off the damn screen. I think my favourite though is Jiulieta (not sure if this is spelt right) from Veronese jewellery. Her voice is so lovely and calming. I could nod off watching her - but l mean that in a good way, its not that l am bored.
Alexis from L'Occitane knows her stuff and is no nonsense with the presenters though I accept she can be a bit aloof and superior.

Marla Wynne has a friendly personality and good sense of humour

Others I like have been mentioned. Marie Francoise, Lenny, Ralph, June, Dominique
Ralph the Honora man seems OK to me when I've watched. He seems calm, knowledgeable about his products, nice voice and there's an absence of that well-known Q complaint, ego trip-itis.
My favourite is Ralph Rossini from Honora. He is a gentleman and knows his pearls. Also Marie Francois from Kipling - again she knows what she is talking about. She's bubbly and enthusiastic about her products. Also like Nikki from Lola Rose - good products and a pleasant lady to listen to.

From past guests I liked Timber from Smashbox, Carolyn Pollack from South Western silver, and Leighton Denny. All were great guests, don't know why they aren't on any more.
I used to like Lee {the old Lee not the newer version} from Philosophy. Jill Goldsmith, Molton Brown and Timber, Smashbox. I like Doris, Doll 10 and the Tarte guest sorry forgotten her name.

Some good blasts from the past there! I used to really enjoy Timber's shows. Old Lee was really sweet and nervous when he first started.
Lenny & Leighton were my two favourites.
I like Ralph, Doris & Laura Geller.
1. Dominic from Aurora - he is such a gentleman - it is awful the way the female presenters are overtly sexy towards him - wouldn’t be tolerated from a male presenter

2. June from Frank Usher - such a lady - living a different lifestyle from me when she goes Office to Opera but I can forgive her because I genuinely think she might do this.

3. Dominic from Taxco – she is the designer not just a so called stylist or brand ambassador

4. Ralph Rossini – I know he isn’t liked on here but I really like him and his pearls

5. Nicki from Birkenstock – really knows her stuff – there is not a question she can’t answer fully

6. Nicki from Lola Rose – again the designer so she knows her stuff

7. Either of the Yankee Candle guests – know their stuff

8. I used to really like Carla when she did only the Tig bags but now she is getting annoying as she is on every show

9. Alison O’Reilly – I used to like her but again she has been overexposed

Now I may not always buy the above products but that doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t watch a show which is down purely to the guest not being a pillock

I even quite like Maxine from Bibi - she can be a laugh depending on the presenter she is with.
That’s about it – all the rest annoy me

My list is very similar to yours.

I would add Marla Wynn - she's got a fun way about her without being loud and obnoxious. The models clearly love working with her.
I also like Simon Brown - he's got a great sense of humour and has a wonderful rapport with most of the presenters.
I'd also add Laura Geller - she's very warm and friendly.
Another vote also for George Clowes on the gardening shows (wouldn't grumble if he replaced Richard Jackson). And talking of wonderful older gentlemen guests - I'll add Joan Collins' Peter. Real old-style charm about him.
And just for the hell of it - let's add Joanie in there... the presenters all seem terrified of her (which I love).

I used to love Lennie (RIP) and Leighton Denny.
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My favourites are Rose and Steven from Yankee, MF from Kipling and probably top is Ginetta from Veronese. Saw her recently and was reminded of how much I like her. She is stylish but also warm. She doesn't seem to be on so much lately. Love her accent.
I suppose he's more of an in-house guest, but Simon Brown is great - never patronising, good sense of humour, and he clearly must spend days prepping his shows.
I agree with a lot of the suggestions already mentioned.

June, Frank Usher. She doesn't live in the same world as us, but who cares, she's a lovely lady.
Marla Wynne, The least American guest they've got that is from America. No over the top theatrics and a good sense of humour.
Rosa, Yankee. Down to earth and knows the products. (I still can't get away with Stephen though).
Stacey, YBF. Yes, she's stuck in the 80's, but she does love & know her range.
Joan Collins. I've always been a fan, and she doesn't disappoint on Q. I think most of the presenters are a little bit terrified of her which is great to watch.

Now I know she's apparently a bit of a diva, and many people don't like her, but my all time favourite is probably Liz Earle. I don't think I've watched a full hour show since she left, and when she makes one of her brief returns it just reminds me how good she is. I've nothing against Caroline, but I know what she's going to say before she says it but I never feel like I'm stuck in Groundhog Day with Liz. I doubt she'll ever make a full time return, but I'll continue to watch when she does pop in from time to time.
Joan Collins. I've always been a fan, and she doesn't disappoint on Q. I think most of the presenters are a little bit terrified of her which is great to watch.

I agree, I think they're nervous to interrupt Joan so it's really great just listening to her speaking about her stories and products without interruption. She's great on screen and she knows her products, you can tell she really uses them and was part of the creative process, and she really engages with those who use her products via social media.

All in all a great guest who doesn't tolerate stupid chit chat from the presenters, but manages to remain warm at the same time.
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There's quite a consensus here unusually !

I prefer the 'gentle' guests to the lively shouty ones (Mally) or PITA ones eg Lulu.

So my top five in no order:

Rosa for YC
Marie Francoise Kipling
Nicki. Birkenstock
Simon Brown
The American woman that usually does the Carole Hochman shows
Maxine for BiBi. I think her accent adds to her personality

I also enjoy Simon Wilson but it depends on the presenter. He and Julia Roberts are 'cosy', Gilly Halliday is just right and Jill Franks seem scared of him
Keeley. She talks utter rubbish and doesn't have a clue about anything to do with skincare, but her voice is lovely and she's very calming to listen to. I like hearing about her padina pavonica this and coral soils that even if it's nonsense.

Laura Geller. Nice voice, she seems like a lovely lady and I like some of her range.

Terri from Josie Maran. Again a lovely soothing voice and it's nice to hear about first cold pressed oil and all that.

Ralph. He just seems really enthusiastic, professional and not egotistical like so many guests can be.

Simon Brown. Knows what he's talking about and just gets on with it, seems like a normal and pleasant chap. He's very professional and not arrogant.

Ginetta. She's knowledgeable and professional, has a gorgeous accent and shows a sense of humour without being annoyingly cackly/shrieking with laughter.
liz earle bores me to tears. she sounds patronising at best. but she is a success in the world of beauty but why do her staff have to act like stepford wives?
Alexis from L'Occitane

Now there is a guest I cannot stand. All that smugness whilst continually washing her hands makes me want to slap her
alexis does not look friendly at all. she reminds me of victoria beckham they only love thier family and darling children. cold as ice
alexis does not look friendly at all. she reminds me of victoria beckham they only love thier family and darling children. cold as ice

The year I went I had a lovely chat with another lady on the L'Occitane stand...then when Alexis was so ill with pneumonia, she was on as a guest on a couple of occasions. I liked her. She was also very well spoken, but much warmer-seeming.

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