I agree with many other posters that implementing this major change over the Easter break was an ill-thought and knee jerk type of reaction.
I don't like it personally but can appreciate that the presenters will have had difficulty answering jewellery related questions, which often got "lost" amongst the other banter. This new 2 chat room system does breakdown the fun / interaction with the presenters. We have all come to feel as though we know them and Rocks had much more of a community atmosphere and the new system has put a virtual fence up between us.
I agree with Meeshoo's suggestion regarding an on-screen requests button. I emailed the same suggestion to Steve myself several months ago. I received a reply from Steve, saying that this was something they were already working on and I should keep my eyes open in a week or two. However, no such function ever materialized. Another suggestion I made, was a sort of top 10 requests show. People should use a request button and once or twice a week, perhaps a top 10 requests hour could take place. That way, at least some customers would have the opportunity to buy popular items. it need not be limited to a top 10, it could be a general requests spot. I am sure you all understand my point.
As for the constant requesting in the chat room. Requests not sent via the help team, or whatever system was in place, I feel should be ignored totally. The presenters asked us not to request via the chat box but many continued to shout requests. Then, their bad behaviour was often rewarded by their requested items being aired. We don't reward our children's bad behaviour by giving them what they want, at least I never did!
Well, that is my own take on the subject. There is so much more I could say but I think I will leave it there. I agree with so many of your previous comments (on both sides of the fence). I hope that my words have not offended anybody personally as this was never my intention.
Inge x
