Which presenter can you not watch for a whole hour?


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TBH most of them but Alison Young, Jill Franks, Debbie Flint and Charlie are top of my list. Marverine is also a late entry to that list !
Craig R ...too smarmy and tries too hard

Marverine C ... the drone of her voice and the eye rolling.
Catherine, Jill, Craig and Marverine annoy me all of the time. With the rest it depends on my mood and what they are doing - Jackie for example does a lot of hair fixing which can annoy me!
I think Claire Sutton is the most patronising by a long chalk!!!! I also have problems with Jill, Catherine, Marverine, Debbie on most of their shows. Craig and Charlie I have to switch off in food shows. Jackie can be a bit cold. So nearly all of them, lol!!!!!!!!!
Oops, I forgot Chloe and I did actually switch her off quite recently when her ****** teddy was being discussed yet again.
From what I've seen so far, Marverine

I'm not keen on Craig or Simon, but I'd watch them if it was a show I particularly wanted to see.
Marverine with all the exaggerated facial expressions
Jill watching the monitor whilst flicking her hair
Charlie gushing over the fashion he`s presenting ..I think he`d model them if given half a chance!
Craig because he buys and loves everything on QVC! ......and eats for England on kitchen hours !!
Not even a minute of Simon Biagi, he has his shirt open several buttons undone and he's showing loads of grey chest hair - there were closeups.
Not keen on the usual suspects Jill Franks, Debbie Flint, Maverine, Craig. Chloe I really don't mind.
depends what the product is really...I don't really have strong opinions..I find Maverine (sp) very hard to watch and Jill franks.I can get through a debbie flint if its something I really want to watch.I just cannot watch or listen to mally under any circumstances - and actually kathy taylor is quite difficult too
Marverine with all the exaggerated facial expressions
Jill watching the monitor whilst flicking her hair
Charlie gushing over the fashion he`s presenting ..I think he`d model them if given half a chance!
Craig because he buys and loves everything on QVC! ......and eats for England on kitchen hours !!
Claire Sutton drives me round the bend with her childish voice and mannerisms, she needs to grow up. Marverine has an incredibly annoying voice, if she lasts two minutes on my telly she is lucky. I can take Jill Franks in small doses but like someone else says it really does depend on what they are presenting. Debbie Flint goes for the hard sell too much so is only on in my house for ten minutes unless its something I am really interested in. I know Mally is a guest but she is annoying beyond belief. Her screeching and shrieking is terrible, I can't watch her at all.
Debbie Flint, Julia Roberts,Jill Franks, Marverine, Craig and my pet hate Chloe. It doen't leave many does it? Just thought of my other pet hate, sickly sweet Catherine, she is so false.
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