Where do you keep them ? Perhaps you have that enviable commodity ... plenty storage space.I have far too many. My excuse is they arent dependant on your dress size!
Where do you keep them ? Perhaps you have that enviable commodity ... plenty storage space.I have far too many. My excuse is they arent dependant on your dress size!
Totally agree, and for me it has come with age and experience. I've not got a massive amount of money to spend, but enough to treat myself and my family but I'm a lot more fussy nowadays and have started to consider "Do I really NEEEEED this thing I'm about to put in my virtual basket?"Those with lots of disposable cash who watch QVC can end up with a surplus of everything. I am at that point in my life when I am giving possessions away, not collecting more. I'm often tempted, because the qvc presenters are very good at their jobs, but I resist ninety percent of the time. Too much "stuff" is a shell on your back.