What's your least favourite qvc fashion range?


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Bea Frugal

Registered Shopper
Feb 1, 2010
That's putting it politely. Should really be what's your most despised qvc fashion range. I realize that there is a long list of entries in this category but for me the the winner, by a couple of furlongs, is.... Indigo Moon.

I just happened to catch a bit of the outlet show just now and there was a ghastly jacket on offer with free p&p and a grand saving on the jacket itself of 75p. Down to £38.25 from £39. I can honestly say that if I saw the jacket on a rail in a charity shop for 75p I wouldn't give it a second look.

If any of you do like the range then I'm sorry, but to me these jackets look tired, often poor quality fabric (synthetic silk which looks like lining material) and unbelievably hideously adorned with the entire contents of the local clothing recycling bin, cut up and then selected in the dark, for maximum variety and effect. Talk about overkill.

I have never bought any clothing from qvc and never seen anyone wearing any of it. The only range that I have considered buying is style inc. The t-shirts seem to be good quality, well priced and most importantly wearable without screaming ill-fitting or tasteless.
Well I realise that 'fashion' is a personal thing (which is good), and what one hates someone else loves.

But personally you would never catch me in a piece of Quacker Factory! (it was those QF cruise pictures that did it for me!).
The words "fashion" and QVC do not really go together, for me. Years back I bought a couple of 3/4 length shirt blouses by (I think) Mr Maxx, and they were good, but I have to say I don't usually bother watching fashion hours.
I agree that a lot of QVC stuff is a bit iffy and often overpriced. However, if you pick and choose carefully, you can get some good pieces. Here are my views:

Don't like:
Quacker Factory - gimmicky
Michele Hope - too pastel-y, fussy and frilly, horrid material
Kim & Co - clingy, material is a bit yuk, too expensive
Indigo Moon - too much embroidery and glitter
Dolce Carbo - so expensive
George Simonson - frumpy

Quite like:
Dreamkeeper - pretty and unusual, but pricey

Modern Soul - have quite a few bits, which are very serviceable
Style Inc - sporty stuff is good, have had some for ages and is a good as new
Ronni Nicole - attractive and easy to wear, reasonable
Centigrade coat - can be very good value, good styles. My daughter has a coat which she wears everyday to school and all her friends want to know where it comes from. Washes well and only cost about £30

Used to like:
Markon shoes
Mint clothes
Quacker Factory & Indigo Moon, but IMHO all the fashion ranges on QVC are dire.
It's not a fashion paradise, is it? I especially dislike Quacker Factory, Artscapes, Michelle Hope and Kim & Co. I do like Ronni Nicole, some Tiana B (I have one plain black Tiana B dress which may be the most flattering thing I've ever worn!), the occasional Attitudes by Renee piece, and I have a terribly weakness for Dreamkeeper. I have one Centigrade coat which is superb - every other piece of theirs, I've sent back. Oh, and Breezies bras - I adore them!
I am bot very keen on the majority of QVC fashion but have ordered a Ronni Nicole dress so hopefully that will be ok
What's the least favourite? Blimey it would be easier to tell you which I do like!!

Received a Quaker Factory Xmas tree jumper once as an Xmas present, (funnily enough)!! Never worn, ended up on eBay, think I got a quid for it!

Why is everything SO frumpy? Why are those Dreamkeeper things SO expensive and so large?! They can't be flattering to wear!

Indigo Moon would have gone down well......... in the 80's and that Kim & Co stuff must show off lumps and bumps surely? It looks so clingy and the patterns......... urrghh!

I'm adding Dennis Basso! After reading on here about his fur trading, I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole!
Thanks for all your comments. I agree that quacker and MH are also strong contenders in the category but they are saved by occasionally producing one or two pieces that are plain or hardly embellished which you could wear if everything else was in the wash!
Can't say i am a fan of any fashion range @QVC but have been tempted with the illusion that some things may suit me ( not) I tend not to buy fashion or shoes on line anymore as most go straight back.Have to admit to 2 pairs of Kim & Co. trousers which I always thought were going to be too short for me---Oh no! they are so long have shortened twice.They are a good weight, drape well & feel comfortable.I don't do very hot climates but have worn on holiday recently & they don't crease, bag @ the kness etc. & am pleased with them.
That's another point Silver Fox. I guess you must be fairly tall and still needed to shorten the Kim trousers you bought. I am not tall and when I see long trousers and skirts nearly on the floor on the models I can only gawp because I would look like I was melting into a puddle if I tried them on.
Quacker. Basso. Michelle Shapeless. Most of but not all Kim n Co mmmmgiggles (some of her faux wrap dresses in more sedate prints are lovely). Lilly and Van - which I see is coming back. Meh.

I loikes some Casual and Co stuff and Modern Soul is lovely. Beth Terrell and Centigrade for the most part are winners for me too.
It's got to be Dreamkeeper. Did anyone see the massive shroud - sorry, polyester poncho - that they were flogging last night?

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