What's been your biggest waste of money from QVC?


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This has been one of the funniest threads I have read in a long time, all the stuff that people have bought. So of course I have to share my waste-of-moneys.

A hand-held penguin steam cleaner thing, that didn't clean a darn thing, just left behind wet. Sat in the cupboard for years after.

A set of candles (not yankee) that stunk.

A multi jewelled ring that looked like it cost 50p out of a machine.

A bed feather top mattress thing, felt like you were on a ship as it moved around constantly all night, sheets kept coming off, constantly hoovering up the feathers, boiled to death each night. Hello dump...

A leg exerciser thing that you had to stand on & pump up & down. I pumped up & down on it about 5 times. The most exercise it gave me was putting it up the attic, then bringing it back down. I eventually put it out my back lane & some silly sod took it. Good luck to them.

Slim-Be sachets to help make you feel full before eating so you eat less, tried about 2 sachets, they eventually ran out of date so they went in the bin. Face facts, it'll take me more than Slim-Be to stop me eating.

Kim & Co top looked great on the model, of course I thought I was 5ft 11 & gorgeous, looked hideous on me, never wore it out the door.

Numerous other things which you spot from time to time in the pound shops.

Wonder what my next disaster will be..... :blush::blush::blush:

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