Whatever Kim Is On I Want Some!


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Mar 3, 2014
I have watched K&C since it first appeared on Q and I have always been in awe of Kim's energy, whatever she is on I want some, if she could bottle that and sell it on Q I would buy the lot!

Have to say tonight she doesn't seem her usual self, I've never seen her make mistakes, maybe she is tired but you'd never know it lol!
I spoke to Kim a couple of years ago at a customer event and she wasn't like her usual onscreen persona; she seemed self-conscious, diffident and quiet. I wonder if it's nervous energy that drives her unpunctuated on air spiel?

Got to hand it to her, she usually know sizes and item numbers from memory and takes the initiative to get them said early on in each airing; if only presenters would follow suit?

I hope it's just jet lag and she's back to her usual self soon.
Can you imagine Kim and Nina Leonard in the green room together....it would be like a 'gaggle of geese'
I have to mute her after a few mins....she makes my head ache....
I've always wondered what Kimmy is like in 'real life' as I can't imagine somone being like that (or having to live with or work for her) day in day out!
It is amazing how much energy and enthusiasm she has but it definitely strikes me as nervous, almost hysterical energy a lot of the time. It makes me a bit on edge as it doesn't seem natural manner in some ways.
Which is not to say I don't like her as I do!

She really didn't seem her usual level of bubbliness this tsv launch though so maybe she's a bit flat. Towards the end Debs asked her if she could say what items were coming up in the day and she just said 'no', giggled and really didn't share anything! And she didn't know what time her shows were today either which is most unlike her.
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I'm not a fan of her clothes, but I always think she is very well informed about her range. She knows every measurement, colour, fabric, unlike some of the other designers who sound/look as if it's the first time they've seen their designs! She is a bit hyper and sometimes has rather strange facial expressions, but she knows her stuff, even although she talks like is runaway train!

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