What will Q bring us in the New Year?


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Mar 7, 2012
in the past I was buying something most weeks but gradually have fallen out of love and purchased nothing since September and watched very little.

I think this was mainly due to an overload of beauty items which I had no interest in, but even the few non beauty shows we're boring beyond belief.

I have watched a bit over the last few days (and ordered a few clearance items) but find the presenters are getting on my nerves so much it is not worth it!!

surely there must be something new for 2014 but I suspect that we will see:

Diet chef
Zumba or some other celeb workout
Steam mop to spring clean - sorry that was today - but I'm sure it will many more outings
All the old beauty brands - to brighten our skin after the winter

what brand new item would you like to see?
I expect 2014 will bring the same old brands from Q , I doubt much will change. P&p will continue to increase and the same brands will have TSV every 6-8 weeks. I predict there will be another cull of presenters ;), which might not be a bad thing.

I hope Molton brown returns along with Aveda , id love to see Kringle Candles and some new Kitchen ranges ( not cooks essentials ).
A total revamp I hope. Less of the hard sell, lots more choice of products, more professional presenters instead of the banshees we have now, a new " beauty expert " and capped or preferably free p and p.
Item wise, I`d love to see some good quality, reasonably priced gold jewellery, some new brands in practically everything, less boring tsv`s and fewer beauty shows.
I guess it`s all a pipe dream though.
I suspect as iloveallthingsitalian has listed, all the usual same old same.

I have on a number of occasions referred to QVC as a dinosaur, they just lumbered on following the same tracks as always. They cannot see if they do not change they will die. But as long as people buy and they make money, then they will live in their little bubble of "We are the Best and don't change it!"
I don't foresee any major changes. They're obviously going with tried and trusted sellers with tried and trusted presenters in a tried and trusted format. B-o-r-i-n-g. I'd like to see Mountain Warehouse outdoor goods, Woolovers, M&S brands, much cheaper p&p. But it ain't gonna happen, so dream on.
It will be the same old same old good old bose candle blowing out some kind of exercise apparatus Dickie jackson selling his products but who knows we might see something new i live in hope.
I hope there will be new shows,new products and ideas and capped p&p.

I'm personally sick of the amount of beauty shows - I see on FB that they've announced another beauty meet the experts today.I've never bought any elemis,gatineau,decleor etc....and I'm so over expensive shower gels and soaps like L'occitane.I've never had any interest in molten brown either (arent they just another L'Occitane??) so I cant even excited about them coming back.

I'd like to see better clothing ranges like Joe Browns - I'd like to see more things for the home other than bedding,pots and yankees.I'd like them to think of more creative things - why not have a day or hour a month dedicated to dragons den for example? theres been lots of products on there that I've thought ooh thats thats a good idea.

Lots of people used to make fun of QVC in their early days but at least they had stuff was different - hard to buy elsewhere.I can remember days of Moira S with her bags and scarves,what was the comb hairbands called? sometimes they had sets of hairbands and sarongs - travelon were quite new and different in their first airings,casual and co had beach bags and flipflops as tsv's......they may not have been things I'd buy but at least they were different and not this continuous loop that we have now.

I agree and I think more presenters will go - but is it cost effective to replace them with new??New presenters won't liven it all up....new products will.
They'll certainly have to liven things up to get me watching again - apart from Kipling hours I don't watch at all (and my last two bags were purchased on Black Friday and not from Q), and I only purchase my ABC skinwash as and when required thru the website if I can't get it cheaper from ABC Beauty Shop...also for the first time this year I neither bought nor received Xmas gifts purchased from Q. It's just all become so boring & predictable, they need a damn good shake-up.
It would be nice if the Q would realise that some of us out here, are not larger sized women, and catered for us. All current ranges seem to offer their clothes for larger ladies; I am a petite size 4 - 6 and, despite contacting the Q, am unable to even watch the fashion shows, as I know they do not come in my size. For me to even consider making a purchase, if they did my size, it would have to be a trendy, fashionable range, such as Abercrombie and Fitch, Hollister or Boden for example, at competitive prices. They need to make their prices, inclusive of postage, better value than if we bought from the official website. I cannot see them doing this. Also, I feed my boxers organically natural and holistic dog food / treats; the only one offered by the Q, is pet munchies, the price of which, when postage is added, is not better value than elsewhere. I feed mine Pooch and Mutt, Hungry Hector, Mark and Chappell, so these brands would be a welcome addition. I always get free p+p when I order them, and I don't think QVC will do that.
I think what QVC need to do, is more of a generic and strategic move. On brands which are available online (as above), they need to either offer free delivery, or reduce the cost to take postage into consideration. Also regarding delivery, so many other online retailers are delivering free within a couple of days, so the Q needs to speed up delivery time. I get my guys' food delivered by Yodel, and it arrives at the latest in two days - free standard delivery. DPD is another excellent company. Perhaps the Q needs to look further into this.
As has been said, I also haven't been watching the channel anywhere near as much or spending hardly anything. It is only my opinion but, if the Q doesn't improve in certain areas, and ensure the customer feels they are getting vfm, 2014 will see a reduction in sales and, consequently, profit. That would be a shame, because QVC does offer things I either cannot purchase elsewhere, or not at as keen a price. I have also always found customer services to be excellent. We'll have to wait and see what next year brings.
My initial thought was "same old sh#t"

However is it possibly to be lively without being accused of (here comes that dirty word on here) hardsell
A total revamp I hope. Less of the hard sell, lots more choice of products, more professional presenters instead of the banshees we have now, a new " beauty expert " and capped or preferably free p and p.
Item wise, I`d love to see some good quality, reasonably priced gold jewellery, some new brands in practically everything, less boring tsv`s and fewer beauty shows.
I guess it`s all a pipe dream though.

I'd like some more gold as well now that prices are dropping. I'd like more 18k, artisan crafted, at really keen prices, and a return to the days when they told us the weight as well. I'd also like a few bracelets for the very small wrist. I don't enjoy wearing a bracelet half way up my arm. I'd like to see new gold experts too. Time to put Jan Springer out to pasture. I know it's a tall order but I'd like some impartial expertise. Have to say, Julia Roberts does manage to deliver that quite often. She'll give accurate descriptions of items and point out that some people will be disappointed if they are expecting this that or the other.

I'd like to see no!no! given the heave-ho. Far too much air time. Surely everyone who wants it has got it now (and probably returned it as well, if the reviews are anything to go by). I'd like returned items (like the no!no!) not to be sent out to other buyers. If I'm interested in something that I think should be pristine for the sake of hygiene and shelf life then I'll only buy it if it's a tsv, to be sure it's fresh and unused.

I'd like to see more customer involvement on shows and fewer celebrity endorsements. And Of Course, less screeching and desperation all round.
I think the bottom line for QVC is profit, not entertainment. It'll be the same old same old for 95% of the time with a small smattering of new ventures which don't wander too far from the reliable formula for them. They don't need to take risks, nor provide greater choice, not cheaper, faster delivery if their sales remain on a par or greater than previous years. They're unlikely to branch out into selling ranges that are established online retailers in their own right, unless the vendor offers tempting discounts in return for spreading their profile to a wider audience. They'll take the hit of a few loss-leaders if it channels QVC traffic to their own website, and suffer the returns, only to drop off QVC as quickly as they arrived.
I'm under no illusion that QVC will strive to provide me with greater choice, taking the trouble to source and stock extra size ranges. They'll bring back gold jewellery as a regular choice when they can offer tempting prices and turn a generous profit.

I like Donna's dinosaur analogy. It may not happen for another decade but the La Brea tar pits may be waiting for them if they don't work to evolve.
I hope we have fewer of the special 'Fashion Weekends' or 'Diamonique Days'. They bore me senseless and I end up turning off. Mind you as my New Years Resolution is to spend less at QVC maybe they are a good thing. I too would like postage to be reduced, I really do not know how they can justify what they charge for such a poor service. I also have no interest in the food shows when they try and sell us pies and the like, I really wouldn't buy food from QVC. We can be sure of loads of boring gardening shows and the odd 'celebrity' selling their keep fit dvd. Oh and don't forget Diet Chef and Easiyo Yogurt - they are always endlessly on air in the new year. Boring!!!!!!
I doubt QVC will offer any major changes in the coming year.
There only real opposition for me was the long defunct HSE.
I think it is going to take a lot to tempt me back. I have gone back to the high street stores for make up. I can get samples of what I want to try, try is for a few days and then decide if I want to buy. No more guessing of colours for foundation, lippy or whatever and if I get it wrong, paying to return it.

Whenever I want new product I can book in for a make up session with Dior, Lancôme! YSL and so on.

I got some Kiehls skin are for Christmas. I had a skin are make over in JL last April and they gave me loads of samples to try and wrote down everything they used on my skin. I went back to the same store this month, they got out my card to see what they had used,I bought a cream then sent my parents in to pick something from the other products for me for Christmas. They picked three things. The girl boxed them up on a bed of dried flowers ,wrapped them in tissue and put a very posh sticker on the tissue before putting a lovely ribbon on the box. It looked fab, really special and she put 9 yes, 9 free samples ( generous sizes too) in the box. She gave me 2 samples with the cream I bought too.

Now QVC, what you gonna do to compete with that?
I'm no expert Sharon but that sounds like excellent customer service to me! :mysmilie_59:

(Plus I have a mental image of the scene in Love Actually where Rowan Atkinson is gift-wrapping a present bought by Alan Rickman). :mysmilie_19:
It really was the most beautiful presentation I have seen.
I got my son lots of the Men's Clarins skin are for Christmas and I thought they presented that beautifully in a gorgeous box with ribbon but this Kiehls box blew the Clarins out of the water!

If anyone is near Bluewater I can really recommend the Kiehls counter in John lewis.
My skin felt wonderful for about three days after my facial with them.
I'm no expert Sharon but that sounds like excellent customer service to me! :mysmilie_59:

(Plus I have a mental image of the scene in Love Actually where Rowan Atkinson is gift-wrapping a present bought by Alan Rickman). :mysmilie_19:

Was there a cinnamon stick in there too? Lol.

Sounds lovely Sharon -I used a keihls moisturiser for a while-a basic light lotion. I only stopped because my skin started to need someting richer.

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