What was i thinking ???????


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Registered Shopper
Apr 27, 2009
In a very VERY weak moment the other night, I succumbed to the spiel and bought an Elemis gift set complete with carry case (this is what happens when you live on your own, and there is no one other than the dogs to put a stop to the spending !!!!!)

Today I received it, and oh God, its going straight back, the 5 items as the contents of the said carry case are measly - and I'm a huge Elemis fan, but even I have baulked at the £150 spent on this - definately NOT worth even half this price.

Off to the post office now to get this guilty item out of the house - I cant bear to look at it !!!!!!!
Commiserations Brissles we all have our moments of madness. At least it can be returned thanks to MBG or you can return it under DSR regulations within I think 7 days of receipt but may be even longer, if it is unused and have your outward postage refunded. But I think you know this.
I heartily sympathise brissles! And, believe me, there is no correlation between such a 'moment of madness' and living on your own (dogs excepted!) - it's common human behaviour lol!! :confused:

Now you've got it out of the house: :whew: and you can reward yourself with a little: :glass: or maybe just a: :coffee:
I live alone too and am trying to train the dogs to stop me impulse buying. they are totally useless!
If I don't recieve at least one parcel a week I get the bends :happy:
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Brissles, was it the Jewels set in the purple bag? I put it into my basket on more than one occasion, but didn't order. I watched an Elemis show last night on QVC beauty, and it isn't on easy pay anymore, so I'm no longer tempted. I hope it sells out before going on easy pay again lol!!!!
I live alone too and am trying to train the dogs to stop me impulse buying. they are totally useless!

As I recall you have pugs who are wildly extravagant by nature. The very idea of them encouraging restraint is hilarious. However if a pug isn't happy about something the world will be informed and I do think they're right there.
During a stressful time and in the early days of Models Prefer, I ordered over a £100 worth of stuff to cheer myself up. I ended up with yellow powder that made me look jaundiced, foundation that was an oil slick, lipstick which I should have known better to test in daylight, concealer that didn't and eyebrow products. It was an expensive learning curve, although the eyebrow products were good. brissles, :bear: to you, we have a virtual T shirt to share.
Brissles, was it the Jewels set in the purple bag? I put it into my basket on more than one occasion, but didn't order. I watched an Elemis show last night on QVC beauty, and it isn't on easy pay anymore, so I'm no longer tempted. I hope it sells out before going on easy pay again lol!!!!

No, it was the Elemis 6 Piece Anti-Ageing Premium Collection for £147 (gasp) in a purple zip up case, and sold out the night I had a brainstorm. All I wanted was the lip & eye serum, but have decided that "therapy" is a lot cheaper at the moment !!!! Seriously, when I opened the box - the case looked tacky, and I simply refused to pay that sort of money on very little products - a couple of which were the 5ml travel sizes.
We've all been there. You wouldn't dream of spending so much money in a high street store on beauty products but when you're sat there watching the TV (particularly after a glass or two of vino) you're brainwashed into thinking you're saving a fortune and will end up looking like a supermodel. You've lost your P&P but at least you've learnt your lesson.
Write/email QVC within 7 days of receiving item, that you are returning item under DSR, for full refund including P&P. You then have to return in a "reasonable time." I return 2nd class, half of original P&P usually. And on Countdown today, Martin Lewis said just that, adding that the retailers don't tell you about the refunding of the postage, he said, "ask!" Brissles, did you send off your email? I thank you forumites 'cause I learned it from my early lurking days on here! I'll take one of those virtual t-shirts, too.
We've all been there. You wouldn't dream of spending so much money in a high street store on beauty products but when you're sat there watching the TV (particularly after a glass or two of vino) you're brainwashed into thinking you're saving a fortune and will end up looking like a supermodel. You've lost your P&P but at least you've learnt your lesson.

Absolutley. I don't even get on that well with Elemis and I'm in two minds about selling some of my stash on ebay as I'll never use it all. I like and get on with Clarins Cleanser and Toner (probably complete with mineral oil, but hey it works for me)!! Also I've got enough LE to open my own branch, and I do like that range very much but threw my toys out of the pram after the Avon debacle for a bit, but won't cut off my nose to spite my face, or my bank balance for that matter.
my BF scoffs at me if he happens to catch me watching QVC, but i do like to watch the beauty shows even if only for the tips and suggestions....I've never tried any Elemis products before so i ordered the Elemis 6 piece everyday collection with the bag that was on a few days ago... it arrived yesterday and i quite like the set, but i will be putting the items i dont need/like on the auction site, which helps pay for the products i want to keep! We were flicking through the channels and i said ooo! Alpha H hour, so he scoffed and humoured me for a few mins...by the end of the hour i was ordering a set as i havent tried Alpha H products before either..lol he was even telling me what a good buy a set was compared with buying them separately..whilst massing his feet with frangipani oil, which he thought was great, so then he returned the favour by applying it to my legs...quality evening,... LOL!
The kits can be good value and we've all bought kits and TSVs but they're "good value" for a reason. The companies use the kits to upsell. Upselling means flogging us things we don't use at a great price in the hope we will get hooked and ultimately buy them at full price. Or buy more kits because it contains something we've used once and like but have yet to buy full price. It's to tie us into their range. And it obviously works or they wouldn't keep flogging the kits.
For try me sizes and kits, does QVC legally have to say what the item sizes are. I, too, have received doll-size portions and been infuriated at my gullibility. If the ml.contents were shown, we'd be better-informed consumers...and not place that order!
I like that ! 'doll-size portions' - must remember to use that in future !!!!! Like you I was bashing my head on the wall with my stupidity, - makes you wonder how many others are out there of the same ilk and who dont even know this Forum exists to share their woes with !!!!!
I think you're on to a loser there, find dogs are absolutely useless when it comes to practising self restraint.
Been trying to get my lot to help in sticking to my diet but find them less than useless when it comes to enlisting encouragement to resist temptation, especially when it comes to ice cream, rich tea biscuits & Rachel's rhubarb yoghurt. They'd even get it out of the fridge for me if they could.

But they do try don't they?
Can help in a calorie controlled diet, if you let them have what they consider a fair share, & I bet yours are more than willing to help you walk down to the post office.
I didn't know you could get the postage back until last week when I was watching youtube and an ad came on.. I usually skip them if possible but this one was about shopping online and saying you could get your money back from anything bought online including the p&p! I thought thats wierd.. I don't normally see this type of ad on YT then I realised it was part of a campaign by the government to make buyers aware of their rights!

I then thought I wonder if QVC honour that! I'm always annoyed at how much they charge and then you are out of the p&p if you decide to return! Next time I will definitely send them an email! Does the same apply if you order by Qcut? I'm not sure if products bought by phone are covered?
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It's any way of ordering as far as I'm away as the rules covering it are about 'distance selling', ie you can't pick it up and have a look at it first.
It does only apply though if the item is unused, do you can't try it out on your 30mbg and then send it back under dsr. There is a section on the qvc t&cs about it as well as on their returns slips.

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