What on earth was the matter with Debbie F last night, she was terrible!


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Registered Shopper
Jun 24, 2008
I flicked over to see the Temp-tations hour and listened to Debbie Flint stutter and stumble over her words for the whole programme! In the end I lost interest in the items as I was waiting for her to make mistakes. She also used words that no other presenter has used - can't remember them now, but they were fancy words that you would have to look up in a dictionary - I just can't believe how bad she was. If it wasn't for the guest presenter, who described the pieces accurately, the whole show would have been a disaster.

I really don't like Debbie as a presenter. I used to think Jill Franks was my least favourite presenter, but I think she has got better and now Debbie is way down the bottom.

Awful. :mysmilie_81:
I flicked over to see the Temp-tations hour and listened to Debbie Flint stutter and stumble over her words for the whole programme! In the end I lost interest in the items as I was waiting for her to make mistakes. She also used words that no other presenter has used - can't remember them now, but they were fancy words that you would have to look up in a dictionary - I just can't believe how bad she was. If it wasn't for the guest presenter, who described the pieces accurately, the whole show would have been a disaster.

I really don't like Debbie as a presenter. I used to think Jill Franks was my least favourite presenter, but I think she has got better and now Debbie is way down the bottom.

Awful. :mysmilie_81:
I changed my mind about Jill Franks when she was on with John Barrowman thought is was a good show.
PMT, row with other half, tooth ache, bunions, painful piles ? Who knows what goes on behind the public faces of our presenters ?

I'm getting to like Debbie F now. There's just one presenter whose presenting style gets on my nerves, and I just need to become more tolerant !

Linda :mysmilie_348:
I was vaguely watching that....how old fashioned did it look? I couldn't make out what they were on about...just that it was ceramic and non stick as they prized the burnt offerings from the sides of the plate. LOL!

Proves I will watch anything!:mysmilie_34:
I remember when people used to reminisce about past presenters and Debbie was remembered in a very positive light. I then recall quite a lot of excitement on this forum when word got out that Debbie was returning. I am puzzled by the negative comments I now read about her because as I far as I can see she is just the same as she was in the past. I'd love to know why some people have changed their mind so much about her. I think she is ok.
I think she was just finding it hard to enthuse about the kind of pottery that went out of fashion with the Bee Gees...

And the food looked awful, some of it was so burnt on - the chilli (or it could have been blackberry crumble) was awful - the dishes merely served as a culinary graveyard for some lifeless kidney beans and a few doritos...:D
On a plus note I thought DF looked lovely last night. Nice dress, fab hair. Well, something had to detract from the 1970's wares on offer didn't it?! :mysmilie_17:
i loved her searching for items in the kitchen to match the red spotty dishes to; erm ''your framed pictures?'' duh!!!

how about the Ketchup bottle?
I feel like i should stick up for temptations. its great stuff! admittedly not every design is to my taste but i think they are a great and a better looking alternative to the plain old pyrex. i have two sets. a plain muted stripe set (looks decidedly dowdy compared to some designs) at home and a white set with bright flowers in france which look great in an old fashioned looking kitchen.
the old world designs are not my style but we got a big set for my inlaws and they use them all of the time for sunday lunch etc. and my mother would love them if she had somewhere to put them
i think they can look pretty in the right setting and for the right people. i like the new sunflower set and at the price i think they are amazing value
I never saw Debbie first time round, I find sometimes I can watch her and other times not, perhaps it depends on my PMT. I wish she would appear more natural, she always looks like she is wearing very tight control wear, let it hang out girl!
I have to say I used to follow her own website when she used to write newsletters about what she was up to, various business ventures etc. She mentioned various products, some that she used at QVC and I had a query and e-mailed her, not expecting much, but she came back with a very iunformative little e-mail, I had more questions and she answered those too, was very friendly and came across as I remember her. She doesn't do the website now, i don't think, she just does a shortened verion on the QVC site.
i loved her searching for items in the kitchen to match the red spotty dishes to; erm ''your framed pictures?'' duh!!!

how about the Ketchup bottle?

When the guest suggested we should buy them to 'complement our outfits', my head nearly fell off!
Dozy twonk...
I loves Temp-tations! I have quite a few pieces, but not the 70's retro range - what's wrong with 70's retro? I was a kid in the 70's - it was the best! All that brown and green, shag carpets, bell-bottoms/flares, polyester...and brown...and green...:/
I loves Temp-tations! I have quite a few pieces, but not the 70's retro range - what's wrong with 70's retro? I was a kid in the 70's - it was the best! All that brown and green, shag carpets, bell-bottoms/flares, polyester...and brown...and green...:/

i remember the 70's i especially remember a duvet cover my mother used on my bed. green and brown with gynormous orange flowers. we used to live near the beach and in my nightmares the large flowers where the big crabs crawling up my bet to get me.
i remember the 70's i especially remember a duvet cover my mother used on my bed. green and brown with gynormous orange flowers. we used to live near the beach and in my nightmares the large flowers where the big crabs crawling up my bet to get me.

LOL! I remember that pattern - it was on everything from wallpaper, to shirts, to curtains (100% polyester curtains at that). Ah...great times!
LOL! I remember that pattern - it was on everything from wallpaper, to shirts, to curtains (100% polyester curtains at that). Ah...great times!

The really really really scary bit is that it is coming back. Have a look at the "fashionable" wallpaper section. Its scary, although I understand that you are only suppose to paper one wall, so might not be as bad as all that. lol:mysmilie_61:
The really really really scary bit is that it is coming back. Have a look at the "fashionable" wallpaper section. Its scary, although I understand that you are only suppose to paper one wall, so might not be as bad as all that. lol:mysmilie_61:

we had a tiny bedroom in our old house that had been wall papered.... every bit of it (except the shag pile flooring). admittedly the wall paper wasnt green and brown with large orange flowers, it was cream and green with large pink flowers. it covered the walls, the boxing in of beams and empty spaces (i know! i was very curious as to what was being hidden and i was most upset when i found out it was nothing!) even the ceiling was covered in it.
I can honestly say that i have never had so much pleasure from painting a room.
we had a tiny bedroom in our old house that had been wall papered.... every bit of it (except the shag pile flooring). admittedly the wall paper wasnt green and brown with large orange flowers, it was cream and green with large pink flowers. it covered the walls, the boxing in of beams and empty spaces (i know! i was very curious as to what was being hidden and i was most upset when i found out it was nothing!) even the ceiling was covered in it.
I can honestly say that i have never had so much pleasure from painting a room.

That was extreme but it was probably fashionable at the time! The only thing that separates fashion from kitsch is time. In a while we'll be amazed that we had taupe bedding. Or is that just me?????

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