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Margaret Dabbs. I really miss AY scraping a model's foot after its been wrapped in cling film. :sad::sad::sad:
I miss the old days where they brought us the weird and wonderful... now it's just gardening, cosmetics and clothes... and even they're the same things over and over again.
Whatever happened to all those inventors with their own products?
Spanx was it, the upright chicken cooking stand, always fancied one but never got one- did it taste that good though I wonder.
Just looked up what Spanx is HA HA ...please someone, put my out of my misery and tell me what it is ACTUALLY called.
Spanx was it, the upright chicken cooking stand, always fancied one but never got one- did it taste that good though I wonder.
Just looked up what Spanx is HA HA ...please someone, put my out of my misery and tell me what it is ACTUALLY called.
Is it the Apollo Roaster lou? (It looks a bit phallic :bandit
I think it was something like Spanek.
What about the Jewellery Cleaner gadget which used to appear quite regularly? Can't remember the name of the guest presenter but he succeeded in selling one to me! It has two bowls which pulsate to remove the dirt and I have to say that I'm always impressed when I remember to use it......:nod:
What about that stuff that preserved flowers?